Home » Clayton Mayor Jeff Wan Releases Update On Controversial City Council Decision To Terminate Agreement With Clayton Business Community Association

Clayton Mayor Jeff Wan Releases Update On Controversial City Council Decision To Terminate Agreement With Clayton Business Community Association


As we previously reported, the Clayton City Council voted 3-1 earlier this month to terminate an agreement with the Clayton Business Community Association (CBCA)

The following update is from Clayton Mayor Jeff Wan:

Last week, representatives from the City of Clayton (City Council CBCA Ad Hoc and Interim City Manager) and the CBCA (President and Treasurer) met to discuss ways that the two organizations could move forward and continue to foster the partnership that has enhanced the Clayton community for so many years.


While this was an initial discussion, we did come to a conceptual concurrence on several key items:

– We recognize the unique value downtown Clayton provides as a venue for CBCA events
– We have a desire to continue having festivals in Clayton
– We recognize the value CBCA and its volunteers brings to the community through charitable donations and service
– We recognize that there are costs incurred by the City when events are held in town, and we are interested in ensuring that when CBCA events are held in Clayton, the City receives its fair share of cost recovery

Some of the items discussed included the magnitude of fees waived for permitting (park rental, temporary use permit, noise permit, special event permit, street closure fees, etc.) and overhead costs for staff time. Historically only direct charges (police and maintenance wages, but not overhead) were billed to the CBCA per the Master Use Agreement (the Agreement). This did not include other employment related costs borne by the City such as health benefits, PERS, worker’s comp and other required insurance, indirect maintenance and upkeep, etc. We also discussed certain city property that has been utilized but not included in any historical billings.

There has been discussion in various fora regarding the viability of CBCA sponsored events in the absence of the Agreement – that somehow without the fee waivers and other items not billed, that CBCA sponsored events could not happen. To be clear, the termination of the Agreement doesn’t preclude any CBCA sponsored events, and while the Agreement calls for 60 days notice prior to termination, the City provided nearly double that so as not to impact Art and Wine for which work is already in flight.


In the absence of the Agreement, the fees and costs billed revert to what is described in our City wide Master Fee Schedule and are based on actual costs incurred by the City. The CBCA continues to be welcome and encouraged to hold events in town.

In the coming months, the City will receive information for an updated master fee schedule and rate study. This information will be the basis for any costs established for the services and facilities provided by the City. From there we will continue discussions in order to pursue a new Master Use Agreement.

I understand there is a high level of community interest in how the City and the CBCA continue to work together. I look forward to sharing more information as we continue discussions and thank the community for their patience and support.

RELATED STORY: Clayton City Council Votes To Terminate Agreement With Clayton Business Community Association

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I don’t see a problem raising fees for use of the publicly used properties like parks and downtown and putting it down in a binding contract for review every 3-5 years to keep up with rising costs. Police costs go up, medical services EMT fees increase, water use up all over. No reason to not up the fees.


“No reason to not up the fees.”…except that a signed contract exists.


Except that a signed contract no longer exists…so there’s that.


Beware of all city Councils in any city, it’s the stepping stone for those individuals to go on as lying, corrupt & non trusting.


An what revenue does city gain when events are not held ?


@Original G – A penny saved is a penny earned. The city realized they were loosing money under the old contract with the CBCA. By canceling the contract they can now use the money they would have lost to hosting CBCA events for other things.


1. The Master Agreement was signed by the City. The City doesn’t have the right to alter the terms of the contract until the contract expires.

2. If the City does alter the terms and increases costs to the CBCA, the CBCA should deduct the increased costs from their contributions to the City. Or…

3. The CBCA should suspend their involvement until the original terms are reinstated.

4. It appears the City is biting the hand that feeds them.


ADDLEPATE – ,Your very confused and late to the party. My suggestion is you read the agreement before spouting off. Comments like yours are what has caused the division in our small town.

1. The Master Agreement was signed by the City. The City doesn’t have the right to alter the terms of the contract until the contract expires.
WRONG. THE CITY HAS EVERY RIGHT TO CHANGE THE AGREEMENT. THE AGREEMENT HAS 60-DAY Cancellation clause that can be exercised by either party?
2. If the City does alter the terms and increases costs to the CBCA, the CBCA should deduct the increased costs from their contributions to the City. Or…
BACKWARD THINKING. The city isn’t in business to make money from the CBCA events. They just need to receive full cost reimbursement. Is it pretty simple.
3. The CBCA should suspend their involvement until the original terms are reinstated.
FORTUNATELY THE CBCA IS NOT IN CONTROL. The CBCA does not run the city. They are only a nonprofit entity. The city of Clayton will have the last say. Guaranteed!
4. It appears the City is biting the hand that feeds them.
THE CITY MAKES NO MONEY ON THESE EVENTS. It’s obvious from reading your comments – you don’t understand how the city works.


typical “ADDLEPATE” spouts his mouth off on a subject he has no knowledge of. Just like California voters……


Where is the view of the CBCA?


ROJAS, … my post made NO demands.


@Rojas, that is not correct. CBCA has paid a lot of fees, and had fully reimbursed the city for every invoice they received.
The agreement was to not file the exact same permits every year, taking up staff time, that the CBCA would pay for in permit fees, making it a wash. The city is grossly understaffed, as evidenced by the high turnover. It is the abrupt move to terminate out of nowhere, making it look like CBCA doesn’t pay its fair share, and WAN’s sad attempt to make himself look better. Just really bad form on WAN’s part.


Not sure if your post could be more ridiculous.


They were given twice the required amount of time that was stated in the contract. What more time do they need? Obviously CBCA’s use was costing the city more then they were paying so it was terminated as per the contract. CBCA just needs to step up and pay their fair share as everyone else does.

Why you have to hear both sides. One side is never good.


The CBCA members are upset that it’s going to be Mayor Wan who fixes this terribly outdated and insufficient contract. Before the last election, had it been Mayor Clovin who suggested a new and up-to-date contract, he would have been given accolades. I’ll say this for the townspeople of Clayton, their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Like I said hear both sides.


The average home price in Clayton is over $1M, and the big events, Art and Wine and Oktoberfest, generate enormous profits for all the local businesses, plus draw untold numbers of higher income people to the city; people who might never come here. The cultural bump is off the chart and the city is having a cow because they won’t get some permit and other fees for what, a couple days? Many of the events are for charities, so really they’re just pushing to soak people in need. Well done, boys.



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