Home » Mt. Diablo Unified School District Reaches Agreement With Teamsters Union

Mt. Diablo Unified School District Reaches Agreement With Teamsters Union


Mt. Diablo Unified School District reached an agreement with its Teamsters union workers, giving them a 7 percent raise in 2023-24, followed by a 3 percent increase the following year.

The district board approved the agreement Wednesday and negotiators ratified it late last month, after months of talks.

The three-year contract also includes a salary study on the majority of jobs covered by the union– including maintenance, skilled trades, and food service.

The union represents nearly 500 district workers, who also include custodians and bus drivers.


“Through candid and collaborative bargaining, both parties agreed to informed trade-offs, not only on compensation-related matters important to the union and its members, but also in areas in which changes were sought by the district, including the discipline process, compensatory time, the coordination of differential pay time when an employee may be out for medical reasons, and keeping an important cap on vacation accruals intact,” said Dr. John Rubio, MDUSD’s chief of human resources, in a statement.

“Based on the collaboration between the union and district in successfully making contract changes that addressed both their common and distinct interests, the district is also pleased with the agreement,” Rubio said.

“This contract is a huge win for our members and takes us in the right direction of attracting and maintaining talent here at Mt. Diablo Unified School District,” said MDUSD custodial lead worker and bargaining team member Noven Feria, in a statement released by Teamsters Local 856.

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The pay increase doesn’t cover the cost of inflation.


Neither did the one I got.


It’s not like they deserved a raise in the first place.


17% in three years. What are you talking about, it’s not your money!


Actually it is tax dollar that helps fund so yeah it is OUR money

Blah blah blah – but they’re still spending $200k to change the mascot of Concord HS.

More BS.


And as always, the cost will be passed on to the taxpayers. Public employee unions are the epitome of evil and corrupt.


Not only that but it’s not like the teachers have done their job well enough to EARN a raise. People need to keep pushing the alternate options these teachers & their unions are both complete jokes.


Are you kidding. Have you seen some of the students who can call teachers names, do what ever they want in the classroom with no consequences because teachers are not allowed to have a say. Fighting in high schools and a teacher can’t pull a student off for fear that they touched them. So 5 students can beat up on one and nothing is done. Teachers stay after school and bring work home to produce their curriculum. They buy their own supplies in schools that “don’t have money”. Sometimes the teacher is the only link a child has to feel safe. Breakfast and lunch are provided at school. It could be the only meal a child gets all day. Guess what……. it’s the parents who need to step it up not the teachers. Education is so important for the future of America. Teachers deserve a 20% raise for all they have to do. And what about the lottery? Millions, sometimes billions go to one person. Wasn’t lotto money supposed to be allocated to schools? Never hear about that! Americans spend more money trying to win something that will never happen instead of putting that money to our schools.
Maybe a 35% raise should happen to our teachers. Part from the lotto and the rest from the states. Yes our taxes can do it. So much money is wasted from taxes anyway. According to you why not waste more.

I would like to see the government completely out of education if it was privatized it would be much cheaper and extremely better


The Unions don’t give a rats a$$ about the quality of a students education!


Anytime MDUSD reaches an agreement with the unions, the children AND taxpayers lose.



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