Home » CDC Formally Adds COVID-19 Vaccine To Recommended Vaccine Regimens For Children

CDC Formally Adds COVID-19 Vaccine To Recommended Vaccine Regimens For Children


Federal health officials have formally updated the recommended vaccine regimen for children and adolescents to include the COVID-19 vaccine alongside those for illnesses like hepatitis and polio.

While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended the COVID vaccine for children who are at least 6 months old since it became available for that age group, the agency officially added the vaccine to its recommended schedule that guides schools and health care providers.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices previously approved the 2023 vaccination schedule in October 2022.
The CDC recommends that everyone aged 6 months and up get at least two doses of one of the mRNA COVID vaccines and an additional booster dose.

The vaccine is also part of the CDC’s recommended vaccine schedule for all adults along with an annual flu shot and vaccines for tetanus, measles and human papillomavirus, among other illnesses.


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Heaven forbid! I hope parents refuse these shots for their precious children. How many more sudden or unexpected deaths need to occur before people realize the causal effect and say enough is enough?

Just go to Duckduckgo and look up suddenly died or died unexpectedly and see the alarming amount of deaths each week; many of whom are people under the age of forty.

Also, why would people continually get these shots when the prior shots never worked in so many cases? I know numerous people who have had the initial Covid shots including the additional boosters and still test positive for what we are told is Covid.

How many more of these shots are people willing to take before they question the entire story the CDC and others in the scientific communities have told us?

Please protect your children from these vultures! Remember, the CDC even admits that 99.9% of children are not at risk of serious illness or death from Covid, yet statistics are now proving that at least 5% or higher of children who receive these shots are at risk of serious side effects.

What more do people need to know?


Blatant abuse by the FDA has more and more people questioning the safety of vaccines. Why are there so many vaccines on the kid’s list? And why do the introduction of these vaccines coincide with high rates of autism?


Was watching a vid by John Cambel the other day, where he was going over some statistics from the relevant British authorities on covid Vaccines in children. He is not allowed, like all other YouTubers, to disagree with the CDC or WHO regarding covid on that platform, but is allowed to show scientific papers and statistics.
The statistics said that something like tens of thousands of vaccine doses needed to be given to avoid one hospitalization, being defined as needing oxygen or worse. Whereas the same statistics said roughly one in a thousand children would have an adverse reaction to the shot. And some percentage of those adverse reactions are myocarditis, which is heart damage, damage that really never truly heals, the heart just adapts around it.
The data that shows that the cost/benefit for kids is there with the vaccine just hasn’t been shown. They are going to get covid anyway, and statistically speaking they will be totally fine, so why subject them to the added risk of an adverse reaction to the shot?
Probably has nothing to do with the cozy regulatory and financial relationship the CDC and FDA have with the pharma industry…


What a joke. Neither the vaccine nor the boosters prevent transmission of a virus that has virtually no effect on children.


NOPE. Our kids are not your cash cow Pfi$er.


So are they recommended or required for children?

Is this an annual requirement or a once and done thing?

I spoke with a colleague this morning whom I have not seen in person for over a year, who shared she has now had positive covid results three times in the last 15 months. She has all the shots … all 4 of them … to me, wow is all I say.

I personally took the first two and one booster. I am done taking the shots. I will not do it annually, cause no. I have yet to test positive for covid, though my work requires us to test between 1-3 times a week depending on frequency of being onsite.


The Scamdemic continues!!


nope! absolutely not. WW3 is here.


Money money money!


Don’t let them put that untested crap into anyone, especially kids. Look at the results!!!!


Recommended but not required? Who makes the decision if it is required? The respective school district?

I’d be great if the ‘vaccine’ prevented you from getting COVID but it doesn’t.


I also got the first two and a booster (all Moderna) and am done. I caught it in June after a Vegas tradeshow( superspreader-80% of attendees caught ‘rona), suffered allergy type symptoms and loss of senses for about a week.

Since then I have attended over 20 pro sports events, approx 15 concerts indoors and out, have traveled to Hawaii and Vegas for fun and work 5x ( in casinos, restaurants, shows~ all of it) including a week for NYE for the Niner Raider game. Knock on wood- nuthin…I’m cool to not get any more innocs.

End this madness! This is stupidity at high order. How they dare lump something that is extremely low risk in with things that are deadly (Mmr) simply a cash cow with nothing but damage to our children. People need to stand up.

I wonder what good ole Doc Fauci has to say about vaccines…

“Fauci and other top government and healthcare officials repeatedly stressed during the pandemic that getting vaccinated would stop the spread of COVID-19 and was the most important step individuals could take to end the pandemic. However, in the paper published Jan. 11 in Cell Press, Fauci and two co-authors write that respiratory viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and the flu have never been well-contained by vaccines.

“Because these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves, they have not to date been effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines,” Fauci and his co-authors, David Morens and Jeffrey Taubenberger of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), wrote in the paper.”

Feel free to actually read the paper and not just some headlines:



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