Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – July 14, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – July 14, 2023


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First in Politics!


antioch made international news again,
Have posted previously about antioch’s downward spiral while burdened with woke majority on city council. Recent PD comments attempted to downplay extent of crime. Grandson and a friend were sitting out front of his house in west antioch a couple of months back as group came brazenly onto property and began going thru parked vehicles.
Is no wonder property values in antioch continue to drop.
‘Nightmarish video shows HUGE swarm of masked burglars roaming Bay Area street at 2am and breaking into cars: Victim woken up by crime was too scared to confront them’
‘Nightmarish video shows HUGE swarm of masked burglars roaming Bay Area street at 2am and breaking into cars: Victim woken up by crime was too scared to confront them’
“Ring doorbell cameras captured a frightening scene in Antioch, California in the early hours of July 6”
‘George Soros-backed PAC spent $1MILLION on woke California DA’s campaign, records show amid soaring crime: Burglary is up by a third, car theft climbs by a fifth and rapes surge by 7.5% in Bay Area city’
“Contra Costa DA Diana Becton has overseen a surge in crime in Antioch, CA
She received $1,002,000 from the California Justice & Public Safety PAC in 2022
The former judge ran on a platform focused on criminal justice reform and restoring the public’s trust in law enforcement”.
antioch is but a pathetic remnant of the vibrant city it was in 1980s


Obviously their plan is working……….


Good to see Antioch goes from a sundown city to a city with diverse populations.


All thanks to the progressive democrat California government that supports and enables criminals, and promotes crime.


But what do you expect when bread is $5 a loaf? Can you not see the plan being executed? Gear up. There are some good security cameras available at reasonable prices. I use my garage for what it was intended not a storage shed so no one can break into my car.
Some one once asked some Russians what they think is wrong with Americans and they said “they don’t know history!”. If you have Netflix that series they had a few years ago on Trotsky was quite revealing. It’s the money junkies that make things happen for their profit not for the benefit of society. And remember we vastly outnumber the money junkies.


What exactly do criminals have to fear here in soft on crime DEM run CA ? ? ? ?
‘Oakland cops warn residents to reinforce their doors with braces or a security bar and install security cameras after spate of home invasions – with thieves even ransacking homes when the owners are THERE’
If there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence to criminal behavior


Look at the President and VP you fools voted for!
Unbelievable they’re going to run again and the fools will vote for them again.


.. dont forget Newscum, Bonta, Becton and all the incumbents that do little if anything… voters – if you don’t do your research, don’t vote!


Gather weapons & ammo!


Castle Doctrine!


Invest in precious metals……brass and lead.


“The circus has come to town, and it’s not the one you remember from your childhood.”
It’s Friday night and time for the CLOWN WORLD HEADLINES of the week!

Biden Authorizes Military to Call Reservists to Active Duty to Support Ukraine War

MSNBC Mocked on Social Media for Warning That Being Healthy is a Gateway to “White Supremacy”

Hunter Biden on CEFC China Energy: ‘We Don’t Want to Have to Register as Foreign Agents’

Biden Regime to Crack Down on Air Conditioning to Fight Global Warming – Will Cut HFC Consumption by 40% in Next 4 Years – Get Ready to Boil!

EXCLUSIVE: Biden’s DOJ Eliminates Language on Child Sex Trafficking from Government Website and Child Victims of Prostitution – After Losing Track of 85,000 Migrant Children

California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison

Report: 40% of Brown University Students Identify as LGBTQQIAAP2S+

‘I See Trans Women as Real Women’: Retiring U.S. Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Says She Welcomes Men on Women’s Team Roster

‘Trantifa’ — Convicted Trans Kidnapper Tells Pride Crowd to Punch ‘TERFs’ in The Face While Waving Antifa Flag

Clinton-Appointed Liberal Judge Rules Wisconsin School Must Let Trans-Identifying Biological Male Students Use Girls’ Restroom

Teen Girl Accused of ‘Hate Speech’ After Voicing Concerns About Transgenders in Girl’s Locker Room

Transgender Model Crowned as ‘Miss Netherlands’, Will Compete for Title of Miss Universe

Hellish: Demonic Freak Fantasizes About Being First Tranny To Implant Uterus, Abort Baby

Enough Already!’: Maybelline Roasted for Using Bearded Cross-Dresser in Lipstick Ad

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine: “Inducing Lactation May Present More of a Challenge for Transgender Individuals.” — CDC Highlights Stunning Scientific Discoveries From Clown World in Official Handout

Seattle Schools Offer Free ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ to Kids as Young as 11, Instruct Staff Not to Tell Parents

Missing Girl Found At Marine Corps Base, Aunt Claims She Was ‘Sold To Soldier For Sex’

Internal Affairs Investigates Chicago Police for Having Sex with Migrants, Impregnating Teen

Comrade Elon: Musk’s Tesla Pledges to Uphold ‘Core Socialist Values’ for Communist China

Chris Matthews: Biden’s World Leadership ‘Brilliant at Level of FDR or Eisenhower’

Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Calls George Soros an “American and Patriot”

John Kerry Says People Will Have a “Better Quality of Life” with Strict Green New Deal-Style Climate Mandates

Bizarre New Attack on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: He Promotes the ‘Ugly Message that Being Autistic is Bad’

Democrats and Activists Renew Push to Lower the Voting Age to 16

California Bill Would Let Judges ‘Rectify Racial Bias’ in Sentencing, for ‘Reparations’

California Proposes ‘Toilet-to-Tap,’ Turning Wastewater into Drinking Water

Democrats in Massachusetts Look to Give Voting Rights to Foreign Nationals

8-Year-Old Arrested for Allegedly Stealing Car at Gunpoint

In D.C. Non-Citizens Can Now Work as Police Officers

Gyrating Streaker Punches One-Legged Man in Las Vegas Casino

That’s all for this week, stay cool and hydrated this weekend!


You put too much effort into your weekly skewed news and false fantasies. People who want to ready this dribble already have on right leaning web sites.


You are stereotypical,and you can’t figure out why.



None of those items are false, nor are they “fantasies.” All are facts.

You as well as the rest of the liberals obviously have a problem with facts, and you need to learn the difference between fact and opinion.

Care to disprove any of them?

I thought not.

Go be offended somewhere else, snowflake.


DOH, your remark “ready this dribble”

Does that translate into “read this drivel”?

Idiotic remarks are already difficult to tolerate, but when they are misspelled as well… You are just leaving the readers guessing what the hell you’re actually trying to say.


Now crazy joe is nibbling on the ears of little children.

When is this pedophile going to be horsewhipped? Or sent to prison where he can be someone’s b****?


If that is joe scaring some kid in Finland I will not open it. It is disgusting and embarrassing.


The White House is the most video taped building in the world and they cant figure out who brough cocaine into the building???? Sounds like a cover up. Some ones getting another free pass.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK… Obama, the Democratic Party, liberals, progressives, and the woke have killed your dream.


Conservatives love cutesy caricatures of MLK as a noble figure but the fact is his movement helped destroy America.

Not just physically through rioting, but through “civil rights” law that made “wokeness” possible.

Anyone who can’t admit this deserves to be crushed by leftists.


The simple fact that this disgraceful excuse for a President nor any one in his cabinet is not livid and demanding the culprit be found that brought illegal drugs into the White House, tells you all you need to know about the latest cover up.


While most just slept through the waves of politics and scoffed at claims of a deep state, it all just kind of happened. Now we have an entrenched and unelected power structure immune to out voting. One of the reasons I like conspiracy theories is so many end up as actually true, like the Tonkin Gulf incident, that the Hunter laptop was not a Russian plant, and so on.


The Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened. Look it up.


Doh: It was a crazy conspiracy theory that LBJ would fake a second attack as an excuse to ramp up the war. Who would have thought? Now, about those JFK assassination documents they refuse to release that might pin the blame on the CIA . . .


Like duh! They want to keep their agenda alive and apparently try Stalinism (not just communism), a failed method of rule. We the people should remain unruly.


The coke was found in a public area; most likely dropped by someone attempting to make the White House look bad.


That white powder stuff is nothing compared to the latest Biden video of him licking a terrified little girl. The White House staff should be shoveling cocaine into the hallways to try to distract from that sick video.


It was first reported in a public area. Later found to be not true. Keep up please.


@ Doh – You’re right, it was Hunter Biden!


The current administration does not need any one’s help to “look bad” they do it all by themselves on a never ending daily basis.


The Biden administration need absolutely no assistance in finding new and improved ways to make themselves look bad daily.
Buttigieg on CNBC squawk box yesterday? Unbelievable.
Kamala defining AI as if on Romper Room? Unbelievable.
Yet strangely, they seem unconcerned with having enough votes to win the next election.
How peculiar.


The dim, shallow and gullible ones talk like they were there, they saw it all, and they know what really happened.


DOH don’t know?
Here ya go slow DOH…. I even pulled this story from a left wing source, just for you.


It did successfully remove all the coverage of the hunter text stating his father was right next to him during one of the bribes/shakedowns. Methinks that was the point.


The Bidens own nothing, make nothing and offer no services. Why are they getting paid tens of millions from foreign entities??? Follow the bank records.
Why isn’t the FBI & DOJ investigating??? Are they protecting the Biden crime family just like they DID when 50 FBI agents signed off on Hunters laptop as Russian disinformation during an election??? Can you say Weaponization???

Biden also had classified docs like Trump. However, Biden had docs going back decades before he was even president??? Only a president or former president can have classified docs. DOJ is doing what’s called selective enforcement.

Then Bidens crime syndicate is the most corrupt family ever in the White House.


The justice department is totally corrupt. They protect the traitors China Joe Biden and his criminal organization family, and they do everything they can to suppress and silence those that try expose the criminals like China Joe.


So what is a nation to do when it’s government has become corrupt?
The President & his family collecting millions from criminal dealings at home and abroad.
Dept. of Justice, FBI, CIA are traitors to the oath they swore & the IRS is a tool to intimidate any who oppose them.
All of the above refuse to support the Constitution and the written laws of the land or enforce/abuse them selectively…. to The Big Guy’s benefit or their own.
We’re becoming Venezuela! Inflation, corruption….. is rebellion next?
My bet is the sh*t will hit the fan when they start confiscating our firearms.


Any evidence of that tens of millions from foreign entities??? Any bank records? Name your source of this impeachable story.


Here you go DOH.


C’mon DOH….convince me it’s all lies or Russian disinformation or make up some other lame excuse… or just admit it…… Joe is a crook!


Progressive Liberal Rule #1 :
“When proven wrong do NOT reply… run, ignore, drop out, go dark”


You may have made her seek therapy..a job well done.

Additional therapy…ahem…

Biden stumbling on the short stairs does not look good.


The world has lost it’s way. There has to be something in the water. You don’t get that dumb naturally.


Nah, it’s in the air. Look what’s in those chemtrails. They’re not natural. And who drinks tap water anyway? I always associated California with water delivering services something I didn’t see in the NW.


If global warming is so bad, why are Basement Joe and all the other politicians flying all over the world in their polluting planes? The “hypocrite” oath – Do as I say, not as I do!


At what point do we admit the democrats and using the communist manifesto? It’s been obvious for decades to those who have read it. Waiting for you all to catch up has been exhausting. But it looks like you’re getting there. Claycord comments prior to the COVID HOAX were much more far left extremist.


Yeah, they keep trying that (not just democrats but other political groups around the world). It wouldn’t go anywhere but destabilization allows the wealthiest in the world to profit by controlling resources. Float up above the planet and look at the real picture at arm’s length. You think they would learn but I already see signs of their scheme failing.


I see everywhere signs of their scheme succeeding beyond their wildest dreams. If someone told you 20 years ago what this country would look like in 2023 you would have laughed them out of the room.


They told us the whole time. Every thing was a small steady movement against us leading to this point. You can’t move freedom loving Americans to communism overnight. This took decades of undermining our constitution. They hate that we have rights protecting us from tyranny. What can you do when the supreme court is completely ignored by the executive branch? The military is the only way.


They tried plan A and it didn’t work so they moved on to plan B then C then… after a while they are going to run out of letters. But they’ve been trying this for centuries maybe with some few years of success until it all fell apart again.
The elite don’t have much love for the commoners. Not everyone wants or needs to be a millionaire. Too much focus on material gain seems to lead to psychopathy. Most people just want a functional income and lifestyle. The elite have stolen that from many of us.
I like to tell the story of my brother and his wife buying a mansion and then I found them living in the den. When I asked why they answered “the place costs too much to heat.” 🤣


Speaking of criminals, what’s a backhoe rent for these days ? ? ?


It depends on how pretty she is.


Another person killed in antioch last night, makes FIVE DEAD so far this year.
Last night downtown approximately 60 rounds fired, three wounded one dead.
Night before there were two shooting incidents.
Citizens of antioch need to appeal directly to governor to stem uncontrolled violence that’s driving down house prices.
For a lower standard of living, higher prices, rampant criminal activity and criminals roaming our streets instead of being locked up vote for DEMs !
antioch is but a pathetic remnant of the vibrant city it was in 1980s


how come the trump fans are silent? Scared


I’m confused. What does wanting responsible fiscal policies, low inflation, energy independence, controlling the border, discouraging the teaching of racism and hate in schools, reducing the risk of international wars, and wanting to eliminate the weaponization of government agencies for political purposes have to do with this shooting? I guess we could mention the Soros paid for DA if it makes you happy, OK, there. Soft on crime policies encourages this sort of stuff.


Lots of towns have faced these problems before and found a way to fix things.


The biden “fans”are mute,deaf,and really,really dumb.


I prefer blind, deaf and dumb


I forgot blind.
It all totals blindness.


Nice try commie. Everyone already knows Trump will slaughter 2024. Hard core leftists, mexicans, blacks, all voting Trump. Just a couple mask wearing trans kids support democrats now.


Results speak for themselves:
Low inflation vs. historically high inflation
Low gas prices vs. historically high gas prices
Rampant crime terrorizing our once safe family communities
Government taking everything they can from hard working honest taxpayers and giving it to deadbeats
And, those that support all that is destroying our once great middle class nation are glaringly obvious, too, Frank


It was the DEMOCRATS who voted against Bill to give life to Pedo’s. Because the Dems are the Pedo’s party. SICK


Hang on to your butts California.


California pricing utilities based on your income is so unethical on so many levels, not just the actual tax itself but also the process. Even the federal IRS has all sorts of rules about not disclosing citizen’s tax returns over issues of privacy, confidentiality and civil rights, but here in California the government will download your tax data without your consent or knowledge for others to decide what prices you should pay for things ????? What an amazing violation of the confidentiality expected for your tax returns.


‘The all-Muslim city council in Hamtramck, Michigan, has fired two human relations commissioners after they flew the LGBTQ pride flag on public property in violation of a recent law banning such flags.’
Hmm, WHY isn’t leftist media having one hour prime time specials calling city council their usual list of ‘trigger’ phrases?


The song “Cocaine Decisions” came out in 1983. It appears we are living it in 2023.
“Where the cocaine decisions that you make today
Will mean that millions somewhere else
Will do it your way.”


Thanks Gov Nuisance and tax & spend politicians:

New Income Redistribution Scheme’ Coming with the income-based tax on your electricity bill:
Californians already pay 70% over the national average.
Estimates of additional charges for average incomes are expected to increase by around $2,000.00 a year.
Are you finally ready to vote for change?
Don’t blame me, I’m just the messenger.


Do you recall how after month of daily mail pieces on Venice Beach?
All those tens of millions of taxpayer dollars DEMs have spent on homeless thus far.
Well here’s a little progress report on how DEMs running CA are doing.
‘Homeless continue to take over LA’s iconic Venice Beach boardwalk as shocking footage shows it looking like a trash heap with grocery carts, tarps and blankets’


In his infinite wisdom the Dear Leader decided to call up our military reserves to “support” the efforts in Ukraine.
He did this to help our friends fend off attacks from Putin. It had nothing at all to do with creating a diversion from his son, laundering cash for his Crime Family, or that long and growing list of screw-ups and crimes against America.
It’s simply a coincidence.
So just DROP IT!
Got that?


I wonder what went wrong with this Dem plan to solve a nonexistent problem.
Remember LBJ’s Great Society hoax in 1969? Throwing endless sums of money failed, is failing, & will continue to fail. But it bought votes, didn’t it.


‘Massive US Oil Caverns’ Are Now Empty, Will Take ‘Decades To Refill’ Thanks To Biden

While it took the Biden administration the better part of six months to drain the US oil supply down to a precarious 20-days of emergency reserves (a 40-year low), it will take decades to refill – if that happens at all.
Why would Biden allow this? We could blame his incompetence, or his criminal deal making, but his handlers ain’t as stupid as he is. They wouldn’t allow it…..unless it was intentional.
Now the question is; why would his handlers intentionally allow our strategic oil reserve to run out?


Biden has gotten millions of dollars in political payoff money from our adversaries such as China. Perhaps Biden is doing his best to make sure China would win a war against us by depleting the oil we would need in a war. Note in other stories the military is warning we are very low on munitions because of what he sent to Ukraine. Biden’s actions point to him possibly being a Chinese sleeper agent. Note the Chinese balloon he refused to shoot down until after it went over our missile sites.


Budget groups continue to release dire forecasts for the explosive growth of the U.S. national debt.

The U.S. Treasury reported a $1.4 trillion deficit so far nine months into fiscal year 2023.

“Three-quarters into the fiscal year and we’re borrowing an astounding $5.1 billion per day,” said Maya MacGuineas, president of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.
“If that isn’t a sign that we need a wake-up call, maybe it should be the fact that the deficit for this fiscal year is now larger than all of last year’s deficit – and there’s still three months to go.

The Congressional Budget Office released a report earlier this year projecting the national debt will be nearly twice as large as the U.S. economy in 30 years.

How long should we tolerate this reckless incompetence continue?


‘Gavin Newsom accused of ‘political hypocrisy’ over DeSantis and Abbott lawsuit threat as it’s revealed HIS administration was caught ‘dumping’ child migrants in other counties when he was mayor of San Francisco’
“California politicians and former government officials have pointed out Gavin Newsom’s own history of dumping’ migrants elsewhere when he was mayor
His administration was caught transporting migrant juvenile delinquents in other counties including San Bernardino, without warning in 2008”


‘Massachusetts officials are now asking residents to take border crossers and illegal aliens into their homes…’
The Quartering Act of 1765

Mike Pence when asked about homelessness and the fentanyl epidemic dramatically said, “It’s not my concern.” Amazing. Of course after he said it, being the politician he is, realized how cold and stupid he sounded he gave a small boilerplate speech about how he will fix all the country’s problems, and finished so well he should have had the National Anthem in the background. No, his initial response was correct, at least for him. What an idiot. Great sound bite to use against him and hopefully good bye and good riddance.

Public (government) schools in Dem-run cities have become a racket, looting taxpayers’ funds and failing to deliver even a minimally acceptable education. The Three R’s are long dead.
Americans spend more on their government (public) schools than any other country, but our students place near the bottom of standardized achievement tests. Teachers are only partially guilty, it’s the unqualified leaders and their twisted agendas who set rules and requirements.
We’re cheated on a colossal level, and the future of the US is in crisis when our children, mostly minorities, are stuck in low pay and social status because they are unqualified and illiterate.
“The Law” forces this on us and like (ignorant) sheep we (not me though) accept this abuse.
As usual, the government has the solution…..simply throw MORE money at the problem:

The New York Post reported:
“Roughly 5,200 black and Hispanic ex-Big Apple teachers and once-aspiring educators are expected to collect more than $1.8 billion in judgments after the city stopped fighting a nearly three-decade federal discrimination lawsuit that found a certification exam was biased.”

“It’s the largest legal payout in city history.
As of Friday, 225 people who failed the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test used for teacher licensing from 1994 to 2014 had already been notified they’re getting settlements of at least $1 million, according to an analysis of Manhattan federal court records.”

“Court rulings found the exam violated civil-rights laws, allowing far more white candidates to pass.”

Now that a prescient has been set it’s only a matter of time until CA gets hosed in the same fashion.

Overload the system, break the system, blame the system. A solid plan and it’s working.
Whom shall we hold responsible?


More on competency of DEMs to make decisions which ensure society is SAFE.
”Person of interest’ in serial killer deaths of four women in Oregon was among 1,000 inmates released EARLY by the former governor because they were vulnerable to COVID’
DEMs seem not able to grasp there are vicious predators who must be kept separate from society.


Predators tend to identify with other predators.

‘Illegal immigrant kids with tuberculosis infections released into 44 states’


The biden harris obama regime priorities should be clear to most by now.
‘Joe Biden’s ‘open door’ to the United States: his administration has welcomed 500,000 LEGAL migrants into the U.S. over the past two years, staggering new statistics reveal’
Overwhelm the system
Break the system
Blame the system


Interesting how this huge permanent migration of people is being done very purposely yet with little discussion at the national level about the motivations or the consequences. The few reasons never meet the smell test like keeping inflation down or adding workers to pay for social security obligations or because people moved here long ago so we should continue. Is it just to harvest Democrat votes?


Harvesting votes from illegal immigrants, college loan debtors, criminals, and the professionally homeless is the liberal base. Statements like this irritate some because such facts are personally insulting.


I watched the whistle-blower hearing today.
Frightening to see what has happened to our wonderful country.
We are heading in a fatal direction and is clear there is no way this suicidal direction will be reversed. Scary that we are quickly heading for a very bad future.
It will be a horrible awaking at some point in the near future.
God Help Us. Someone Help Us.


I watched some, and in any normal and decently ethical situation I would expect the president of a country to quickly either explain what the $17 million was for, or resign.


‘Louisiana Legislature Overrides Governor’s Veto of Bill Protecting Kids From Transgender Surgeries’
Transgender-Industrial Complex

MTG showed Hunter Biden’s self produced pornography during house committee hearings today. She was making the case for The Mann Act and illegal tax deductions for female companionship expenses. Her supporting documentation, was certainly more impressive than the pictures of Hunter Biden.
Afterwards, some claimed, “So what? That doesn’t have anything to do with Joe”.
This family continues to demonstrate a complete and total lack of character. Treating woman as nothing more that purchased objects for sexual gratification: Isn’t that just a little bit racist?
Anyone with an ounce of self respect would leave the public stage and avoid further shame for the family. How about denying a Grandchild?
This family has no character, no integrity, no shame, and don’t give a tinker’s cuss what American Citizens see, think, or feel. Yet they claim to represent us…………


How does the word”racist’ enter into it?Anything you dont like you label’racist”??


Anyone who marginalizes and/or demeans a select group, especially for their own aggrandizement could be considered a racist.
I was being charitable.
There are certainly more specific technical terms that could accurately be applied to the Biden Crime Family.


Get a grip maybe.


I also found “racist” to be an odd word for TFS to use. There are other words that come to my mind that are more appropriate to Hunter’s behavior and attitude towards women.
But then again, Sleepy Joe is still “Proud of my son”.


Well it looks to me that Traitor Joe is losing the race against dementia. When the inevitable happens, and it’s closing in faster each day, and the fakers and liars can no longer deny that he is impaired, the options will be as bad as choosing between; sliding down a 50 ft razor into a barrel of alcohol or sucking on a dead skunks nose till his head caves in.
The only choice is, THERE AIN’T NO CHOICE! The giggling moron takes over!
As it is now, he slurs speech, stumbles and falls, is clearly propped up, and (I believe heavily) medicated, yet barely functions.
His terrified puppet masters, who will place the blame on him for all the destruction they’ve created, want him to remain in the Big Boy chair until the election.
When it all collapses and Joe’s masters are stuck with that giggling moron, even if only an “Acting President,” under the 25th would be pain-in-the-azz to dislodge from leading the ticket in 2024. She is a sure loser unless they again use that old reliable electoral cheating remedy.
The idea that Trump might win running against her terrifies them. And it should, for many good reasons!
Therefore ……….. as they have promised, “by any means necessary” will be once again, be the deal.
Remember when the cheaters covered the windows of the vote count places so observers couldn’t view the cheating. Or the mysterious simultaneous power failures occurred. Or the fake flood when some of the vote count cheaters purposely stopped up a toilet, or that UPS truck was discovered with thousands of paper ballots being driven from one vote count place to others. If you questioned any of these “coincidences” you were called a traitor, a liar, a communist, etc, etc, etc.
Hang on tight folks, we’re in for an unbelievable, never before witnessed, insane ride brought to us by the evil deep state.
Of course this is only my opinion. I could be wrong. I hope so. But I doubt it.


‘Bombshell FBI document detailing alleged $10M Biden bribery scheme: Burisma CEO said Hunter was ‘stupid’ but necessary to keep on board because ‘his dad’ could ‘protect’ them from ‘problems’ ‘
Joe Biden bragged about getting Ukrainian prosecutor fired


And on the same day RFK hands the Democrat party their a** regarding censorship of their own member. Hakeem Jeffries was really up on the tires and likely required a sedative.
Clearly, they have become more afraid of RFK than Trump.


Perhaps our very own Congressman Desaulnier could step up and grill the FBI and DOJ on how they had all this documentation on Biden’s political and financial corruption and not only did not act in it, but hid the information from this country’s citizens. Naw, he’d rather pass resolutions about the 1940s Port Chicago explosion and legislate the length of time airplane cockpit recorders tape conversations. We have no representation.


I’d rather have him explain why there was another beating/strong arm robbery in Danville last night and why a description of the assailants is no longer provided. And further why so few news sources even report these increasingly frequent acts of violence.
If allowed another question, I would inquire as to why his party believes beating the heck out of someone is a minor offense compared to hate speech.



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