Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Sep.22, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Sep.22, 2023


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So Biden Administration is flying illegals into the USA wherever they want to go….
but not in First Class?!!!


How ironic it would be if one or two of terrorists he is letting got him.


Add the word [ in ] where appropriate. We need an edit feature. At least I do


Looks like some don’t want an edit feature


Wizard poll….Thumbs up for a edit feature. Thumbs down if you don’t care.


@RICARDOH…..”…you don’t always get what you want, but you get what you need…”- Sir Michael Phillip Jagger

Thanks NY, I need an edit feature.



Today Joe was meeting with the Hispanic caucus and he addressed them as the Black caucus. Why isn’t he removed from office? This is no longer amusing.




How is that different from DeSantis or Abbott bussing them?


They are not afraid to admit what they are doing or why … Biden is.


DeSantis and Abbott are red states.. they are not sanctuary states,, they just sent the illegals to the states where they are wanted.


@Tammy, you are spot on. Thank you for informing the Dems. They would have never figured it out without your help.


Don’t you just love it when the government does things in secret? (with your tax money).


Did you JUST learn that there are other ways to get into the US besides walking across the Southern Border?
HINT: more drugs come through all other points of entry then our Southern Border. Can you list what those ways are?


Nah, we’ve known about Biden’s midnight express for a while now, but this is different, those flights were for border hoppers already here but now Joe is booking them to fly in illegally direct from beyond our borders and he was keeping it a secret.
You can do your drug smuggler quiz if you want, but that isn’t what this story is about.


‘Biden breaks border history with the highest EVER crossings in a month:
Shocking figures reveal more than 300,000 migrants tried to get into the U.S. in August’
‘… Joe Biden’s DHS Plans Photo ID Cards for Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S.’


biden harris regime at it’s finest,
teaching illegals swamp creature 101.
‘Migrants are raking in $3,000 a month as they work illegally as delivery drivers and send their kids to local schools while living in NYC’s luxurious Roosevelt Hotel’


Article IV of the Constitution says it is the responsibility of the federal government to protect the states against invasion. Every day I wonder why Biden is not in handcuffs in federal prison since he is the chief administrative officer.


Original G, the article contradicts itself. How do you break records of border crossing if the people “tried” to cross? Tried implies a failed attempt. The article continues to highlight the horrors while saying, “Last month 304,162 were apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol, exceeding the previous record of 302,412 in December.”
I’m sure people will have clever, and misspelled retorts about my screen name, my sobriety, and other ad hominem fallacious arguments in place of an actual rebuttal. And math is not my best subject, but to apprehend 4,162 more people then the headline implies TRIED to cross would suggest that the authorities are doing their job.

Giving them ID cards is the smart thing to do. Having IDs is a way to track them and have them begin the process of paying taxes. You know, the responsible thing to do.
Per your 2nd article, are you trying to tell me that people who are earning money through delivery apps, which makes it “over the table” by the way and makes them taxpayers, are then sending their kids to local schools? One of the things funded by their tax revenue?!
Do you not have a problem with the capitalists paying them to work? Do you think that Biden should craft legislation to curtail that? Or would you call that government overreach with job killing regulations?

The Daily Mail excels at pearl clutching and can be debunked with it’s own words.

And To Do List, Biden is not in handcuffs because allowing registered people to work, support themselves, and take advantage of resources they are contributing to is what people are supposed to do. So, keep wondering while the companies paying the migrants who will work for these gig jobs rake it in and skirt by on the same tax rates Trump introduced. If you think our current inflation rates are solely from Biden, you know less about economics then I do. Good luck with that.


Agree about companies hiring illegals and some of those companies likely are large swamp creature campaign contributors. Given increased volume of border crossers highly doubt there is health screening going on before illegals fan out across America. If border were sealed ? ? ? ?
February 21, 2023
‘California Says It Can No Longer Afford Aid for Covid Testing, Vaccinations for Migrants’
An where is french laundry kid on increased influx of illegals across open border?
“With over 600 street releases daily, the strain on our local infrastructure and services is becoming increasingly untenable. We have witnessed an unprecedented influx of migrants from around the world being dropped off at transit stations throughout San Diego County. Over 5,000 individuals have been “street-released,” dropped at transit stations, over the last 10 days. The numbers show no sign of slowing down. Our immigration system is broken, and people from far and wide are capitalizing on the federal government’s ineptness, putting San Diegans at risk.”
San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond
Any screening done for Tuberculosis being done ? ?
‘Illegal immigrant kids with tuberculosis infections released into 44 states’…
“Nearly 2,500 children with latent infections were released into 44 states over the past year, according to a court-ordered report on how the Health and Human Services Department is treating the children.”
Risk vs campaign contributions . . . . . . .


Those tax rates you dislike, that were signed into law by President Trump, are still in place because 2-years of a Democrat controlled House, Democrat controlled Senate, and a Democrat controlled White House left those tax rates in place. You really should’ve worded it as “skirt by on the same tax rates Biden left in place,” rather than “skirt by on the same tax rates Trump introduced.”


@DANGED INEFFECTUAL….I think a GPS tracking chip injected in the neck that explodes if the illegals don’t check in on schedule will work better. Like Snake Plissken in “Escape from LA”.


Old Joe has lost it, telling the same BS story twice during his speech. Joe stick to the teleprompter speech writen by your handlers.


Joe and the Ho need to go. Now the Ho is coming after your guns.


If Harris comes after our guns the way she tackled the Border Crisis then there isn’t a thing to worry about.


What a hoot watching Jerry Nadler poop his pants on the house floor. What a slob hi


It’s on YouTube


Laughed my ass off! Nadler is an awful little man.


That he is.


If this is correct obviously the man has serious medical problem. So how about a little understanding even if you don’t care for his politics?


“Serious medical problem”?
You’re jumping the gun here Hanne.
Nads has serious mental problems (like being a totally butt wild poof ) and that kinda lifestyle tends to loosen up the natural valve control back there.
Might just be he was overdoing it.

Isn’t that story a couple years old already?


Looks like Bob Menendez a House Democrat got busted for being on the take. Joe Biden you time is coming.


The Wizard,
Wrong Bob Menendez. The Bob Menendez you meant is in the Senate, the Bob Menendez in the House is his son.


Black Knight…thanks

The Nut does not fall far from the tree.


It appears the recently acquired Mrs. Menendez brought a couple of key influences to this scandal.

Nothing unusual to see here…….just another democrat caught taking bribes. Ho humm…….

Another democrat leaving the dark side & switching to America’s Team.

James Comer to Subpoena Joe Biden’s ‘Mystery’ Corporation that Collected $10M in 2017

Kamala Harris Becomes Gun Control ‘Czar’ After Repeated Failures as Border, Voting Rights Czar

Joe Biden Blames Trump and Republicans in Congress For Border Crisis as ‘Never-Ending’ Line of Illegal Aliens Storm Eagle Pass, Texas


Yes, it is not unusual that a Democrat regime, as you all so fondly put it, is holding all members of Congress accountable for their actions. Almost like the two-teired justice system doesn’t fall on party lines.


They are charging him to keep the heat off of Biden.


Maybe he forgot 10% for the “Big Guy”


There have been 13’senators charged with different crimes and bribery. 9 we’re republicans 4 democrats. Anyone remember Ted Stevens? Bob Mendez needs to resign.



Have you forgotten that the conviction of the late former Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska was reversed because FBI agents and DOJ prosecutors conspired to conceal evidence that would’ve exonerated him?


My point is still the same, no party is completely pure, they all have their black sheep.


What I got from your second post isn’t what I got from your first post.
The fact is the American people have allowed their elected representatives to create so many laws, federal laws, state laws, county laws, and city laws that the government can get everyone on something, whether one is guilty or not. Look at what US Attorneys, State Attorney Generals, and District Attorneys do, they overcharge in cases in order to force individuals into plea deals, in many cases they do this to get their conviction rates up for no other reason than to help them with their future political aspirations. That’s corruption among prosecutors themselves.


Some just get away with more crap than others due to their political affiliation.
Remember this isn’t the first time Menendez has been caught, and the timing is really bad since graft, fraud & bribery are in the spotlight now.
Do you really want to add up the number of Democrats that committed offenses but never even got charged?


Republicans blame a weaponization of the DOJ.
Democrats tell Menendez to resign. See the difference?


Remember George Santos? The GOP said stick around. In fact run again.


Plenty of Republicans have told Congressman George Santos to resign. It doesn’t matter if Santos runs for the Republican nomination again because he’ll lose the primary. Senator Bob Menendez is also running for reelection.

Remember Richard Nixon?


Democrats don’t need to tell Bob Menendez to resign, they could’ve expelled him from the Senate.


“Shocking footage from Austin showed around 20 Cruise-operated Chevrolet Bolts causing mayhem on Saturday night.”


Creating new democrat voters,
lifetime dependence upon government for their financial well being.
‘Fury as ZERO children at 13 Baltimore state schools pass math exam – as parent groups call on leaders to step down’


I don’t see how Biden makes it through the next election. Even with the help of a corrupt media. He is deteriorating too fast.


Never underestimate the power of the press. They got Joe in, in the first place from Joe’s basement.


Garland PANIC as Byron Donalds DOES NOT LET UP on him over effort against Hunter


Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson explains that he is leaving the Democratic Party because “the future of America’s great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation’s mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism.”
“Our cities desperately need the genuine commitment to these principles (as opposed to the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment of many Democrats) that has long been a defining characteristic of the GOP,” Johnson wrote.
“In other words, American cities need Republicans — and Republicans need American cities,” he continued. “When my political hero Theodore Roosevelt was born, only 20% of Americans lived in urban areas. By the time he was elected president, that share had doubled to 40%. Today, it stands at 80%. As America’s cities go, so goes America.”


Some didn’t think my suggestion of a fleet of 747s as firefighters was a good idea. Well today they are talking of raising home fire insurance rates by thousands of dollars.


Who is they? If the State of California had purchased a fleet of 747 Supertankers, it doesn’t mean “they” wouldn’t still talk about raising property insurance rates. The problems with California’s insurance industry isn’t limited to just property insurance, California’s auto insurance industry is also in crises because of all of the “smart” technology in newer vehicles.


Kind of like when Obama Care came out. Keep your doctor, keep your plan. Sure you can if you can afford the sky-high premiums. I myself could not afford the 4K a month, had to jump over to Kaiser.


You can get both your annual flu shot and the new Covid vaccination on the same day! Can’t wait! Dust off those old masks, face shields and surgical gloves. Mandates arriving soon.


Bring my president back, not the COVID HOAX.
TRUMP 2024


Thank You Sam. Somebody needed to say it!


CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES…Saturday morning edition…

Biden Claims It’s REPUBLICANS Who Are “Undermining Our Border Security”

As Migrants Pour Across the Border in Record Numbers, Biden Brags It Is By Design: “I’ve also directed my team to make a historic increase in the number of refugees admitted from Latin America”

Biden’s America: Child Poverty Rate Has More Than Doubled in a Year, US Census Bureau Reports

Kamala Harris Thinks Government Must Enforce Equal Outcomes – Also Known as Communism

KJP Attempts Ridiculous Spin on Biden’s Worrisome Age: ’80 Is the New 40′

Researcher Who Called Hunter Biden Laptop Story ‘Disinformation’ Wins Pentagon Contract

Yellen: People’s View of Economy Has ‘Disconnect’ with How Economy’s Doing, People Positive About Personal Finances

Biden Names Multi-Billionaire Heiress and Obama Mega-Donor Penny Pritzker to Oversee Ukraine’s Economic Recovery

“How Do You Lose An F-35?”: US Military Can’t Find Stealth Jet After “Mishap”

Senate Ends Dress Code So Fetterman Can Dress Like A Slob

Chicago Community in Need Braces for Possible Tent Base Camp for 1,400 Illegals

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Signs $29 Million Contract to Build Illegal Immigrant Camps in the City

‘Pay Their Fair Share’: Socialist Lawmakers Push for ‘Migrant Taxes’ on New Yorkers During Immigration Crisis

Los Angeles Spends $44,000 Per ‘Temporary’ Tent for Homeless Village

Santa Ana, California, Debates Allowing Undocumented Residents to Vote

Gov’t-Funded Migrant Healthcare Staffing Firm Was Paying $200/Hour For Workers at Migrant Facilities; Two Made $14,000 and $20,000 in ONE WEEK

Radical Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Begins Implementing Climate Organization’s Goal to Ban Meat, Dairy, and Private Vehicles In 14 US Cities by 2030

Leaked Training Video From Veterans Affairs Promotes Abortion and Suggests Men Can Get Pregnant

Razor Company Features Trans Individual with Double Mastectomy Scars as a “Model”

Elite University Kicks off the Semester With ‘Queering Menstruation’ and a Lecture on 1,500 Gay Animals

Missouri High School Crowns Male ‘Homecoming Queen’

Illinois Democrat Eric Sorensen Backs Book ‘Celebrating God’s Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children’

‘PAW Patrol’ Spinoff Series ‘Rubble & Crew’ Features First Non-Binary Character

‘Paw Patrol’ Snacks Recalled After Parents Discover Website on Packaging Sends Kids to Porn Site

Texas Church Holds a “Drag Sunday” Service to Bless the Satanic Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Drag Queens

Teacher Union Head Randi Weingarten Suggests Parents Who Want Good Schools for Their Kids are Racist

Harvard Students: Required Word Counts in Application Essays Are… Discriminatory

Zero Students Test Proficient in State Math Exams at 13 Baltimore High Schools

Austin Sees Influx of Crickets — Local Media Wants Residents To Eat Them

Experts, Media Wrong! COVID Vaccine mRNA Ends up in Mothers’ Milk

1,000 People Who Identify as Dogs Gather in Germany: ‘Call Animal Control’

California’s Democrat Legislators Vote to Ban Grass Lawns

It Begins: Australia’s Fifth-Largest Bank Announces Digital-Only Transactions – Will Phase Out Cash, Cheque, and Phone Payments in All 80 Branches Starting Next Year

Woman Euthanized in Belgium Heard Screaming by Loved Ones as She was Suffocated by Pillow

San Francisco Hits Record Overdose Deaths; 3 per Day from Fentanyl

16-Foot Statue of Hijab-Wearing Woman to Be Unveiled in Suburb of Multicultural Birmingham

‘Brainwashing’ — Stonehenge Built When Britain Was a ‘Black Country’, Claims Woke Children’s History Book

Michigan Woman Gets Trapped In Outhouse Trying To Retrieve Apple Watch, Authorities Respond

City’s Proposed AIDS Monument Looks Exactly Like A Butthole

Have a wonderful weekend Claycord!!


Something to ponder over morning coffee . . . . .
‘Ending Pay for Play in California Newspapers”
“Only occasionally can you find out who is paying for the stories you read”To address this shortfall, many papers have taken to accepting grant funds from non-profits, foundations, and non-governmental organizations. And not just from local general do-godderies, but from groups with very specific interests and opinions and desired outcomes.” …
Take the Sacramento Bee…please (sorry, couldn’t resist.) Their health care coverage is/was directly funded to the tune of about $175,000 a year (more than enough to rent a reporter) by the California Endowment, an uber-woke, highly political “non-profit” that was set up by the state to help provide access to affordable health insurance but instead plows almost all of its money into advocacy, outreach, and political groups.
CalMatters has a similar arrangement with the California Health Care Foundation, getting about $600,000 per year to pay for its health care beat.
These are just two examples of hundreds of such arrangements across the country – arrangements that are typically not at all mentioned by the newspaper. For example, George Soros dropped about $130 million on newspapers and media outlets – even some directly on high-profile media personalities – between 2016 and 2020.”
“CalMatters has a similar arrangement with the California Health Care Foundation, getting about $600,000 per year to pay for its health care beat.”
Search using “California Health Care Foundation” “soros”
These days is not a bad idea to be skeptical and to search for news,
then confirm thru multiple sources sometimes off shore.
Mega rich can sometimes buy those holding political office, same can be done media.
“There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, and this will always be “the man in the street.”
Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.”
—Joseph Goebbels


The GOP literally does not have a platform and has not since 2016. What we are seeing in politics is a grift. We, the taxpayers, should be able to cover rent with a full time job. Instead of addressing things like corporate greed, actually resolving the issues with our immigration policies so that people can become documented and pay more in taxes, making sure that every citizen has access to health care and addressing the dramatic birth mortality rates that seem to keep raising regardless of the status of Roe v Wade, and many more issues that a government is actually the very entity to correct.
But no, let’s make sure that Ann Frank’s diary, written by a 15 year, can not be read by other 15 year olds. Let’s make sure that parents think the threat is coming from drag queens, who can usually be spotted a mile away, and not the ongoing defunding of public education. Sure, send your kids to private school, an institution that has lower standards of certification for it’s teachers and almost no oversight when it comes to background checks.

I could go, and on about the incredulous things we fund with taxes while we nickle and dime individuals over, **checks notes** fudge rounds.

Expecting to solve systemic issues from the bottom up burns up our energy. Biden will only “fix” things so much, so I won’t waste anybody’s time by presenting him or Democrats as if they are some valid solution in and of themselves.
Unfortunately, we have a 2-party system. So it literally is an “either or” situation. The GOP has no shame about setting our money a flame while the Democrats seem to have the decency to burn it under cover of working within the confines of our established system.
How did South Park put? $h1t sandwich or douche bag? A douche bag is at least a recepticle for trash. The sandwich lacks nutritional value, I don’t think we can use it for fertilizer.

Douchbag 2024…..?


Yeah, edit buttons rule, but typos can show authenticity.


@ DI….. “A douche bag is at least a recepticle for trash” ?

You’re doing it wrong.


A 15-year old in 1944 Germany doesn’t have much in common with a 15-year old in 2023 America, other than their age. As an example, in Germany under Adolf Hitler the vast majority of teens didn’t go to school beyond the 8th grade at age 14, but Hitler did have a program in place where after finishing the 8th grade those 14-year olds, male and female, were sent to live with another family for 1-year where they learned a trade. Do you believe 14-year old American kids have the maturity to go live with another family in a different part of the country for 1-year to learn a trade? I don’t! Due to the lack of maturity among many 15-year old Americans they probably aren’t ready to read The Diary of Ann Frank. While I don’t necessarily believe the book should be banned, I do believe the maturity of the readers matter.
Why is it unfortunate that we have a two-party system? It wouldn’t matter if we had a no-party system, a one-party system, or a multi-party system, elected individuals would still group together in like-minded and/or regional factions. If you don’t like the two-party system that we currently have you should blame all of the American voters who are registered Independents, because it is those voters that have left the two-parties that have created the two-party system we have today. By leaving the Democratic Party and Republican Party to become Independents they’ve left the most liberal and progressive members in the Democratic Party voting for the most liberal and progressive primary candidates in the Democratic Party and have left the most conservative members in the Republican Party voting for the most conservative primary candidates in the Republican Party. The Independents are primarily the moderates who aren’t moderating the two-parties. This isn’t necessarily a big problem in California because we have open primaries, except for the Republican presidential primaries, but it’s a problem in other parts of the country. Early in the 19th century we basically had a 1-party system divided into 4-factions that imploded and led to the 2-party system we have today.
Both parties should nominate candidates who fit the district or state they’re running in, not a liberal or progressive in a conservative district/state and not a conservative in a liberal or progressive district/state. Until states ban voters from registering as Independents we’ll continue with the parties we currently have.


What a mess. It makes me so sad. What a beautiful country we had.


biden has ability to increase US oil production,
doing so would reduce cost of Diesel and that would reduce inflation by reducing transportation costs.
Price of Diesel in CA in one month is up $ 0.852
Same rhetoric obama biden and biden harris, blaming opec and russia for crude price hikes.
“ “I think that what we’re seeing now, is Joe and the administration are essentially finishing the job.
And I think it’ll be an interesting test,” Obama explained.
“Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing…”
biden doesn’t care how many Americans are driven down into poverty by inflation.
Many years ago he was one pushing for doing away with coal electricity generation.
An if you thought obama was one who thought up “no new coal plants”, he isn’t smart enough.
How else could communist china sell their solar panels ? ? ? ?
The market for those panels in America had to be CREATED.
obama’s third term,
“Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing…”


Imagine if you will how much your produce would cost in California , if we didn’t have undocumented migrant farm workers! They also pay around $3 billion in Taxes in California!


Imagine if there wasn’t Big Ag subsidies and there wasn’t corn, canola, sugar and soy added to practically everything.


DEMs and unions helped the poor exploited farm workers and made human labor expensive.
Thru wage mandates, state required forms and reports, automation is now cheaper than humans.
Advances in programmable logic controllers (PLC) and machine vision mean most crop planting thru harvesting now uses a small fraction of human labor once needed. Weeding is now done faster by machine than humans can.
2017 Somewhat dated video.
Worked last 25 years updating industrial control systems hardware. Retired last year.
Machine vision, position and distance sensors as well as actuator positioning and control have advanced to point where a machine can recognize a ripe strawberry or tomato and pick the fruit without damaging it.
DEMs and unions are about to do to fast food what was done to farm workers. Automation will replace all but workers needed to keep machines supplied with raw ingredients and someone to collect the trash.
Only people who will absolutely have a job are skilled repair persons.
Suggest to your kids they gain skill sets that will always be in demand.


The price of a head of lettuce in San Francisco is higher than the price of a head of lettuce in either Paris or Berlin, and they don’t have an army of illegals from Honduras. Just keep cycling the excuses, how about AOC saying we owe it to them because of global warming, where’s that on your list.


TDL spitting 🔥These are the same people blaming the NRA and fox news. Clueless and misinformed know it alls, really hard to deal with on any level.


show the proof,Guido/liberal….


You are sorely mistaken if you believe illegal farmworkers are keeping the price of produce down. Most farming is automated, with the use of agriculture machinery and robots.

Joe gets the last word……..and that’s final!


It would be great if the Republicans and Democrats could find presidential candidates who were not as old as Trump and Biden. Both Biden and Trump are past their prime and represent the past, not the future. Better, younger candidates exist, whether you are an arch-conservative, moderate, or crazy Socialist.

It is time for Pelosi, McConnell, Trump, Biden, (and Feinstein of course) and the rest of the geriatrics to pass the torch to the next generation.


@I’m New Here
When George Blanda was 30, someone said he was too old to play and should retire. Another person’s response to that was: “Na…..George has 2 or 3 good years left.” Well, Trump definitely has more good years left but he only needs 4. Also, he does not represent the past, as you said. I just can’t figure out why people think putting America first is a thing of the past. Anyway, Trump is all about America/Americans first and he’s got a job to finish.


Well Cyn,
Ya gotta wonder if “I N H” is old enough to know of Blanda…
Which brings me to trivia: speaking of old…
The freeway roadside sign up 80 toward the Sierra Mountains: Jim Otto’s Burger King.
Was never lucky enough to see him, but the place was decked out with his Raider stuff. I heard he owned a couple BK’s, but don’t know exactly where.


Sadly, S, I am old enough to remember George Blanda. And George Jetson too. As a guy in his late sixties, I don’t think someone who is 77 like Donald Trump, or someone who is 80, like Joe Biden is in their prime mentally or physically. And no one was talking about George Blanda playing football at 60.

Cyn and S – we will have to agree to disagree on this issue. Although we probably agree on music!


I didn’t agree nor disagree…
I only wanted to be sure you knew who Blanda was….
What about OTTO?


S –
Honestly not as familiar with Jim Otto. I lived in Southern California for much of his career, and was not a huge football fan at the time. I have eaten at his Burger King in Mountain View in the distant past, however.

Throw some rock music questions at me, if you really want to test my “old guy” credentials. Some concerts attended: CCR, Chuck Berry, Ramones, Rolling Stones. Unfortunately, too young to catch the Beatles live.


@I’m New Here
You’re correct… one was talking about Blanda playing at 60; however, I think you missed my point. IMO, Blanda wasn’t past his prime like people thought, and Trump isn’t past his prime like you think. And yes, we’ll just have to agree to disagree. 🙂


We stopped at that Otto BK a few times on the way to snow ski. Jim had a picture on the wall of himself in football gear with lines and text highlighting his many injuries sustained during his career. It was really frightening. His aches and pains must have been unbearable.


Haven’t driven up that way for years. Didn’t know Jim Otto had a BK but would definitely check it out. Like you, I never saw him play either.


The Democrats have 2 other major party candidates running other than President Joe Biden and Republicans had started this caucus/primary season with 13 other major party candidates other than former President Donald Trump. Of the candidates running, polling has shown President Biden and former President Trump to be the leading candidates. Who are these “better and younger” candidates out there that Democrat and Republican caucus/primary voters don’t seem to want?
I wouldn’t say someone is past their prime based on age alone, abilities and cognitive/physical health matter. As an example, look at 90-year old Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, he’s the second oldest Senator in the US Senate, he still works his farm and runs 6-days a week. He’s still cognitively and physically able to do his job in the Senate. I will agree with you on President Joe Biden, Senator Mitch McConnell, and Senator Diane Goldman Berman Feinstein Blum needing to “pass the tourch,” Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi needs to go pretty soon too, as her painted-on clown shaped eyebrows, trying to keep her false teeth in her mouth, and general nervousness/shakiness is a big distraction, but former President Donald Trump is still physically able and cognitively present, he even seems to have lost some weight recently.


Wow the deep state robots and followers are coming down on Russell Brand. I think this is the point where the gauntlet has been thrown down. Time to fight back against those who hate us for our freedom. He explains it here:….html


Another example for soft on crime liberal DEMs and the mega rich DA buyer, there are those on our streets who have zero empathy for their fellow man and lack any semblance of impulse control. Two individuals who need to be removed from society for it’s protection. Give them a chance in about 50 years from now, that is IF a Jury lets them live.
‘Las Vegas teens ‘who filmed themselves mowing down retired cop’ tried to ‘MURDER second cyclist, stole three cars and committed two burglaries in two hours’ ‘ …
“‘You think this juvenile [expletive] is gonna do some [expletive]? I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you.’
He added: ‘It’s just ah, [expletive] ah, hit-and-run — slap on the wrist’, despite cops not mentioning the accident to him yet, according to KLAS. His comments were caught on police body cameras.”
Suspect obviously with a mindset conditioned by liberal soft on crime, zero bail etc, etc boasted to Police.
“…’You think this juvenile [expletive] is gonna do some [expletive]? I’ll be out in 30 days, I’ll bet you.’
He added: ‘It’s just ah, [expletive] ah, hit-and-run — slap on the wrist’, despite cops not mentioning the accident to him yet, according to KLAS. His comments were caught on police body cameras.”
More proof,
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior


DEMs have perfected a zero emission truck . . . . . .


It’s important to dress for the job you want

New York Post Sends Reporter to Restaurants Dressed Like Sen. John Fetterman- He gets the boot

Weapon detectors at school disproportionately affect minorities?

Watch out Joe……..yonder comes the bus and your fellow democrats are driving


‘Horrifying images show a bloodied Border Patrol agent after brawl with a migrant as over 5,000 asylum seekers pack on crowded freight train dubbed ‘The Beast’ headed for United States’
To continue the invasion of low skilled and under educated and don’t forget criminals coming to hideout in America, vote for DEMs at all levels of government.


Just imagine if the culture was reversed.
All media is owned by the right.
Facebook and Twitter censor and deplatform the left
You can be fired for supporting gay marriage or saying that there are more than two genders.
No one can criticize Christians.
Any time a black is mean to a white and it’s recorded on a smartphone, it leads local news
We control the schools and their curriculums. We receive all the government handouts and goodies.
All the jobs, too.
White Europeans are allowed to come here illegally.
They’re overwhelming conservative and vote for right wing candidates.
If a Democrat is president, both the media and deep state spend all their time undermining him.
If someone supports that president, he can be assaulted without repercussion.
Christians run gay bakers out of business just for fun.
All media is pro white.
All villains in entertainment are black, hispanic, Muslim, Jewish or gay.
Imagine all this… Then imagine waking up everyday ANGRY that you’re oppressed and thinking you’re part of the resistance.
That’s how insane they are.


In case you had any doubts about DEM intentions,
“President Joe Biden is bragging about growing the United States labor market by expediting work permits for border crossers released into the nation’s interior, even as tens of millions of employable Americans are on the sidelines of the workforce.
“We’re significantly expanding legal pathways to entry so businesses can get workers they need,” Biden told the Congressional Hispanic Caucus during a speech this week.”
In case you might want to discount biden’ rambling to his age . . . .
obama biden regime made it very clear in obama’s first term,
Large DEM campaign contributors want an cheap exploitable labor base.


There’s no mistake that the Biden administration has run off the rails. Even liberal political analysts are pointing it out. Even here of the Cloward-Piven strategy? Look it up. Then take a look out your window.


Gas prices!!!!!!! WTF! are we tired yet? Just got back from Tenn. at $3.34 per gal. to $5.77 for California premium? and they were complaining theirs was high…and you cannot cry electric car at the rate our PG&E bill is.
going broke quick…..but I guess that is the plan to take power away from the middle class, seems they need a controllable population and what better way then to make them broke.


Huge BOMBSHELL Leaks Out Of Congressional Hearing | FBI & Pelosi Caught Lying about Jan. 6th.
This proves Trump’s innocence and Pelosi’s and the FBI’s guilt.
Innocent people were set up and sentenced to prison due to the lies of Pelosi and the FBI.


biden harris regime have turned U.S. Border Patrol into little more than
travel agents and warmers of baby bottles.
‘The Beast barrels on: Shocking new video shows hundreds of migrants cheering and waving the Venezuelan flag on top of a cargo train to the US border after 11,000 are encountered crossing in just one day’
” “If a terrorist crossed the border right now there is about zero percent chance of him getting caught. Most of the checkpoints are shut down again because there are no agents to run them, everyone is processing or ubering ‘asylum seekers’ around. The more we turn loose, the more show up … The whole situation is mind blowing.” ” …
“On the subject of potential terrorists arrested at the Southwest border, U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s website tells us that agents didn’t arrest anyone on the feds’ terror watch list in 2019, and three in 2020. Thus far in 2023, there have been 146 watchlist arrests.
No one need wonder why this is so. President Biden has opened the border.”


Busted! Adam Schiff Funneled Millions To Defense Contractors After Taking “Donations”

Democrat SOCIALIST: Someone who wants everything you have……..except your job.

Cooking at home is a great way to have dinner at the same price as going to a restaurant a couple of years ago. The dem’s plan is working.

You can stomp on it, pee on it, and burn my flag (not in front of me though) but you can’t do this? Something has gone awry.

Biden’s DOJ finally found asylum seekers it opposes.


This Iowa man wasn’t sentenced to 15 years in prison for simply burning a gay pride flag. He was charged with using arson to violate constitutional rights, harassment, and reckless use of fire or explosives. He’s also a career criminal and this was his third strike which severely enhanced his prison sentence by tripling his time. Had he not stolen the flag, but instead purchased the flag and burned it in a safe manner, even filming it, he wouldn’t have been charged.


I reread the headline and I will say the headline is technically correct, but it’s vague, missing relevant information, and misleading. The key word in the headline is “after” and not “for.”

Women who voted Democrat, this is your mess: Wendy Bell | Common Sense


Do you need a good laugh? Watch this video of Mayor Simon of Spring Valley, New York.


STOP BELLY ACHING about things going wrong in our state, but still complain it’s Republicans fault.
The majority of long standing State Politicians and Local leaders are ALL DEMOCRATS. They are getting rich on our dime.

VOTE TERM LIMITS everywhere – get out all the politicians! So they continue to pit us against each other and do what they want.

Don’t be so stupid to think that Trump is the bad guy because he says what he says. Think more about the fact that they have spent Millions of dollars to try IMPEACH him – but only showed the truth. What you’re not seeing it? Stop limiting yourself to just CNN/MSNBC/ETC. They won’t show you the truth.


And need to get rid of the career aides and lobbyists.

It’s unfortunate, while term limits are a good idea in theory, they don’t work, they just get term limited politicians to constantly look for the next office to run for. The only way term limits work is when voters stop voting for the same names running for different offices.
In 2022, when Concord City Councilwoman Laura Nakamura was running for her first term and was participating in a candidate forum, she was asked if she supported term limits on the Concord City Council, her response was “Elections are term limits.”

‘Target will close nine stores across major cities over soaring retail theft’
On the list, Pittsburg: 4301 Century Blvd.


Maybe that’s why Target tried to get the former K-Mart location on Clayton Road. They knew they were going to close down the Pittsburgh store.


As our second amendment RIGHTS are attacked, Gov Newsance signed another tax bill into law that will punish the innocent for crimes he’s failed to prosecute.
Remember he turned SF into a S-hole, and is doing likewise to CA. Vote that a-hole out of power.


Nothing but lie after lie from Myorkis. Biden’s Secretary SNAPS AT Ted Cruz, Instantly Regrets It


Joe Biden, someone, actually tried to do this. Nothing to crackdown on the rampant crime in this country.
House approves bill striking down Biden’s crackdown on hunting and archery in overwhelmingly bipartisan vote! 200 Democrats vote for this bill also delivering a blow to Biden.


Chuck Shummer is a Progressive, why cant he but some damm progressive lens glasses instead of wearing his glasses over his nose!


Hundreds of Oakland businesses reportedly to go on strike over rampant violent crime plaguing the city

More than 200 businesses are reportedly set to go on strike in democrat controlled Oakland, in protest of rampant violent crime they say is driving customers from their establishments.

“Enough is enough,” Carl Chan, president of the Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, who helped organize the strike, told Fox 2 KTVU.
Chan himself survived a violent attack last year, and the now-convicted assailant reportedly went on to brutally assault an 88-year-old Asian woman in nearby San Francisco just months later.
Keep voting democrat for more of the same.


All the ridiculous Trump indictments timed to happen right before the election….. well, at least the Democrats are cheating right out in the open this time.


700 Pages of evidence revealed…..


And the liberals will only try to deflect to “orange man bad”.

If democrats didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards.

NEVER trust a democrat. They’re ALL liars.


Joe Biden on strike!……. for 12 minutes.


‘Philly looter know as MEATBALL breaks down in tears in mugshot after livestreaming herself during looting of Apple, Footlocker and Lululemon stores – as cops confirm dozens of ransacking arrests’
Used to be citizens were assured of vigorous prosecution.
These days ya have to search to find out if DAs
are beholden to a mega rich billionaire . . . .


Every Gene Pool has a shallow end.
And some pools have very few swimmers.

Considering she caught SIX Felony charges . . . . . . .
thinkin’ two years reflection behind bars.
Then again,

Trump goes to a non-union auto shop to talk about his support of UAW. Plants in audience holding up signs about “Unions for Trump” and “Auto Workers for Trump” neither person worked in the industry or was part of a union. What a con!


Thanks for the tip. Of course you have proof right, but forgot to post it? Maybe you should post it so those damn right wingers don’t think you’re just another radical leftist nut case who swallowed the CNN kool-aide.


If you voted for democrats this is on YOU!


IMPEACHMENT INQUIRY……Marjorie Taylor Greene Clashes With AOC


“Throughout the month of August, upwards of 232,000 migrants made their way over the US-Mexico border.”…
“Texas Governor Greg Abbott had the wire installed as a deterrent to those looking to make the crossing over the Rio Grande and into the state.”…
‘Shocking moment five Border Patrol agents CUT through razor wire at Eagle Pass and allow migrants to enter the US – after Texas Governor Abbott re-installed it along Rio Grande’


So what’s the deal here? The quick knee jerk reaction long ago was to assume the inflow of illegals was to increase Democrat votes, but then to view the pictures its overwhelmingly angry entitled military age males. Is this the Democrat’s future Wagner group, paid in food and housing to come and threaten disorder “requiring” Democrats suspend certain rights for the national security of current citizens?


Who will newsom appoint to be senator now that Feinstein is dead?
Will he appoint himself?


So far, Newsom’s only criteria is (1) Black and (2) Female.
That’s a pretty big field of candidates, and raises some questions:
Do they have to actually be black or simply identify as black?
Do they have to be a biological woman, or some other derivation?
These are the concepts (ambiguities really) his party introduced, and they did it with purpose and malice. It seems the least he could do would be to clarify his definitions.
Ordinarily I would expect him to appoint the most morally repugnant communist he could find. If he does not, there is your sign he’s running for President.


Feinstein Died.


After 6 burglaries, 3 car thefts, multiple illegal trespasses, ongoing cocaine and alcohol addiction, committing 2 violent home invasions, 3 armed robberies, dealing Fentanyl and Meth, passing counterfeit money, beating 4 victims senseless, and being arrested 23 times since 1998, George Floyd hasn’t committed a crime in well over two years!

But it did net his family $27 million from the state and $20 million from a GoFundMe account, not to mention statues and paintings honoring his accomplishments.

He’s also been recognized by the former Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America, Nancy Pelosi, as one of the bravest people who gave his life for the cause of Racial Injustice in our country.

We are one sick country to follow the Democratic model of justice.


In presidential election years of late a dead black convicted Felon is elevated to martyrdom and used as an excuse for riots, looting and arson. Striving to turn out the black voter block by instilling anger and envy.
DEMs took a knee
Do you recall them taking a knee for . . . .
Only time dead matter, is when DEMs can use them to advance an agenda


Looks like more Liberals are being recruited onto Claycord lately.


Think of it this way, they have been provided for your entertainment.
Just like I had bosses and engineers provided at work for my entertainment.
Worked in a Union maintenance shop, was fun talking before Safety meetings listening to young liberals parroting propaganda, leftist media had pushed to their handheld devices. Poor little things couldn’t sustain even a semblance of a rational discussion in defense of their parroting. After a couple years of presenting facts about Propositions and AB-109, etc of 10 electricians on day shift better than half turned conservative. Many actually became capable of searching for facts on their own.


I see them as cartoon characters……..mostly like Smurfs. Amusing and dangerous for their silly ignorance.


This should Traitor Joe back to his underground bunker –
At a House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) spoke about the impeachment inquiry into President Biden.


Gavin Newsom just passed a law requiring a fast food wage increase to 20 dollars an hour. I am sure most of those folks work hard but 20 dollars an hour plus benefits to flip burgers is a bit much. You can thank Newsom that everyone will be paying more for their meals moving forward as the businesses will pass those costs to the customers. I for one, won’t be eating much more at those establishments. But the worst part of it is the Men and women of the California fire fighting forest service get paid only 18 dollars an hour. hello Newsom, the majority of the people of California would prefer to pay extra for our forests and wildlife to be maintained than a fast food meal. Think Mcfly…

You have a great point. Thank you. In addition my angle is that fast food is traditionally a starter job where younger individuals learn the discipline of showing up and putting in effort, while Gavin and others want to make it a head of household job. Eliminating starter jobs for kids is not a good thing. I worked in a starter job.

You can be more selective as to which fast food establishments you choose to eat at, because the $20.00 an hour wage doesn’t apply to restaurants that have fewer than 60 locations and those restaurants that make their own bread.

Four things will happen:
1-Prices will increase
2-Lines will be longer because there will be fewer employees.
3-Employees will ultimately be replaced by self-serve kiosks.
4-The trend of product and service providers fleeing California to business friendly climates will increase.
Any benefit will be extremely short term.



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