Home » MDUSD Superintendent Denounces Video Made By College Park Vice-Principals

MDUSD Superintendent Denounces Video Made By College Park Vice-Principals


A video is going around the internet that shows two College Park High School Vice-Principals hanging out at what they called the “Valley View Bar & Grill.” The “Valley View Bar & Grill” appeared to be the back of College Park High School. The women were talking about how the kids like to smoke and drink back there, when one of the women, who some have identified as the newly hired Principal of a local middle school, says “Some of them are SPED, too.” SPED is a abbreviation for “Special Ed.”

The following statement was released by Mount Diablo Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Adam Clark

Yesterday, I was made aware of a video where two administrators made disparaging remarks about students. Once the troubling video came to light, we immediately began the investigation process. Due to this being a personnel matter, I cannot share details. What was said on the video does not represent the values of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District and I denounce the statements. We will continue to provide professional development to staff regarding the importance of ensuring that all students and families feel welcomed, as well as valued.


My sincerest apology goes to the students and families who viewed the video. I value every student and am committed to ensuring the success of every child in our care.


Dr. Adam Clark

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I have a middle-school aged kid and I’ve said for years: teachers are just people you went to high school with. And the people you went to college with who decided that molecular biology was too hard and that it would be “easier” to get a teaching credential and that they would get “$60k a year for 8 months of work”. I know several people who went into teaching because they thought it would be easier than the other major they couldn’t handle, but they’ll tell anyone else how much they’ve always loved education and being a mentor to your kids. Half of the teachers I know and half of the teacher who taught my kid are just as much of a mess as the rest of us. I only admire their classroom management skills and that’s about it. No sympathy from me for any of them.


All teachers are lazy and incompetent. Got it.


She is NOT wrong. Many of them are gravely incompetent. Several of my kids’ teachers sent packets home that were rife with grammatical and spelling errors. And, yes. They are lazy. They have short days and so many holidays, but they feel they should be paid for an entire year’s worth of work. So, also entitled.


Jessica: I love creative punctuation, too.

Tenure should be granted only for a period of 5 – 7 years, renewal based on review and psych evaluation.


No link to the video? I am so disappointed! We need more public shaming


Click the thumbnail…


I tried that over and over and it didn’t work… in fact now it’s bleeding.


One of the happiest days of my life was when my youngest graduated from MDUSD and I never had to ever again set foot on one of their campuses, interact with one of their snotty administrators, bow down to their stupid teachers to protect a child’s grade, deprogram my child at the dinner table after 8 hours of propaganda, hide my disgust at their stupid political theater, pretend to their face that they were qualified to teach a subject, raise funds so they can piss it away on useless things and bite my tongue when they said they did it all for the love of the children.

Teachers feel disrespected, but they long ago lost the respect their parents and grandparents EARNED as educators. These bozos are overpaid, over benefitted, underworked, self important, below average, intellectually uncurious mouth breathers.

I’m not surprised by this video, and I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was any or all members of our school board.


“deprogram my child at the dinner table after 8 hours of propaganda, hide my disgust at their stupid political theater, pretend to their face that they were qualified to teach a subject, raise funds so they can piss it away on useless things and bite my tongue when they said they did it all for the love of the children.”
Such a profound statement in itself. Thank God I’m not alone. Who do these people think they are? The MDUSD is a sick bunch. Especially the diversity hire adam clark. Will not be surprised when he’s accused of something horrendous involving children.


This is why we ended up switching to private school.


Adam Clark is incompetent and the MDUSD is an embarrassment to the community.


Don’t worry about it, with the 2 billion dollars from the Ca lottery 2021 through 2022 for Ca schools plus the 47 million dollars from CAL Fire plus state funding every thing will be OK. Don’t you people know that money fixes everything.


Lighten up, Clark.


What are the facts about what goes on in the back of the school? I don’t get the complaint.


Noted up above the superintendent said “What was said on the video does not represent the values of the Mt. Diablo Unified School District and I denounce the statements”.
Well apparently it does!


Nothing disparaging in what was released oh the horror someone’s fee fees got hurt. The district is a joke from top down. Home school your kids if you can otherwise go private. Lots of sponsorship for private options


What was the purpose of this video?


Drunk, mindless teachers complaining about kids.


So two administrators were hanging out where high school kids smoke and do whatever else they do. They referred to them as monkeys …

I don’t see why everyone is butt hurt over this? (Did you see Karen on the news upset about her kid being called a monkey?) Is there more video that has not been shared? I personally see nothing offensive in this short video.

I have heard others, and I myself have called my kids and others peoples kids; monkeys, punks, creatures, things, monsters and much much more. I have heard many people refer to their house, school, work etc as a circus.

These two administrators were there on day 2 of school … maybe they were trying to subtly force the misbehaving children away from the middle school. Maybe they were trying to protect the middle school kids from a bad influence We will never know now because the Karen and Adam have already poisoned the media and neighborhoods.


One calls their judgment into question when THEY post this on their social media.


She didn’t call anyone a monkey…she said, “not your monkey, not your circus”. Perhaps she was telling her target audience that they are not responsible for busting the kids who smoke and drink in the “bar and grill”.


A close friend had to change his kids school when he found that woke stuff being taught. He asked the teacher why she complied with that garbage. She told him she would get fired if she refused. Union job. The democrats own Unions. This, in our foothills of California. Red neckville right?


Doremi, wrong on so many levels. Union does not fire teachers. The Governor of Florida says there is no definition of “woke” and anyone can decide what they don’t like is woke. So what woke stuff was being taught? Your information from a second hand source was from another’s hearsay. Is that vague enough for your outrage? Yes there are some poor teachers. They are there because it is difficult to fine good teachers to put up with the BS, long hours and low relative pay. There are also poor administrators. So it is easy to condemn an entire profession because of a few? I am curious about your own profession. Hope you are not judged by the actions of a few.


What’s the big deal? Is Clark upset because he was a SPED kid too?


No repercussions for anything anyway.

I don’t understand who got bent out of shape over this?


Sane people?


I think the fat blonde lady on the right poking a reference to special needs kids is the only problem with this video. She needs to go.


The fat brunette laughed at her uncivil comment.


Hey, let’s not get personal here.
They obviously swallow a lot of aggression…………and pizzas too.


so, the big concern, I assume, is that the one VP stated some of the kids are SPED (admittedly, a bit odd, she should have finished her thought, or provided why that point is important/relevant), but not the fact that there is a known area where 13-18 year olds drink and smoke (apparently with no negative consequences) at the high school. 2 Vice Principals?

I’m sure those two were solid C students BITD.


Well, those are the type of folks that become teachers.


They are civil servants. They’re not supposed to be sitting around ragging on the student body. It’s classless and highlights where their priorities lie. I would never entrust my child with garbage people like this. And anyway, shouldn’t the two of them be on their way to the Y to eliminate some of that excess weight? I surmise they hate themselves more than these young monkeys.


This vid doesn’t make much sense. The part I found strange was when the bozo on the right said, “some of them are sped too and we won’t ever be able to get rid of them”. Huh? If I were the parent of a special ed student in that school they would hear from me! Both seem like your typical arrogant, useless public school teachers that we’ve all had to deal with. So glad my grandkids aren’t in public school.


It’s sad that a video posted by administrators received so many negative posts about teachers. Educators are as diverse as any other career in our area, so we shouldn’t lump them all into one category. It sounds like there is a need for a forum specifically for parents and community members to discuss school politics and other matters, a safe place for anyone to use as a sounding board, seek solutions, and offer accolades. Are district Board meetings not enough, or is their purpose not filling this need? My sincere hope is that this video was created to get the community’s attention (done!), reach out for support, and is backed by a mountain of documentation of previous attempts and requests for resources. If not, then the video is completely inappropriate. They say “it takes a village to raise a child”, yet school staff are not allowed to go to news media, so how else can they post “village matters” to receive support and solutions so that no child is left behind and all students can succeed? Although this video could have been done differently (or not at all), we now know about this problem at these two schools, and no students are immune from it.

For those who say a “teacher has an easy job,” I Would love to see you teach a class for one week.


Why are teachers constantly whining about their jobs? All they do is complain about the salary, the kids, the parents…. bla, bla, bla. Nobody threw a net over them and forced them into that occupation. They chose to go into that line of work knowing full well what it would be. Then, whenever anyone says anything critical of them, the immediate response is “try teaching a class for one week”. Ya, that could be said for almost any job. Try being a cop for a week… try being a paramedic for a week….. a roofer…..an Amazon worker….a waiter…. a mortician……a garbage collector…. a farm worker….a nurse……There are a lot of jobs out there that are hard, but people do them every day and keep their mouths shut. Teachers need to do the same. Sorry, you’re not special.


I heard from a staff member at CP that one of those administrators have gotten drunk at school events and at one point was so inebriated that a STUDENT had to drive her home. When this issue was raised to the principal, his response was to roll his eyes and say that at least a student brought them home, so they did not drive drunk. He also told the staff member to “Get over it.” I can’t confirm though because I wasn’t there, but there have been a lot of disturbing rumors about the administration at that school for a while. All the decent teachers are leaving, some of whom have been there for decades. That should say something.

Those unhappy with teachers broadly, if you have a degree you can easily get qualified as a sub. Come on down and show us how it is done.


I love kids – wouldn’t mind the job at all. It’s the adult co- workers that would drive me nuts.


Why isn’t anyone listing the names of these women? They should be called to the carpet

@CHESHIRE..…Just a couple of munchers.

From my understanding, the blonde is the new principal at Diablo View Middle School, Vicki Wilson.

Career ending video. Don’t take into account the content of the video. The fact that they put the effort into making the video is enough. Are these the administrators that you as community want to be representing / guiding your kids. I have had 2 kids graduate from CP neither had anything good to say about either one of the VPs

Clark “denounced” the rude and insulting video. Oh, yeah, and more training will be offered. Got it! !!

Clark “denounced” the rude and insulting video. Oh, yeah, and more training will be offered. Got it❗️

Typical school administrators, stupid, clueless, and passive aggressive. Fire them and fire superintendent Clark as well.

So this was an extremely edited video that was a hit job on these ladies. No one knows the story behind the video like did a disgruntled employee get a hold of the full version, edit it and then send it to a parents social media page? Everything was taken out of context in this video. Also for the ultra sensitive and woke, the terms “Not my monkeys, not my circus” is a saying that is as old as time, it means not my problem. And for those ripping on teachers, after COVID kids have come back to school with zero manners. It’s apparent that after 2-years of being in lockdown parents failed their children as the word “No” was never delivered. Most kids have come back with serious behavior issues and don’t tell me parents are not to blame. So we now blame teachers for parents not raising their kids right? We ask teachers to stand in front of gunman in schools, which I am sure is not in their job description. Every profession has good apples and bad apples, but the two professions that are heavily impacted by parents failing in the home is that of cops and teachers.

My point is that we should not rush to judgement here, because there is a lot of questions tied to the video being heavily edited


Do you have the whole video! I’m curious to see if and how they could have possibly edited this. That “SPED” comment is bad no matter how you spin it

@Fantasticlies: Yep, it’s always somebody else’s fault.

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My question is if they know this is where the kids smoke snd drink. What are they doing about it!!??

My grandfather used to say, “Some people don’t have sense enough to pour pi** out of a boot”. This video illustrates what he was talking about.

Ahhhh, the same school district that had a coming out party for a transgender kindergartener. Most teachers are sick and perverted. Continuing to push a disgusting agenda upon impressionable kids.



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