Home » Rain Forecast For The Bay Area Starting Late Sunday

Rain Forecast For The Bay Area Starting Late Sunday


A cold front moving in from the Pacific Northwest will keep temperatures cool and bring a chance of rain to the Bay Area over the next few days, according to the National Weather Service.

The North Bay, particularly northern and coastal Sonoma County, is likely to see widespread showers and up to a quarter-inch of rain starting late Sunday and lasting into Tuesday.

The rest of the Bay Area can expect scattered showers during the same period, with rainfall totals forecast to reach anywhere between .01 inches to .15 inches, according to the weather service.

Should the forecast prove accurate, it will be the first time since May that the region has seen noticeable rainfall.


During the next few days, temperatures should continue to be cooler than normal, with daytime highs in the mid to upper 70s inland and the low 60s along the coast.

Lows are expected to range from the upper 40s to mid 50s, according to the weather service.

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About time. Now the Argentine ants thirst will be quenched. 🤣


Don’t know what Argentine ants are? Those are often the tiny ants that invade your house looking for water when it’s been dry for awhile. Once it rains they don’t invade anymore. There other species that invade but mostly I’ve had problems with the Argentine variety. The clear plastic tube bait did the trick though. They treated it like a buffet party.

I love fall with the cooler weather and rain.

That’ll be nice

We all know it’s not going to rain. Always false hope.


I believe in rain only when I actually see it.


Rain? It must be due to climate change!
Remember folks, climate change is the cause or blame for EVERYTHING.


I’m not so sure….
All the Injuns I know were washing their cars today!
I don’t know if they were doing that to make it rain or if they are just confident it won’t.
Either way, if it rains or it doesn’t they’re going to say they knew it wouldn’t or they caused it to.


Whoever coined the phrase “Honest Injun” must not have known any.

Lol @Injuns

Predicted storm track shows NW California and SW Oregon will get rain, should help knock down forest fires.,2023092515,42.663,-127.090,5
Will newsom hold another photo OP press conference ? ? ?


Anyone notice there’s more chemtrails from the jets in the sky lately? It always ramps up this time of year. I think it’s the “winter blend” of mind controlling substances the jets are dropping on us. Time to break out my new heavy-duty roll of Reynolds foil, it loses it reflectability after about a year, you need a new one every year to be safe. Whatever you do don’t look directly at the jets!!!


The colder the air gets the longer the contrail lasts.
Lower humidity also extends the time contrails last.

@DR. JELLYFINGER.….Yeah sure, do you remember looking directly at the jet, I bet you don’t.

I have looked everywhere, where is this rain forecast? I see zero chance of rain anywhere.

It was forecast for north of the Bay Area but I see some rain clouds overhead but they may move on without dropping anything. Friend on the Oregon coast said they started getting rain yesterday.

I got a heavy sprinkling in the wee hours of the morning, but too light to call it rain.

If it rains six days a week, I would be happy. All year every year. It would probably drive out the homeless.

Ever heard of Seattle?

The cycles of rain vs drought are documented through the ages … but … now have men who can monitize the cycles of nature …



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