The Martinez Refining Company said Friday’s night’s flaring was due to an equipment problem.
The refinery apologized to neighbors and said employees safely responded to resolve the equipment issue.
“Flares are an essential part of a refinery’s integrated, engineered safety system,” MRC said. “They are designed to safely manage excess combustible gases by burning them off efficiently and effectively.”
MRC’s community inquiry phone number is (925) 313-3777 or (925) 313-3601 during off work hours.
The problem was caused by an “equipment issue”. The cause of many failed marriages as well.
Climate change.
Yup, that’s the real cause.
Remember folks, climate change is the cause of EVERYTHING.
Yup, climate change is even the cause for disappearing socks.
I love the smell of spent catalyst in the morning
Turn and burn.
Would you rather see the place blow the hell up. Flaring is a necessary safe guard. So people will piss and moan about this and wonder why the Refinery’s are shutting down. And in the next sentence complain about the price of gas.