Home » Good Move! Homeowners Building Wall Around The House On Clayton & Cape Cod In Concord

Good Move! Homeowners Building Wall Around The House On Clayton & Cape Cod In Concord


That poor house on the corner of Clayton Rd. and Cape Cod in Concord.

It’s taken a beating throughout the years, and it appears the owners have finally had enough with the constant vehicle -vs- house collisions that occur on a yearly basis.

They’re building a wall! Hopefully it’ll be full of concrete and powerful enough to take a beating.



KT July 28, 2023 - 3:39 PM - 3:39 PM

I’ve always wonder when they would put up a wall. Sadly this corner is the same on Railroad/Buchanan. That corner house placed big boulders and so far so good.

Reasonable July 28, 2023 - 3:39 PM - 3:39 PM

Hopefully there are some big steel columns inside that go deep into the ground. Otherwise a car might blow through a cement wall.

Mika July 28, 2023 - 3:43 PM - 3:43 PM

Hopefully paid for from insurance paid out by the drivers who keep running into them!

Bob July 28, 2023 - 3:45 PM - 3:45 PM

Good for him. Tell City Hall where to go.

Juryisout July 28, 2023 - 3:56 PM - 3:56 PM

Well maybe. Vehicle hits curb first, starts the lifting over the curb, then the wall could launch vehicle up and thru top of wall barely slowing it down depending on its speed.
We knew a family internal Creek on a corner house and they had to put a 2-ton boulder in front of their dining room window that finally stopped vehicles from going any further than that.
Hope it works but too many variables to know till it happens again. Too many cases walls and lower boulder help to launch..

Angry American July 29, 2023 - 5:23 PM - 5:23 PM

all about speed… low speed the wall will stop 99% high speed I am thinking less than 30% still worth the money. Someone on the end of Margo put large boulders in front to prevent the same thing.. “I hope it works”

Traumarx July 28, 2023 - 4:23 PM - 4:23 PM

Instead of building a wall, how about just moving. Safer that way.

PESFG July 28, 2023 - 6:19 PM - 6:19 PM

Morons need to stay OFF the roads. And, the speed limit on that stretch of road should be lower.
I guess some people can’t wait to have their day at Ouimet Bros.

wcmom July 31, 2023 - 8:59 AM - 8:59 AM

Unfort the morons outnumber us.

Bill July 28, 2023 - 4:42 PM - 4:42 PM

I hope it works. Maybe someone knows the answer…are there easement and permit issues here? I hope not these people have been through enough already.

domo July 28, 2023 - 4:43 PM - 4:43 PM

Good idea! …and maybe a moat! ha! 🙂

TPC July 28, 2023 - 7:40 PM - 7:40 PM

They almost had a moat when they hit the water line. Hoping for the best for these folks.

Original G July 28, 2023 - 5:01 PM - 5:01 PM

Wonder what it ended up costing because dig safe wasn’t asked to come out and mark utilities?
Given number of time house has been a hood ornament, since a moat isn’t possible, wall should be monolith 4 foot tall and 3 foot thick.

Lou July 28, 2023 - 5:08 PM - 5:08 PM

Wish them the best of luck.

Teeeee July 28, 2023 - 5:23 PM - 5:23 PM

hope it’s a safer barrier…

Who DAT Gurl July 28, 2023 - 6:02 PM - 6:02 PM

Growing up in a place where it snows in winter, there was one particularly poorly positioned home that received uninvited guests nearly every winter. This house was positioned cockeyed on the corner at the bottom of a very steep long hill. Drivers seemed to be aiming for the front door of this home, which was much to close to the edge of the intersection. They couldn’t plant much in the way of proper landscaping, as it would get wiped out every time. They city installed a traffic light and somehow modified the curb, after several teenagers died in a tragic wreck. The family also installed several large boulders in the front yard, and possibly a St Christopher statue underground, and miraculously, that house was never skidded into again. Some homes just seem to invite trouble.

Itsme July 28, 2023 - 10:48 PM - 10:48 PM

Bad Feng Shui

Jay July 29, 2023 - 12:27 PM - 12:27 PM

House is located on dragon’s back

Exit 12A July 28, 2023 - 11:22 PM - 11:22 PM

Hopefully Concord city staff was proactive and worked closely with the homeowner to ensure the wall is built on their private property and its design and configuration meets zoning requirements.

when will they learn July 30, 2023 - 2:49 PM - 2:49 PM

No,in fact they wait till youre done buidding and spending on an 8 foot wall,then they give you notice to cut 5 feet off of it including an 8 ft post so they the fence looks stupid and blows around unsafely in the wind,but youre allowed to have plants there as tall as you want.City of Concord you are pointless and uncalled for.

H July 29, 2023 - 2:49 AM - 2:49 AM

They should be using the maximum quantity of rebar to maximum strength concrete possible, and make that wall at least 6 feet tall.

when will they learn July 29, 2023 - 10:48 AM - 10:48 AM

They wont allow it

Exit 12A July 29, 2023 - 8:40 PM - 8:40 PM

Be specific in your replies.
Who is “they”?

when will they learn July 30, 2023 - 2:09 PM - 2:09 PM

Were have you been,in a cave?Who would the “they” be that could tell you what you can or cant do in a certain CITY?… gee I wonder..

when will they learn July 29, 2023 - 4:55 AM - 4:55 AM

alot of good a 3 foot high wall will help,its all Concord allows om the first 10 feet of your yard on Clayton rd.Looks like they are already too high and that wont stop a car in any way,logs and boulders will

Go for it July 29, 2023 - 6:49 AM - 6:49 AM

Also wondering why people keep driving threw fence on Clayton rd and Galindo

Who DAT Gurl July 29, 2023 - 4:46 PM - 4:46 PM

Another mystery for the ages.

Winston August 1, 2023 - 1:47 PM - 1:47 PM

People drive way too fast and lose control of their cars on Clayton and Galindo because both roads are designed to encourage speeding.

Mike July 29, 2023 - 8:41 AM - 8:41 AM

A ramp would be better.

Auntie P July 29, 2023 - 8:44 AM - 8:44 AM

Maybe plant some trees also.

Original G July 29, 2023 - 7:46 PM - 7:46 PM

ACME Coil Spring . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . maybe not such a good idea

Dr. Jellyfinger July 30, 2023 - 12:55 PM - 12:55 PM

Molly Turgiss!

Hubby Jo July 31, 2023 - 9:06 AM - 9:06 AM

I’m honestly surprised an insurance company is willing to underwrite a policy for that property at this point.

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