Home » The Water Cooler – Should Drug Dealers Be Charged With Murder Or Manslaughter If A Person Dies Of A Drug Overdose?

The Water Cooler – Should Drug Dealers Be Charged With Murder Or Manslaughter If A Person Dies Of A Drug Overdose?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

QUESTION: If a person dies due to an illegal drug overdose, should the person who provided them with the drugs be charged with first degree murder, or do you think manslaughter is a more appropriate charge?


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1st degree
Life W/O


…won’t happen in CCC or Alameda at least

Manslaughter since it doesn’t meet the legal definition of first degree unless it was done intentionally and/or premeditated. Good luck trying to get CCC or Alameda DA’s to file charges!


I’d say only if the drugs bought were laced with something else unbeknownst to the buyer and sold under false pretenses. Otherwise the buyer knows what they are doing.


So someone knows when they are buying something that will kill them. Where do you find a drug dealer that sells safe stuff? Sell drugs you are a killer.




I wonder about certain elected officials who either through political design or neglect of their duties if they should be criminally charged as accessories, instead of pretending it’s all the fault of some misdirected ethically challenged person on the street corner. Or on that, what about those whose votes helped lead to the drug epidemic having been bamboozled by slick political propaganda.


They should face a firing squad. Eventualy the problem will solve itself.


At least with alcohol it’s regulated, ya know what you’re getting.
There’s no truth in labeling , no quality control or government inspection for street drugs.
Dealer says, “Oh this is good stuff, is powerful good”, as money changes hands.
You don’t know what you’ve got until you get it into your body and by then it’s too late.
In the vague world of drugs how would a death be traced back to a dealer ?
‘San Francisco’s drug-plagued Tenderloin district is dubbed ‘Million Dollar Mile’ by Honduran drug dealers who have taken over the streets in Dem-led city because ‘there are no consequences”
Dealing equals mandatory 15 year sentence.
Involvement in drugs by an illegal means automatic deportation a repeat offense is a 20 year sentence.
Would be nice but probably won’t happen before I die, a start would be voting out DEMs.


How about don’t do drugs???? You can argue that a person drinking alcohol for the first time does not know how much is safe. And it can go on and on. But, really, people are CHOOSING to do these things. While dealers should be shot, the one who takes the drug is responsible. Because they can just NOT take it and be safe. WOW. It is called personal responsibility and is seriously lacking in this above question.

So would you consider it to be assisted suicide?

You all feel the same about places that sell firearms?


Concord Resident

The Second Amendment is a Constitutional right, illicit drug use is not legal except in large cities.


They should be charged with murder for just selling drugs. You know they killed someone.


Slippery slope!
Manslaughter because, as Bob states above, there is usually no intent inless there is evidence proven as such.
I think a first degree charge is based on emotions rather than law.
Under the same principle, bartenders should be held liable if a customer is served alcohol, exceeds the legal impairment threshold, operates a vehicle, and kills one or persons.


We need to stop shifting blame for an individual’s actions onto others. The user/abuser took the drugs and if they make a fatal decision on the dosage they consume, well then that was their decision. Period. As long as the user/abuser knew what they were consuming. Now….if the seller/dealer laced it so that the consumer was not aware of what they were consuming, then that’s a different story and the dealer should be held accountable as well.


Dealers should be charged based on the fact they are dealing and that is criminal. The person taking it is making a choice to take it and how much they take. Which they should not be doing in the first place!!

Yes, but only if doctors and pharmaceutical companies are under the exact same penalty for getting people hooked on dangerous drugs for no good reason.

Also alcohol producers, and tobacco companies, and producers of low quality, dangerous food.


Charge with whatever degree of murder will get them into the state lockup. Hopefully for a long time.

We should have term limits so our political leaders cannot be owned by corporations … as it is, nothing gonna change … not with drug epidemic, not with the 40 million people living here in violation of immigration law, not with homeless, not with health care, not with big pharma drugging kids, not with woke agenda a child grooming, not with toxic food supply, … not with any of it.

Term limits … simple.

Good night and good luck from Cambodia … where btw … life is good.


No , stupid is as stupid does.

It’s like playing Russian Roulette with 5 of 6 chambers loaded.

Simply hang the dealers. Rope is cheap. Trees and poles are everywhere.

What guarantee can anybody get that what the dealer is selling, is indeed what you are buying?

Legalize the drugs, then they can be regulated. Then someone would actually have liability in the transaction.


Legalize . . . . . then regulated by DEMs and their unelected minions running this state ? ? ?
The ones who built half a Bay Bridge, TEN YEARS LATE and $5 Billion over budget.
Ah yup, and they’re already doing such a bang up job “regulating” POT.
They’ve screwed it up so bad gangs are making more money selling illegal pot than before it was “legalized”.
‘Antioch Search Warrants Result in $14.8 Million in Cannabis Product Seized’
‘Antioch Police Say Operations Result in $7.3 Million of Cannabis Seized’
‘The black market strangled California’s legal weed industry. Now it’s coming for New York.’
‘$10M cash, 500K marijuana plants seized in Bay Area’s largest-ever bust’
Isn’t it strange, when DEMs try to “FIX” things, they make the problem worse ? ? ?
‘California creates task force to combat illegal cannabis, criminal organizations’
‘California AG Rob Bonta announces new year-round campaign to crack down on illegal marijuana’
“A Los Angeles Times investigation finds Proposition 64 triggered a surge in illegal cannabis on a scale California has never before witnessed”
DEMs are so good at running this state . . . . (sar-Kasm)
DEMs gave criminals and gangs a fantastic way to make vast amounts of money and cost taxpayers millions in additional law enforcement costs all because economically challenged DEMs lack basic common sense.


It sets a dangerous president, though. Can we not hold McDonald’s liable for people dying of heart disease? Should Tylenol be liable if someone takes the whole bottle?


“dangerous president”?

Remember, President Obama ordered the release of all drug dealers in Federal prison. Indicating it was a victim of crime ended it targeted black people that sold drugs to make money because they supposedly couldn’t get regular jobs. What a crock! And we’re still suffering from all these drug dealers pushing their drugs that are flowing through an open border that’s supposedly closed! The Dems are a piece of work!


I know what you mean. And remember when your boy Trump signed The First Step Act into law back in 2018, a piece of legislation that released over 3,000 federal prisoners? Politicians, right?


Assume much? Seek treatment for your TDS.


@ Badge1104 since you claim that President Obama “ordered the release of all drug dealers in Federal prison” you should provide a link to that order. Of course you will not because there is no such order.
Here is a pointer in October 2020 then President Trump granted clemency to the following persons:
“Lenora Logan, who had already been incarcerated for nearly 20 years on drug charges; Charles Tanner, who had served 16 years for a drug offence; John Bolen, who was 13 years into a life sentence for a drug conviction; Curtis McDonald, who has been in prison since 1996 for drug trafficking and money laundering”
in 2018 he commuted the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson who had served 21 years on drug charges.

So, as you can see, your claim that all drug dealers in Federal prison were ordered released by President Obama is simply false, otherwise these individuals would have been no longer in prison.


Are drug charges the same as selling drugs or were these people just users.

no. The users know the risk.


The users are addicts. They don’t think straight. Before someone talked them into taking a drug they were just stupid people. Stupid people make bad decisions.

I think Manslaughter would be the charge, should be a enhancement for knowing the possibility of death but yes if it is “illegal” then prosecute. Now if this happens the state will likely get around this by creating some bill to legalize to prevent the deadbeats from being charged. “funny my mind wanders here” but if it were “legal” guns the state would be all over the fact than manufacturers should be liable. “funny the double standard”


In the instance of guns, we would have a chain of possession. We would know what manufacturer, which lot of product, and so on.
As of now, we can’t do that with narcotics. Therefore, less liability.



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