Home » The Water Cooler – Do You Think We’ll Ever Have World Peace?

The Water Cooler – Do You Think We’ll Ever Have World Peace?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Do you think we’ll ever have World peace?

Talk about it….

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Probably not. At times the world is more peaceful than others. However, I think there is always going to be someone that don’t have the vision for peace, or someone like Putin that think they can take over another country, sad.

When I was growing up my mother told me a story several times. I was born at the end of WWll (darn now you all know my age) in german occupied Denmark (I was adopted) my parents lived 30 miles of Copenhagen, but had family in Copenhagen. As the war was coming to an end my mother was travelling with me on the train, and a fellow passenger, mentioned that I would probably never live in a world that would be at peace. My mother was incredilus, she thought “what is he talking about, when the war is over there will be peace”. As I was growing up and there were unrest and wars, she told me, how often she taught of him and how right he was. So I reluctantly will have to agree with this unknown man for so many years ago, that had a few minutes conversation with my mothers.


Thank you for sharing that Hanne!
It would be wonderful to have a world in peace but I don’t think it will happen either as long as there’s those nad actors out there. And that will be always. The only thing I firmly believe, and it’s pretty much been proven is that when the United States is strong the world usually stays at peace. It’s when we become weak or have no resolve, that the world problems starts acting up.

No. I don’t think it can be called “peace” – just interim periods with no direct conflicts. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete fool and/or extremely gullible.
There will always be tension among competing national, ethnic, or religious interests – it’s human nature.


God no. This world is too full of crazies. Kim jong un is one of them.


Wars have been going on since man could throw a rock or a stick. In general the public everywhere has no idea of the truth so they are victims of firebrands. Leaders declare wars and the peons die. I don’t see an end to wars in the future. If there was a great negotiator that could sit down with both sides of a potential war and reach an agreement there maybe peace. Don’t think that person has been born yet.

Joe calls the terrorist the other team. We are lost.


But did he call them Jayvee ?

Not yet.


Degree of strife is dependent upon who American President is, as we’re seeing first hand.
obama biden regime of bow, apologize and lecture rather than lead projected weakness.
Appeasement, if we are nice they’ll like us, doesn’t work with terrorists.
What does work, is overwhelming LETHAL force.
“We maintain the peace through our strength;
weakness only invites aggression.”
–Ronald Reagan

“History teaches that war begins when
governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.”
—Ronald Reagan



Don’t think we’ve had peace since the stone ages and maybe not even then. As far as I can remember some part, or most parts, have been at war. World peace won’t happen, just pockets of peace from time to time, here or there.


Not as long as the narcissistic elite run things. Too much money in war.


Humans are tribal by nature, world peace is a myth perpetuated by beauty contestants.

Miss Universe 2023: “I will work towards improving the lives of children of impoverished nations. Towards building bridges between nations to bring about world peace, blah, blah, blah…” Waves her skinny arms, smiles “sincerely”, and struts her medically enhanced body away from center stage to await the contest results.


The world will become more and more unstable as the population continues to grow.

Let’s revisit this two years from now to see how much the population has grown.

No. Man is a fallen, imperfect being and there will always be those who strive to gain power by any means.



There is way too much money being made with wars for the powerful to ever allow peace.



No, people have been violent towards their fellow man since the beginning of time.

Not since Cain and Abel



No chance with the intolerant left, they can’t let others have a differing opinion.


I have encountered intolerance from the right as well as well. Have also encountered from the left, don’t care for it from either side.


sadly, No

Albert Einstein — ‘So long as there are men, there will be wars.’ Seems like women need to run things…. hmm


When I was dating my wife she had two roommates in a three bedroom house. They couldn’t manage to share a cupboard without constant battles. No thanks.


We had Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi, Benizar Bhutto and Golda Meir. None of these countries were free of conflict when they were head of state, although it was not always their fault.

No. Tribalism is as old as time.

“there will be no peace, and the wars won’t cease, until He returns…”


Wait until I get my tiara & bathing suit on, then I’ll answer.


No, it’s all about power and money. We have a cousin who spent time in the U.S. Army. When he got honorably discharged in the early 2000s, he immediately went to work for a PMC (Private Milirary Contractor) in Iraq. In four years with Triple Canopy, he made just over $1 million dollars tax-free! That’s insane! Yes, it was dangerous duty, but who ever heard of a security guard making that kind of money. He then opened his own security company in Virginia where his connections in Iraq earned him Defense Contracts. Follow the $.

No. But I’d like some quiet.

No …. it will take something like an alien invasion to make the world come together – even if to protect earth – but that wouldn’t even last long


The day the earth stood still. Klaatu where are you?

Only in a “One Flew Over to Cuckoo’s Nest” sort of way.

Yes, of course there will be peace one day.
All we need is a visit from an exceptionally large asteroid and there will, finally, be peace.


You’d make a wonderful messiah Ancient One.

Humankind is becoming a very scary species! There is no regret for taking other people’s property, life! So much anger, confusion leaves you frozen and hopeless.
Even if we were all reborn, we would probably still self-destruct.

I understand how you feel. If you think about it though there is just a small percentage of people who have no morals. The vast majority of people raise children properly and go to work everyday and enjoy what life has to offer. Eventually sanity will return to governments and for the most part will protect the citizens. We certainly need leaders who have the safety of the public in mind and not in just holding on to power.

Trying to change the world without changing our minds is like trying to clean the dirty face we see in the mirror by scrubbing the glass. However vigorously we clean it, our reflection will not improve. Only by washing our own face and combing our own unkempt hair can we alter the image. Similarly, if we want to help create conditions that foster peace and well-being in the world, we first need to reflect these qualities ourselves.
The root of all difficulty and conflict lies in the mind; therefore, the solution to all difficulty and conflict lies in changing the mind. To do this, we practice meditation.

The root of all difficulty and conflict lies in the mind; therefore, the solution to all difficulty and conflict lies in changing the mind. To do this, we practice meditation.

Sooner or later we all will get there…

I tend to look at the glass half full. However, having lived as long as I have and have observed world events, and also read several history books from the past, I just don’t see it happening. There will always be a Putin, Hamas, Hitler, Stalin, etc. the best we can hope for is to recognize these evil and power hungry characters and try to contain them as much as possible.

Only when humans become extinct… and that will happen some day.

Sad to say but it seems like people want “piece of Earth” rather than “Peace on Earth”

Well…maybe Whirled Peas.



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