Home » Pittsburg, Concord Police Hold Collaborative DUI Checkpoint On Kirker Pass Rd.

Pittsburg, Concord Police Hold Collaborative DUI Checkpoint On Kirker Pass Rd.


Pittsburg Police Department conducted a collaborative DUI/Driver License checkpoint with the assistance of Concord Police in the area of Kirker Pass Road and Railroad Avenue on Friday night.

A total of (847) vehicles were screened, which resulted in the following:

    • 3 DUI arrests
    • 4 citations for suspended driver licenses
    • 18 citations for unlicensed drivers
    • 4 towed vehicles

In addition, DUI saturation patrol was also conducted, which resulted in 1 DUI arrest for drugs and 2 more citations were issued to drivers.



Mika April 23, 2023 - 12:02 PM - 12:02 PM

Curious. Do they let the unlicensed drivers take off to continue driving without a license or do they tow the car?

Dorothy April 23, 2023 - 1:08 PM - 1:08 PM

Only 4 citations for suspended driver licenses and 4 vehicles towed. Since 18 unlicensed drivers were not arrested but only got citations one can only presume they were patted on the head and told be good boys and girls and allowed to go on their way.

I think all stopped check point cars should be checked for various items that shouldn’t be in the car – like other peoples belongings of any kind.

D Rodgers April 23, 2023 - 4:44 PM - 4:44 PM

That would be unlawful search, unless the drivers agree to a search of the vehicle. Not to mention how that would impede the flow of traffic. Thankfully I’ve always been able to avoid those check points (out of convenience), but I do think they are helpful. Wish people could just follow the rules… 🤷‍♂️

Jessica April 23, 2023 - 5:08 PM - 5:08 PM

Police need probable cause to completely stop you. Sad you wish we had a police state. Let me guess: republican who swears that liberals are fascist?

The Fearless Spectator April 23, 2023 - 7:40 PM - 7:40 PM

California has single political party rule.
We have reached a point where a reported crime can’t even provide a description of the suspects for fear of breaking the political party rules.
That’s Ministry of Truth territory.
Rather police state-like, isn’t it?

Exit 12A April 23, 2023 - 8:58 PM - 8:58 PM

Actually, CA’s laws allows these checkpoints subject to procedural requirements including public notice of such a checkpoint will be set up (time, date, location, and purpose). In other words, law enforcement provides “fair warning” to the public.
What people don’t know are your civil rights as a motorist. You do not need to roll down your window all the way or speak to the officers per se. If you do, they’ll be trying to smell your breath or detect odors (like pot smoke) emanating from you or your car.
All you need to do is show your driver license by putting it up against the window to allow them to check that it is indeed valid. Of course they’ll be looking for visual cues of intoxication… bloodshot eyes or dialated pupils.
However, non-participation does raise suspicion which could lead to probable cause..
And dont ever pull a u-turn to avoid a checkpoint… that’s enough probable cause for a real traffic stop.

Dawg April 24, 2023 - 12:25 AM - 12:25 AM

In California, you are legally required to follow a police officer’s instructions. You must show your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance. If the police ask you to roll down your window, and you do not, you can be arrested for obstruction of justice. The police don’t need to smell your breath, their flashlights are equipped with a sensor that detects alcohol.

Exit 12A April 24, 2023 - 8:33 AM - 8:33 AM

You need a better attorney.

Rollo Tomasi April 24, 2023 - 3:03 PM - 3:03 PM

@ Jessica – SCOTUS has ruled that the degree of violation of 4th amendment rights imposed by DUI checkpoints does not outweigh the benefit to public safety. You know, like Biden did with vaccine mandates. All fascism is fascism, regardless of the source.

Doh April 24, 2023 - 10:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Dorthy – Police would not let an unlicensed driver drive away. More likely is a licensed passenger would be allowed to drive.

Realist April 23, 2023 - 1:13 PM - 1:13 PM

Pretty sure they are supposed to ticket and tow/impound (depending if no licensed passenger that can drive in the car). Perhaps someone else can correct me if I am wrong.

Exit 12A April 23, 2023 - 2:04 PM - 2:04 PM

Since this is CA, the decision on whether the vehicle is towed is probably race-based.
You know, in the name of “equity” and “social justice” rather than current law or public safety.
(Sarcasm intended)

P Rom April 23, 2023 - 5:09 PM - 5:09 PM

.ay be passenger have a DL

Dr. Jellyfinger April 23, 2023 - 6:07 PM - 6:07 PM

It all depends….. was checkpoint stopping traffic heading into Pittsburg (most likely) or into Concord? (Sober people heading to Walnut Creek and Concord to get drunk or drunk people heading home after drinking & shoplifting in Walnut Creek P.Hill & Concord).

Amateur Teacher April 23, 2023 - 6:14 PM - 6:14 PM

Hope they got Hoffensteiner again. She needs to run for election again and will need a PR boost to appeal to California voters.


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