Home » The Water Cooler – Gov. Newsom Cutting Ties With Walgreens Over Abortion Pill

The Water Cooler – Gov. Newsom Cutting Ties With Walgreens Over Abortion Pill


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


California Gov. Gavin Newsom said on Monday that the state will no longer do business with Walgreens over its recent decision not to distribute abortion medication by mail in 20 U.S. states.

His denouncement of the second-largest U.S. pharmacy chain came after Walgreens on Friday said it will stop distributing mifepristone, part of the two-drug combination commonly referred to as the abortion pill, CBS News reported.

“California won’t be doing business with @walgreens — or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk. We’re done,” Newsom tweeted Monday.

Walgreens said in a statement Monday that it “plans to dispense Mifepristone in any jurisdiction where it is legally permissible to do so,” according to CBS News.


QUESTION: Do you think Newsom should blame Walgreens for following laws in each State, or do you think Newsom is doing the right thing by cutting ties with Walgreens?

Talk about it….

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The only thing Newsom could do right, is to take a long walk off of a short pier.


Has there ever been a dumber elected official than Gavin Newsom?


no ….Brown comes close though


Pat Brown’s son jerry.


AOC comes to mind. Gavin is a close second.


Tell us you know everything about AOC from Fox News without telling us you know everything about AOC from Fox News…


She didn’t know what a garbage disposal is. Fox news didn’t invent that.


Not all houses have garbage disposals.

You don’t need to watch Fox to view AOC she is on every social media platform out there, maybe she should concentrate on the job her constituents voted her in to do. She is the least effective member of congress giving beauty tips of all things on Tik Tok. There is a little run down on her worthlessness for you not learned from Fox. Nice try but you sound like the uneducated person in this discussion


Congressional hearings are televised on C-Span, all it takes is to watch AOC in action to realize she is not the brightest bulb on the chandelier.


Catalytic Converters are designed to reduce emissions. Someone must have removed AOC’s Catalytic Converter years ago.

The cackler in chief, Kamala Harris by a mile. She makes Newsome look like a Rhodes Scholar.


I think California needs to cut ties with Newsom


@julian they had their opportunity and they f’d it up

As with anything…..let the Free market decide.
I would support Walgreens.

NO Companies existence or survival should be dependent on having governments as patrons.


I agree, Newsmax is better gone.

The Walgreens corporation is following the law in each state it is doing business in…this has no bearing on Californians…take another vacation, Newsom!


Newsom’s decree is reflective of the hateful, intolerant, and liberal cancel culture.



Oh no! Governor Grease Ball won’t be shopping at Walgreens? or is he just stupid enough to want to put that many people out of work over pride? there is just 20 states people will just have to buy from CVS instead. Things don’t always go your way.


governor Photo OP has another tantrum . . . . Yawn.


Gov photo op? 🤣. How about President photo op…. Holding a Bible upside down in front of a church in the middle of a protest. Has anyone ever figured that one out?


They don’t know what a book looks like, upside or right side up.

I don’t think Newsom does anything unless he sees some political advantage. Rather than bloviating about abortion and running his mouth about Walgreens, maybe he should focus on providing assistance to all of the people trapped by the storms. Seems like every time there is some type of event in California that causes him to declare a State of Emergency he is out of State or nowhere to be found. I give him a 10 out of 10 on the Clown scale.


Isn’t following the law in each state the right thing to do? So his politics are above the law. Who the hell elected this moron?


The way I see it, Walgreens has already been on thin ice with this state. Enduring all of the vandalism and thefts at their stores – especially post pandemic in SF. This will be the final nail in the coffin to say adios to California. Oh yeah … and Newsom is a complete idiot!


I give it 3 months before someone gets a picture of a Newsom family member inside a Walgreens.


Keep your personal feelings out of it you scum sucking politician.


How did you feel when De Santis changed Disney’s tax exemptions?




Disney was granted “special status” by Florida and can rescind that consideration. This is completely the opposite… basically economic retribution/punishment by government.


California needs to ban the French Laundry first!


Elated, Disney can take their grooming agenda & go pound sand


So from what I’m reading here people like it when elected officials challenge businesses whose politics they are opposed to.

You mention “personal feelings” and that’s a bit of a misnomer. His job is to take political action on behalf of the people of California who overwhelmingly elected him and voted against a fairly idiotic recall. Supporting women’s access to birth control and Plan B is what the majority of Californians are in favor of.


Newsom is cutting ties with Walgreens because they are acting in accordance with laws in other states. What laws in other states would DeSantis prefer Disney break?



Gavin takes action on pet projects he finds of interest. And the further out in left field, the better he likes them. He’s made it clear he’s not especially interested in the wishes of anyone else. With the exception of George Soros and the unions that purchased him years ago.
Citizens? He couldn’t care less.


This isn’t about Plan B or birth control, it’s about the abortion pill.


Sure. Most Californians support women’s access to abortion services.

Most Californians keep reelecting the same morons that are trying to destroy the state.

And other states don’t. Walgreens is abiding by the laws in those states, and Gavin is butthurt by that.

Hey Dee, Plan B is an abortion pill, and if you ask the Catholic Church, so are birth control pills.What exactly is the abortion pill?

Who made reference to the Catholic church, and why would one ask them such a question?

How stupid… what about the state employees that have Walgreens as their primary pharmacy? What’s he going to do about that? He tried to keep Montana isolate from Cali business – what’s he do? goes to vacation to Montana. Say his kid is sick and Walgreen’s is the only drug store open – he won’t go there? Governor DA 🙁


It’s not enough that California politicians screw up California, they are always trying to influence federal policies through threats and boycotts and legislation impacting those beyond its borders.


Gavin is an idiot


I believe they are a private Co… With the right to select what Products it wants to sell.. This sounds more like a Socialistic position.. Where the State controls how a Company Operates.. NOT the Market..


gonna be fun when Walgreens tells all of California “no more” and just closes all it’s stores here. With all the shoplifting, crime, wage requirements and rents too high to be justified, they should just pack up and write off CA.

Then let’s hear from Mr. Newsom about how Walgreens abandoned the inner cities and left people without access to life saving pharmaceuticals. Do it Walgreens, just leave CA altogether.


Walgreens should leave and take its sales taxes and payroll taxes to another state. And California wonders how it now has a budget deficit.

Newscum….the correct spelling says it all.


“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character.
But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.”
—Norman Schwarzkopf
When both are lacking citizens suffer.


I guess the dems need Walgreens to help with their desire to kill even more human beings in succession with the Covid shots.


Does that mean that he will no longer be shopping there for hair geese?


Spot on!


This idiot must enjoy making the once great state of California the laughing stock of most states in the country. country. I almost wish he would take a presidential run just to watch him fail. Unfortunately we all know where most of his votes would come from. The once great state of California.


Where Newsom gets confused is he thinks HE IS California. That’s why he is always unconcerned with the repercussions of his bad decisions. There is a fee for that, and we pay it.
Drive companies out of California that provide jobs, goods, and services to citizens? So what. He’s never had to be concerned with any of that stuff.
Spend California into a huge deficit? Relax, just raises taxes, and if there is still a shortfall the feds will write a check.
Gavin is the Eddie Haskell of politics. We’d be better off with Lumpy Rutherford.


I don’t shop too much at CVS or Walgreens but from now on if I have to I will certainly go to Walgreens!


You’d think the governor of a major state would be able to get all the abortion pills he wants.


I guess this means gov nuisance will have to travel to Montana to shop at Walgreens now. Is his head so swelled that he thinks his “boycott” of a convenience store will impact business (any more than the current level of mob theft)?

So the more I read about this, the more I laugh at it. Many of you are saying the same or similar things.

Walgreens is not saying that they will not deliver this pill at all, they are saying that they will not deliver where the state has determined it to be illegal.

So because of Newscum’s lack of reading comprehension, he is willing to put almost 600 stores out of business (TBH what is another 600 business to this guy?). Walgreens fills almost 10% of the prescriptions in the state of California. How does he plan to fill the void? Is there a plan ….

So because of Newscum’s lack of reading comprehension, he is willing to put all these employees out of work? And not just the ones that work directly for Walgreens, but all of the local suppliers, delivery drivers, janitorial staff?

So because of Newscum’s lack of reading comprehension, he is willing to make the elderly, low income, and others find a new pharmacy, transfer prescriptions etc

All Walgreens wants to do is follow the local state laws. Nothing more, yet Newscum wants to penalize them and all the other innocents. Not surprising when you think about it. He has experience killing jobs, killing industries, and not following the laws.

To paraphrase Yoyohop, you would think the governor of a major state would have better reading comprehension and would encourage folks to follow the existing laws. That he would work towards changing the laws that he disagrees with instead of encouraging and supporting criminals.


Parent, the greaseball can only put an end to California doing official business with Walgreens, to whatever extent that is. He can’t force California residents to stop doing business there. His ego allows him to believe this will have a devastating effect on Walgreens. Very similar to his declaration that state employees can’t do official business in states that pass laws he doesn’t like. After which he promptly took a trip to Montana with his security detail, which was there on official business. This is the “braintrust” that our idiot California electorate keeps in office.

“Brains” and “Trust” would certainly NOT be words I would expect used in the same sentence with Gavin Newsom. “Knucklehead”, “ Putz”, “Nimrod”, “Bong Hit”, “Tool”, “Zoomer”. And in a certain religious faith currently unpopular with democrats, “Schlub”.

Perhaps I’ve been too hard on the Gavster. He must genuinely believe fewer electoral votes in California is a good thing.



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