Home » Clayton Police Arrest Catalytic Converter Thief – Suspect Had Previous Arrests For Petty Theft, Drug Possession, Possession Of Burglary Tools, Possession Of Stolen Property, Grand Theft, Tampering With A Vehicle And Warrants

Clayton Police Arrest Catalytic Converter Thief – Suspect Had Previous Arrests For Petty Theft, Drug Possession, Possession Of Burglary Tools, Possession Of Stolen Property, Grand Theft, Tampering With A Vehicle And Warrants


The following information is from Clayton Police Sgt. Rich Enea:

Last night at approximately 11:30 PM, a resident in the area of Sylvaner Ct and Easley Dr called the Clayton Police Department and reported that someone had just stolen the catalytic converter off of their vehicle.

Officers arrived at the location within 5 minutes of being dispatched to the call and located a car jack under the victim’s vehicle.

Officers next located a suspicious unoccupied vehicle parked on Sylvaner Ct. Officers determined that the license plates on the vehicle did not belong to the vehicle.


Inside of the vehicle, officers located a power saw, multiple saw blades, hand tools and another license plate that did not belong to the vehicle.

As officers were investigating, they spotted an adult male hiding in some nearby bushes. The subject was non-compliant with officers and refused to show officers his hands or come out of the bushes.

After several commands, the subject finally came out of the bushes and was taken into custody without incident.

A large open folding knife and the keys to the vehicle were located on the ground under the bushes where the subject had been hiding.


A check of the homeowner’s home security camera confirmed that the subject located in the bushes was in fact the same subject that had tampered with their vehicle.

The subject was taken to jail and booked on multiple charges.

The subject is a 30-year-old transient from out of the area who has previous arrests for:

Petty theft, Drug possession, Possession of burglary tools, Possession of stolen property, Grand theft, Tampering with a vehicle and Warrants.


The license plates, tools and car jack were collected as evidence and the vehicle was towed.

The police reports will be forwarded to the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office for charges.

The resident did an outstanding job notifying the police immediately.

As a reminder, please keep your outside lights on at night as it makes it harder for people to hide.


Thank you,

Sergeant Rich Enea

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Hoorah! A good job done by all involved…. except the thief that is.


Becton will probably release this outstanding citizen on his own recognizance.


What’s so frustrating is that all these people doing these crimes have already been arrested for similar and nothing has happened to them. They’re just turned back loose again. And they just re victimize others. That’s not fair! Who’s going to be there next victim? You who are reading this?


He’s already out by now. The CCC DA doesn’t care in the least about prosecuting property
crime. Doesn’t fit her agenda.


When was he released? What’s the case number?



This is another example of the failed programs and ideology of the liberal democrats in charge of this state. When will the common citizen wake up and realize these policies are making life here more and more dangerous for our families. Ask yourself why are these politicians inflicting all this crime and violence on law abiding citizens? Make no mistake, these liberal democrats know exactly what they are doing. So, if you vote for them, you are supporting the destruction of law and order. It’s as simple as that..


You are correct. The Democratic Party is brainwashed.

Democratic Party Belief system
1) manufactured oppression
2) manufactured racism
3) manufactured victimhood
4) Race hustle to get your way.

I’m a MLK guy not a BLM guy.


I would do some research about MLK if I were you.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – MLK
… Sorry MLK, Obama and the Democratic Party killed your dream.


Research shows MLK was a Republican and the FBI spied on him.


I’m afraid you’ve miss-attributed causation. This is the result of a secondary market for scrap platinum and palladium and the defendant’s criminal proclivities.

The longitudinal nexus between crime rates and political control.

Statewide crime rates are still well below the peak levels we endured during the Deukmejian and Wilson (both Republicans) administrations, though well above the generational lows plumbed during the second Brown (a Democrat) administration.

The California penal code has long prohibited theft and intentional damage to private property. Nothing has changed in that regard.


Statewide crime rates are below the peak levels we endured during the Deukmejian and Wilson admin is because crimes are not being prosecuted. It’s a numbers play, if crimes are not being prosecuted, and thieves that are stealing anything under $950 are not being arrested, then naturally the numbers will drop. Another thing, marijuana is now legal, so nobody is being arrested for pot either.


Exactly, Dawgs!
Also when you hear them say that arrests are down it’s because they aren’t arresting the people. The perfect example was Oakland last week when a jewelry store on Piedmont Avenue was burglarized at night and the police pulled up and let the criminals just drive away with how it even following them. They were following the procedures the city has imposed on them. so that did not even show as an arrest. For the Democrats are defending the sinking ship until it’s gone all the way under and then they’ll come up with some of the kind of excuse. Wake up people!


@ Dawg ~ and pot is still VERY expensive.

“…the defendant’s criminal proclivities”
That’s the whole point, genius.

Larry(Rx) has been Trauma-trained

Great job, CPD.


Way to go, Sergeant Enea! It is nice to hear that a criminal was caught in the act…


@SANCHO PANZA…Sgt. Enean, of the downtown Concord Enean theater family I assume.


Do hope they let this poor misguided person get the help needed to return to the streets as soon a possible. NOT.


But his baby needed formula and the rest of the family needed bread and food, he was just surviving, you all are just bunch of heartless people.


I don’t care what the reason is for this scumbag stealing converters is, they should have let the dog loose on his butt when he wouldn’t come out of the bushes.

That homeowner really had some patience and willpower as I wouldn’t have and would have gone out and beaten the living crap out of the guy or make sure the jack failed with him under the car.


Humor me.

How long do you think someone should be in jail for petty theft?


Stealing a catalytic converter is not petty theft, replacing one can cost over $1,000 plus labor.


Depends on their recidivism.

Petty theft? This isn’t petty theft but I seriously doubt you can be humored at all on anything.
Honestly, I’d beat him to a bloody pulp after I pulled him from under the car or just dropped the jack on him and gone back to bed. No mercy for scumbag thieves in my book.


Let me ask your question more properly: How long do you think someone should be in jail for Petty theft, Drug possession, Possession of burglary tools, Possession of stolen property, Grand theft, Tampering with a vehicle and Warrants?

Should have sent the dog in the bushes. Or just lit him up.


Ya know, it’s REALLY hard to walk without knee caps.
In several countries in the Middle East, theft would cost you a hand (or worse). THAT is deterrence.
Just sayin’.

@EXIT 12A….You surely don’t want to be caught in those countries commiting a sexual crime…you’ll be sitting down to urinate the rest of your life.


Good job LE!! … so Becton – why was he even out? stop the revolving door!!



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