Home » ‘Melanie’s Law’ Requiring Fentanyl Safety Plans In California Schools Signed By Governor

‘Melanie’s Law’ Requiring Fentanyl Safety Plans In California Schools Signed By Governor


Middle and high school students across California will be protected by a new law requiring life-saving prevention and response resources for fentanyl overdoses under legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Newsom announced on Friday that he had signed Senate Bill 10 or Melanie’s Law, introduced by Sen. Dave Cortese, D-San Jose, which aims to prevent and respond to youth fentanyl overdoses through mandated school safety plans requiring prevention, response, training, education and awareness.

According to Cortese’s office, fentanyl is responsible for one in five youth deaths in California.

SB 10 mandates that every public school in California provide training to school employees on opioid prevention and life-saving response under a formal plan known as a Comprehensive School Safety Plan, or CSSP.


Additionally, the bill establishes a state framework to ensure that all students and adults understand the growing risk of youth fentanyl exposure, and have access to the resources needed to prevent and respond to fentanyl poisoning and overdoses.

“When we wrote this bill one year ago, we knew that it would be our most significant piece of legislation in 2023. SB 10 was our top priority because fentanyl has left a trail of devastation across California, and our bill establishes a series of concrete solutions to protect young people,” Cortese said in a statement.

“We created a coalition of parents and educators unwilling to stand by while another young life is lost… As we celebrate SB 10 becoming law, we honor Melanie Ramos, a bright teenager who lost her life to fentanyl. Melanie’s Law will save young lives in California for decades to come,” the senator added.

SB 10 is named in honor of Melanie Ramos, a 15-year-old who overdosed on fentanyl and died in the bathroom of her high school in Hollywood in September 2022. At the time, Melanie and her friend had no idea they were taking fentanyl, Cortese’s office said.


SB 10 would also give school staff, students and families information about the growing risk of opioids, informational material and safety advice, in partnership with the California Department of Education.

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Oh good. Another State-funded program to “raise awareness” which does NOTHING to prevent opioids from being smuggled across CA’s porous border.


And how is the work going to eliminate the street level supply? Any bills getting written on that front?


This should cover Pre-K thru 12, not just Middle and High Schools.
Unless I mis-read the article…


I saw Newsom doing an interview where he said he is aware of the problems we’re having at the southern border, and how the cartels are paying American citizens to smuggle fentanyl into California. Why hasn’t he done something about it? It boggles my mind how voters were duped into voting for this slick, deceitful, narcissistic fraud.


I don’t think voters were duped into voting for liberal politicians. The problem is the California voter is completely and blindly devoted to the liberal ideology. No matter how many kids die from fentanyl or crime or sexual abuse they will believe the insane excuses from their politicians and keep voting for them. The liberal politicians know they won’t ever be voted out so they can do and say whatever they want no matter the damage they inflict on society.


What we need is a closed borders and better policing of drug dealers. I saw a video where they are building cardboard boxes with drugs in between the pieces of cardboard. I would just stop the shipping. Like I said close the border. This is worse than an all out invasion. Like DeSantis said, take out the cartels in Mexico. Feeble Joe is doing nothing. Newsoms plan is needed but it is a surrender plan.


I have little to no tolerance at all for conspiracy theories, but if we were to discover the Chinese government was behind the manufacture, transport and distribution of Fentanyl to the shores of Western countries as part of their grand plan to destabilize us, I would not be the least bit surprised. Pissed, but not surprised.


Most recent “conspiracy theories” have been true. So, there’s that.


The exact opposite is true. Most conspiracies are utter nonsense. Replacing missing information with your belief system is illogical. And a lot of times, childish.

They are doing it and Joe does nothing. He is killing the US.


He can’t be a mushbrained incompetent sod and a criminal mastermind at the same time. God knows Trump couldn’t pull it off. Pick a lane and I’ll gladly join you. But pick one.

Here is the lane. He has always been a crook and liar. However he is now losing it. He has been losing it for a long time. Don’t forget what Obama said about Joe, he screws everything up. He was able to get elected by a lying left wing press and lying bureaucrats. By the time he was elected half his batteries were dead. Now it is three quarters gone. Simple as that.

Biden was not elected.

The operative words in controlling fentanyl imports and drug cartels are “close the border.”


Newscum recently sign the willful defiance bill. Now, are the kids who are bringing drugs, such an fentanyl, to school going to face some kind of penalty? I really don’t think so, though it would be best to expel those types of kids since it could decrease the number of people exposed to the effects of such drugs.

Newscum also signed a bill, I believe it was today, making it mandatory for kids to learn how to write cursive.

U.S Government should take a page from the Swiss Government where the power is had by the people. Swiss citizens decide the laws that govern them. The Swiss even go as far as having the power to decide who has earned and who hasn’t earned the right to be a Swiss citizen



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