The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: In your opinion, what is the biggest LOCAL issue right now in Contra Costa County?
Talk about it….
The drastic increase in property crime certainly stands out but what stands out even more is the lack of prosecution for such…..There are some obvious ways that can be mitigated but unfortunately too many people are so locked in to their political ideology that it will not allow them to make common sense choices that would benefit all law abiding taxpayers regardless of their “affiliation”…..That is a problem.
Hmmmmmm Homeless? Just a stab in the dark
There’s too many to say just one.
Homelessness, potholes all over the roads, & crime just to name a few.
I’d say these are the main issues.
Buy nothing will be fixed because we have Gavin The Clown in office.
I agree with your concerns for CoCoCounty but isn’t it the local representatives that decide where the money goes and how it is used?.
extreme bleeding heart liberals……
Rising crime and law breakers emboldened by lack of enforcement / prosecution.. From shoplifters to sideshows idiots to violent criminals-it would be nice to see people being deterred from these acts. I continue to shake my head over how this county said Yes to Diane Becton again
They cheated on the vote count for Becton. She really lost by 18 percentage points. Look it up!!
Can’t find it.
Do you have a link
Crime, crime and crime
Property crimes including retail theft.
Crime laws not being enforced & corrupt local politicians like Hoffmeister
I remember when vagrancy was a crime and if you committed a crime, you went to jail, regardless.
These days we get to experience CA, the open air “experience”.
Up in antioch yesterday, Somersville and Delta Fair muscular white guy with a beard screaming and punching the air. Cars were changing lanes to stay away.
‘…’It’s become an outdoor psychiatric ward!’ How California’s scenic Venice Beach has become a homeless hotspot with tent cities, violent crime and rampant drug use pushing families and tourists out’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2npx5a49
After a series of daily mail articles embarrassed DEM politicians Venice Beach, with help of conservative Sheriff, got cleaned up.
The biggest crime is property TAXES!
The news says 60 some % agree with Biden’s speech This concerns CCC.
Let see why you approve.
1 Biden will stop spying by China and Stop fentanyl?
2 Biden will lower inflation?
3 Biden will stop fentanyl deaths?
4 Biden will secure our border?
5 Biden will lower the deficit?
6 Biden will stop children and adults from being murdered in our cities?
7 Biden will be instill pride in our country and men and women will join the military again?
8 Men and women will feel inclined to join the below number of police officers?
9 Biden will actually bring manufacturing back to the US?
Do you believe any of that will happen or did you just get a wish list of government programs and nothing of substance.
Lack of the DA, prosecution, etc putting perps through the letter of the law …too liberal, permissive, lenient,, too many out on bail, too many released, too many released too early – allowed by small percentage of voters voting for incumbents… We need new political leadership willing to take tougher stand and do their job and not be so looking out for their political career
Too many complain but don’t go to the polls. That’s part of the problem.
The high cost of housing is issue number one. It’s difficult to attract businesses to the area if their employees can’t afford to live here. Homelessness is the second biggest issue. The quality of the schools is the third issue. California spends so much less per pupil than other states and it shows. These are really all statewide issues, I guess, and aren’t unique to California. I don’t think Contra Costa County’s problems are any different than the problems in the rest of the state.
.. CCC spends more per student than almost all in the state – MDUSD own auditors even said the the tearchers and staff are among the highest paid in the state. Where Cali used to be in the top 5 states in quality of education now we’re in the bottom 5 and paying even more per student for it.
Mental Health Services/Legal and Ethical Issues
the corn snake population in concord
The biggest issue is the FAILURE of our local leaders to address the issues we have.
Every answer given is the downstream effect of complete and utter civic ineptitude. Everyone in government employment in the county, including schools, should lose their job and be prohibited from being employed by the county again for 12 months if in an employed role and for a lifetime if in an elected or appointed role. In those 12 months all positions should be filled by new candidates. Ideally those taking elected or appointed positions would have never worked as a civil servant in their life.
I recognize this is unrealistic. Which is how far away we’ve fallen from hope.
Arresting and prosecuting criminals.
Residential and commercial burglaries are on an insane uptick right now, caused by our police having their hands tied and not being able to enforce laws. When they do their job, the court system fails us all by doing a quick cite and release. Just a few years back, auto theft would get you a couple years in prison. Today, no jail time. Until we get back to enforcing the laws we already have, that enable an actual society to function, the only option is to have literally everything on lockdown. Ever travel to a 3rd world country? Look at San Jose, Costa Rica. Coming soon to the USA unless we make a drastic shift. A new client of ours just had his truck stolen in Walnut Creek, and it was recovered in Oakland (minor damage thank goodness). He just had us install analytic cameras that tie into his alarm system, that detect, alert, and proactively protect his property. Some may say a day late and dollar short, but at least he’s protected for the future. I just want reiterate, from a professional standpoint, that regular camera systems are no longer a deterrent to criminals. In the past, a criminal would see cameras and have a second thought, and go to an easier target. There are no consequences when criminals get caught now. They don’t care anymore. We’ve even provided police detectives in various cities with high-def face shots, license plates, even the criminals Facebook page and address. End result? No arrest, and property still gone and never returned. If your current camera system has the ability to detect and alert you if someone is on your property, enable it and spend time learning to use the feature. Be proactive and don’t be an easy target!
bad hiring of woke workers. Trees ready to fall and City ignoring. bad roads and streets in need of repair. Too many leaflowers fouling up the air and blowing into sewers and neighbors yards.
City Hall on a permanent Covid break. Noone answers the phone anymore..
Darn right….BAN THOSE BLOWERS!!!!! I’m serious! I hate them!
Gavin Newsom assures us abortion is the single most important issue.
And he knows a thing or two about it.
I can’t understand why everybody complains about their elected officials while at the same time having nothing to say about letting mentally incompetent people vote!
There is no required test for even the most basic understanding of how our government works or even to determine if a voter is sane.
No voter ID check to even see if the person is a legitimate voter.
Ballots available in a dozen different languages ?….. this is America, how can a person have a clue what’s happening in America if they can’t even understand English?
Not even a high school diploma required to be a voter.
We need qualified voters to make intelligent decisions or it’s just crazies running the asylum!
Meanwhile Democrats are busy trying to lower the voting age to 16 and to legalize voting rights to non citizens whether they are here legally or not, which is why Biden and his team are letting the invasion at the border continue full speed ahead & they can continue to build an enormous low info, impoverished majority to keep Democrats in power forever.