Home » Thousands Remain Powerless In Contra Costa County

Thousands Remain Powerless In Contra Costa County


Thousands of homes and business are still without power after Tuesday’s wind and rain storm.

If you’re without power, click HERE to view PG&E’s outage map for updates.

And as always, if you come to a traffic signal that’s not working, you must treat it like a stop sign.


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Good luck charging your electric vehicles!


No problemo. In fact free over at Shadelands.
Anyways, thanks for asking.

Btw…how’d the gas pump work during the outage?


For anyone foolish enough to not fill their gas tank before an approaching storm, there are plenty of gas stations unaffected by power outages. Thanks for asking.


The gas pump worked fine. There are a hell of a lot more gas pumps (that can fill up a car in 5 minutes) in the area compared to EV chargers that would take anywhere between 30 minutes to 10 hours in the same area.

These arguments about EVs vs ICE vehicles are just a current version of yesterday’s holy wars of the Apples vs the PCs. You’re gonna have the disciples of each and neither side will change.

The whole issue is the government FORCING one to change by not allowing ICE vehicles to be sold after 2035 . I don’t think the government banned horses when ICE vehicles were being introduced.

So get off your “high horse.”


Always keep a 5 gallon can of electricity handy in case Shadelands peters out.


Literally yes, but the rest of the country, figuratively with the current state of things.

Coming home from dinner last night in Lafayette was surreal. One intersection after another “dark” and without street lighting or signals operating. Heading eastbound, Treat at Oak Grove Rd and Ygnacio at Pine Hollow totally dark.


Guess you never lived in the country?


The inoperative signals aren’t the problem. It’s the morons that forgot (or never learned) how to negotiate an intersection with inoperative signals.


Power came back up here at 10:30 last night and being out for 8 hours. I’m on a block 50 so it may have gotten some priority.
Friends nearby worry about some a neighbors huge oak tree on the property behind them which threatens to fall into their house. They seem to have a difficult time getting anything done about it. I was told that oak trees are “protected” in California. I had to look up the law which went into effect in January 2021. The reasoning given for the law:
“Oak trees are protected because they are an important part of our environment. They provide us with oxygen, help purify the air, and provide homes for many animals.”
I think that might be true of about any tree. And to even trim a tree you need a permit from the city. Truly the people who passed this law need to be sent to Siberia where they belong.
Now I wonder how many big oak trees caused power outages yesterday. May we have a count please?


I know of 2 households with solar that have no power as well. Is this the norm ? That even those with panels have no power?

We finally got ours back on, …. out for 22 hours.
We filled 2 ice chests with ice for food/freezer items.
Thankfully the gas stove and hot heater worked.
Cooked the corn beef, for Friday now, to keep it from going bad, …Yum!

Natural Gas and Electricity provide diversity of energy resources all within the same home. A hot shower, hot meal, and warm home certainly make a power outage much more tolerable.
Natural gas and electricity, they’re inclusive.

People in Monterey who got flooded out are worse off than a power outage.

If it goes out, report it to PG&E, hop on a bike that doesn’t need gas or electricity, head to a watering hole and wait it out. Easy.

Still out. And they don’t have anyone assigned to it. Lame and lame.


Ours just came back on a few minutes ago, 26.5 hours off. Here’s hoping no one has to wait much longer for Pg&E to respond.

Don’t forget that the DHS warned us to be prepared for…. months of no power. (EMP attack or “elite” attack?)



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