Home » Antisemitic Callers Criticize Walnut Creek City Council Members On Tuesday Night

Antisemitic Callers Criticize Walnut Creek City Council Members On Tuesday Night


In what seemed to be a coordinated effort, multiple people called into the public comment portion of Tuesday night’s Walnut Creek City Council meeting to spout antisemitic propaganda at the council.

Councilmember Kevin Wilk, who was Walnut Creek’s first Jewish mayor and city council member, said Wednesday there were “pretty stunning comments” made by four different callers.

One caller, who identified himself as “Scottie, resident of Walnut Creek,” said “I’m calling today to address some irrational statements made by certain council members who know who they are, regarding the pro white banners that they cried about on the news probably about six months back.”

“Scottie” also said: “I was just wondering why they think it’s OK to — it’s not OK to be pro white. If you’re a Jew or a Black, it’s applauded. It seems every time whites express love for their people, some Jew wants to shut it down.”


When Mayor Cindy Silva interrupted the caller to say “Let’s be respectful, please,” “Scottie” said, “We don’t have an issue of white supremacy like you guys like to place in your Jewish media narrative. We have an overwhelming issue of Jewish supremacy that is becoming more clear daily, even to non-whites. You guys cry about the antisemitism.”

At Wilk’s urging, the call was then cut off.

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Some real strange ones out there…


One nut should not make the news. There is no organized Jewish anything impacting anyone’s life here. There’s lots of conspiracies that are real (FBI stonewalling on Biden, DOJ against Trump, Hunters suppressed laptop, JFK unreleased docs, who is running the White House if Biden is as frail as he appears sometimes, etc.) but this isn’t one.


Why would you call somebody names? I didn’t hear anybody break the law last night or say anything violent or threatening. Some people just didn’t like what was said, and like they say, you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all the people all the time!
But name-calling is really childish.


The description “nut” is about as mild and plain vanilla as I can think of compared to what I hear every day and even from national politicians. First dictionary I looked up said nut is an eccentric person, and I believe its eccentric to point out someone’s religion and claim they are part of a vast religious conspiracy in a city council meeting as described.


There’s a man in WC who regularly comments to the City Council about conspiracies against him and his family. The guy is clearly mentally ill but can hold a decent converaation and actually speaks very well. Btw, dont make the mistake of conversing with him. He’ll talk your ear off.
The Council gives him his three minutes as allowed and then moves on.


Btw, Walnut Creek’s logo looks like a juniper bush.

Perhaps Scottie is concerned Kevin Wilk will petition to have the juniper bush replaced with a burning bush?

I think what brings this on is every group gets their week or month but Whites get accused of White Supremacy. MAGAs are wrecking the country democrats claim. Sometimes there is a reason for paranoia. If you are a little weak it will beat you.


Actually I was just thinking the same thing: Every people group is allowed to say how they’re proud of their ethnicity and heritage and wish to preserve their culture. But if you happen to be European decent, then it’s labeled as white supremacy and hate speech & racism.


Irish Parade Day is an awesome event in Chicago. Just don’t go waving tiki torches and should hateful things. Simple stuff.


We have an Irish Channel residential area in New Orleans, and every At Patrick’s Day, we have a parade. Folks throw cabbages and potatoes off the float, but no corned beef roasts. It’s a fun day to drink gree beer and dress in green attire. One “throw cup” (plastic decorated cup) I have from a parade says “All the Saints are Irish on St Patties Day”. It’s true!

Don’t let other ethnicities and minorities get you down. They may get special treatment, affirmative actions, special days or Months, and other benefits, but Caucasian, European descendants have the privilege of being ostracized FIRST. When the Irish Catholics emigrated to the US, there were signs in storefronts saying “No Irish”. Same for the Jews, Italians and the Polish immigrants. I guess the English, French and the German immigrants who settled in the US before them, were the first to discriminate against other ethnicities.

In other words, whoever is the most recent immigrant to any country, has the privilege of being chastised and victimized.

England was that way with Indian/Pakistani immigrants.
Germany was that way with Turkish immigrants.

Do not be offended by our history; LEARN from it.

The Lesson? Love One Another.


Is it ok to be white now?


Kanye West put it best – calling someone a “racist” is the new “n” word.


It’s very ok to be white, always has been and always will that why it’s the superior race.
Get over it already if you can’t cope with it.


I think every race thinks they are Superior. The trick is don’t act like it.


In your best Will Ferrell voice:
Oh, sweet irony!…

“…. It seems every time whites express love for their people, some Jew wants to shut it down.”

…a few moments later…

“At Wilk’s urging, the call was then cut off.”

😆 😀 🤣


Irony anyone? A guy calls to complain about censorship from the Jews but the Jewish councilman won’t let him talk.


Walnut Creek government officials are crime sympathizers.
Be it turning a blind eye to looting, or sympathizing with criminals accosting citizens attempting to patronize local business, they sure don’t support the people who pay their salary. It’s difficult to feel sorry for them suffering a minor amount of verbal abuse.


Even though we cut down the nut and fruits farms decades ago Walnut Creek continues to be famous for its nuts and fruits.


Well Said !


What specifically was said ? This report translates to “someone said some mean things” and I’m supposed to be outraged?


Never mind read it … that’s it? That’s hate ? Do democrats not remember the 2020 summer of hate directed at the white community? Did the weak republicans forget that as well? There is a serious power issue with all our major institutions and it’s clear the majority culture in this country lost control after WW2 … the puzzle pieces are out there for you to assemble and get the big picture… but to call out who runs a company or organization is not hate its truth to power.


Thought about this article again. What is Kevin Wilks family history? Who financed him? Who is he related to? Anyone on here know his conservative worldview? Is this another milquetoast fake conservative with no teeth? Anyone on here that has done work or business with him that is not of his ilk vouch for him? What’s the demographics and religious demographics of Walnut Creek ? What has he done for conservatives to conserve the culture/city? Is he behind all these apartments and other ugly structures of materialism being built in downtown, Walnut Creek? Those are the questions i want answered by claycord some real journalists are capable of such things enough with the fluff pieces

Why does this warrant a news article? Serious question. Someone called in and offended people during a city council meeting? Also, like other people have commented, the outcome of what happened is beyond ironic lol.

$20 says Scottie was baiting Kevin Wilk and knew exactly how Wilk would respond. And Wilk responded as predicted, in a blazingly ironic way.



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