Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Jan.27, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Jan.27, 2023



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Original G January 27, 2023 - 7:01 PM - 7:01 PM

How interesting, all those riots, arson and looting happened for many weeks in DEM controlled cities when Trump was President.
Story in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution related biden’ home land security is talking with mayors in Baltimore, Birmingham, Alabama; Boston; Chicago; Little Rock, Arkansas; Los Angeles; Montgomery, Alabama; New York City; Philadelphia; and St. Louis.
Republican governor of Georgia has activated National Guard.
Could not find activation orders for National Guard in any other state.
Wonder how long DEMs will tolerate / allow rioting, looting and arson when a DEM is in The White House.
How will DEMs spin riots to their advantage in 2024 elections when police involved are black ? ?
Dailymail https://tinyurl.com/5ae9ecn3 https://tinyurl.com/3df337cn
‘Spoiled children of privilege trying to burn Atlanta down ‘

Original G January 27, 2023 - 8:15 PM - 8:15 PM

An how many hours of non stop coverage of riots under a DEM president will liberal media broadcast????
Live shots of looting, arson etc and reporters on the ground . . . . . . or crickets ? ?

Bayslashers January 27, 2023 - 7:48 PM - 7:48 PM

Friday Night! Time for Clown World News Headlines! (Or to the critics, the BOO HOO NEWS)

Tonight I’m going to start with a Biden quote from March of last year:

“The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, don’t kid yourself, no matter what y’all say, that’s called World War III,” Biden told a gathering of House Democrats in Philadelphia.

Tanks en route, how long until we’re sending warplanes?

On to the headlines…

Local Reporter Calls Riot in Atlanta “Largely Peaceful Protest” as Police Cruiser Goes up in Flames in the Background
Pelosi’s Daughter Claims Nancy Performed An EXORCISM Over Her San Franciso Mansion To Banish ‘Evil Spirits’ After Her Husband’s Hammer Attack
Disturbing: Planned Parenthood Educator Uses TikTok to Tell Minors How to Get Sex Toys, Use Vegetables
More Language Insanity as Museums Ban the Word ‘Mummy’ to Protect the Feelings of Dead Ancient Egyptians

‘Child Protection’ Org Fought Against Efforts To Crack Down On Childlike Sex Dolls, Cartoon Child Porn

Crazed Leftist Blames White Dominant Culture After Suspected Asian Man Guns Down Asians at Asian Community’s Lunar Festival

NYT Admits: Even Liberal Parents Outraged over Schools Hiding Kids’ Gender ‘Transitions’

Aretha Franklin’s “Natural Woman” Deemed Offensive by Trans Community

M&M’s Tosses Their ‘Spokescandies’ in the Garbage After Woke Characters Cause Backlash

Jim Crow on Steroids: Fox News Contributor Kicked out of Miami Restaurant for the Crime of Being Black and Conservative

NYT Lauds ‘Benefits’ of Communist China’s Strict Censorship Laws, Claims Mass Surveillance Offers ‘Own Kind of Freedom’

FBI Official Who Investigated Trump for Russian Collusion Gets Arrested for Russian Collusion

Young Boy Watches Drag Queen Striptease At ‘All-Ages’ Hotel Event

China Is Using QR Codes On Kitchen Knives In Order To Track Them

Xbox to Create ‘Carbon Aware’ Game Downloads to Regulate Energy Use

Math Professor Says Math Education Is Racist — and Sexist and Homophobic

Horned ‘Resistance’ Goddess Erected on New York Courthouse To Symbolize Abortion Rights

Racist Michigan School Board Member Takes Flak for Saying White People Are More Dangerous than Animals

Biden Regime Working With Big Tech And Academia To Adapt Military-Grade AI Used Against ISIS To Target Americans Worried About Vaccine Safety and Election Integrity
REPORT: A Surprising Number Of Antifa Members Are White Children Of Privilege

Doctor Who Claimed Obesity Can’t Be Treated With Diet and Exercise Tapped for Role in USDA’s Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

CDC Vaccine Safety Director Admits People ‘Experiencing Debilitating Illnesses’ After Covid Jabs

Have a wonderful and safe weekend Claycordians!!

Captain Bebops January 28, 2023 - 9:41 AM - 9:41 AM

“Xbox to Create ‘Carbon Aware’ Game Downloads to Regulate Energy Use”

In business and particularly this one, they brainstorm features to keep customers around and buying. Imagine a blank whiteboard and a marketing manager telling a group “let’s brainstorm new features and we’ll pick one or two for the next release. Doesn’t matter whether the public wants it or not.” That’s the way the “world” spins…

Original G January 27, 2023 - 7:54 PM - 7:54 PM

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
–Vladimir Lenin
‘California’s First Lady Produces ‘Gender Justice’ Films, Sells to State Public Schools’
‘Defiant California teacher boasts about helping students change their gender identity without their parents’ knowledge and claims ‘my job, which is a public service, is to protect kids’ ‘
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/436n6k8d

Hayden Barsotti January 27, 2023 - 8:11 PM - 8:11 PM

If our future consists of eating insects, beyond meat, etc., why wasn’t this kind of menu planned for the elites at Davis last week? Shouldn’t they have at least set an example for our future?

Bayslashers January 28, 2023 - 12:12 AM - 12:12 AM

No, because they are a select group of people, almost extra terrestrial, according to John Kerry.

Exit 12A January 27, 2023 - 8:59 PM - 8:59 PM

Since left wingers have classified the use of a firearm by the police as “gun violence”, will the beating of Tyre Nichols be classified as “black-on-black” crime?
I am truly curious about this issue in purely objective terms.

Glen223 January 28, 2023 - 4:43 PM - 4:43 PM

Why let facts influence the lefty narrative?

The Fearless Spectator January 27, 2023 - 9:53 PM - 9:53 PM

It appears the media colluded to time the release of the Tyre Nichols video to deflect attention from the wildly peculiar Pelosi video. They are just so darn sneaky. But as they say perception is reality, and they are really working hard on twisting reality up into a pretzel. In this case a pretzel without the benefit of pants. How peculiar.

To Do List January 28, 2023 - 10:57 AM - 10:57 AM

I’m also trying to understand how Pelosi would have a drink in his left hand and be pushing this “guest” away from the police with his right hand, smiles and says Hi to the police, and instead of exiting the front door when the police arrive, he steps back away from the door and further into the house. I don’t have to be Lieutenant Columbo to wonder about this one.

Bob January 28, 2023 - 12:54 AM - 12:54 AM

You have to almost admire the degree of mental gymnastics required to link “black on black” crime with white supremacists.

Dont look at me……

PO'd January 28, 2023 - 10:03 AM - 10:03 AM

Doesn’t quite fit the narrative, does it? They’re still focusing on more gun control, however, and it looks like that will be a large part of the platform when Gavin makes a presidential bid. Bad week for anti-white rhetoric- 5 black cops and 2 Asian mass shooters in one week!

Ricardoh January 28, 2023 - 10:22 AM - 10:22 AM

What happened in Nashville was not good but worse is more cops will back off and more will be killed on the streets. Funny how that works.

Captain Bebops January 28, 2023 - 10:49 AM - 10:49 AM

If you thought the “pandemic” mandates were bad just hope that the war of Ukraine doesn’t erupt into a full scale war and we’ll all be asked to “sacrifice” for the “war effort”. I think that’s what the rising prices are all about, to get us programmed to “accept” sacrifice. But they don’t realize many figured out quickly what was going on with the “pandemic” and won’t be fooled again. 😉

concord grape January 28, 2023 - 11:18 AM - 11:18 AM

The first thing I see when I boot up my computer is fake, hoax, your fired’s face spewing more garbage. Is there an app/virus remover available that. deletes him?

To Do List January 28, 2023 - 1:32 PM - 1:32 PM

I’m guessing from your convoluted and angry comment that somehow you set former President Trump as your screen saver and you don’t like him. If you want to change your screen saver, it is easy to do but without guessing at your computer type I can’t really help with the specifics. My current screen saver is a version of Van Gogh’s Starry Night except with a Sasquatch walking across the foreground.

Yoyohop January 28, 2023 - 1:54 PM - 1:54 PM

😂 Trump derangement syndrome. You got it. Funny, I voted for the guy and yet he never shows up on my news feed. I guess he’s the guy you love to hate.

SAM January 28, 2023 - 2:13 PM - 2:13 PM

🤣🤣🤣 Let the salt flow baby!! 🧂 🧂

The Fearless Spectator January 28, 2023 - 5:47 PM - 5:47 PM

All the major media networks, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, the FBI, the DOJ, George Soros, every Democrat Governor in the nation, and the entire Biden administration spent millions to cancel him.
Its so sad are still having trouble. Perhaps consult your internet/cable service provider.
The Frank Zappa song entitled “Yo Mama” may be a fit here.

Larry January 28, 2023 - 12:23 PM - 12:23 PM

To quote Gov. Ron DeSantis in his second term inaugural address, Jan 3;
“The federal government wields its authority through a sprawling, unaccountable and out-of-touch bureaucracy that does not act on behalf of us, but instead imposes its will on us. The results of this have been dismal.” The same can be said about California and its ignorant politicians beginning with NewScum. Nothing changes if nothing changes…

Original G January 28, 2023 - 1:44 PM - 1:44 PM

From Daily Mail, ‘…Lie-peddling Dem Rep. Adam Schiff endlessly lectures about ‘democracy’ – but he’s been exposed as one of its greatest threats… now Republicans must reveal how deep the rot goes’
“An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.””
By rhetoric or behavior some “public servants” seem to have self elevated themselves a class of royalty above WE THE PEOPLE, putting interests of American people last.
Often wonder when was last time those “public servants” bothered to sit quietly to read our founding documents with comprehension, understanding and taking time to reflect . . . are their actions in line with the oath they recited when sworn into office.
“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession.
I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first”.
–Ronald Reagan

Glen223 January 28, 2023 - 10:29 PM - 10:29 PM

Then they complain because they got kicked off and call it “political retribution.”

Idiot democrats are genetically incapable of accepting responsibility.

Politicians are not our leaders – as proven by their actions over the years. They were “hired.” They failed to do the right thing- yet they continue to be retained on their positions.

I’ve never seen such a large number of gullible voters.

happypappy January 28, 2023 - 2:12 PM - 2:12 PM

Saving The Planet

Sniveling Swamp Rats

Gittyup January 28, 2023 - 9:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Schiff, Swallwell, and Omar can proudly take their places with honor in the “Lowered Intelligence Committee.” They worked hard for it. They committed stupid faux pax for it, they lied, they cheated, and stole for it. They married their relatives for it, they fiddled with Bang Fang for it, and, they fabricated nasty rumors about a popular sitting President for it. They’ve definitely earned their seats.

Cautiously Informed January 28, 2023 - 5:26 PM - 5:26 PM

How is everyone liking China Joe Bidens massive inflation caused pay much more for everything and get way less world we are now in?

Emily January 28, 2023 - 5:51 PM - 5:51 PM

BIDENFLATION, The Price of Voting Stupid!!!

Glen223 January 28, 2023 - 9:56 PM - 9:56 PM

$7 to $8+ for a dozen eggs.
Banning gas stoves
Banning sales of new gas cars
Trying to force gun owners (CA) to buy liability insurance

This administration is a FAILURE ….as are the morons who voted for them.

The Fearless Spectator January 28, 2023 - 7:50 PM - 7:50 PM

Most of us can and will shoulder the financial pain without benefit. However the next generation will be the ones that really suffer, and they will suffer with sub-zero benefit. When they inquire as to why life is so financially difficult, a discussion of equality versus equity may be helpful.
Equality is using ingenuity and working hard to become successful by bringing innovative products and services to market.
Equity is hacking the legs off those who dare to work hard and bring innovative products and services to market.
Sorry kid, your financial situation is due to the latter.

To Do List January 28, 2023 - 11:50 PM - 11:50 PM

Unless things change, there may be a much greater inflation in the future when reality catches up with the ballooning debt, now about to rip by the $31 trillion level. At some point, and we are getting there, massive amounts of debt will have to be sold to just pay the interest on the debt and the party will stop. As people realize this, more will be getting out of US currency and into crypto and Chinese yuan and just about anything which will make things even worse at an increasing rate. When it starts to fail, it will fail fast. It might be in a couple of decades or more, but unless things change direction, it will happen just like in the movie Titanic, the engineer said the ship is made of iron and it will sink.

To Do List January 28, 2023 - 5:47 PM - 5:47 PM

California politicians can be such weasels, and as you point out why aren’t citizens required to have insurance against slandering people when practicing their free speech? The obvious conclusion of this “insurance” scam is the Democrat’s want to create a database of all gun owners that will be hacked and posted on the internet. Bet on it.

Chris January 28, 2023 - 8:56 PM - 8:56 PM

I usually have a difficult time trying to interpret what joe biden is trying to communicate,, but the White House Press Secretary can’t even read from a carefully written transcript.

The Fearless Spectator January 29, 2023 - 9:52 AM - 9:52 AM

Karine is not articulate and her body language indicates she’d rather not be anywhere near that podium. She/Her frequently appears ready to burst into tears and run off stage.
However she understands humiliating herself daily locks in a television deal with CNN. She likely already has a book deal and viola, she can back the Brinks truck up to the house.
The one statement she communicates very well: “For questions let me refer you to the White House Legal Team.”
Somehow I doubt operators are standing by…….

Glen223 January 28, 2023 - 9:50 PM - 9:50 PM

From the NY Post…​

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband sold 30,000 shares of Google stock in December — a month before the Justice Department and eight states sued the tech giant over alleged antitrust violations, according to a report.

Multimillionaire Paul Pelosi, ​82, who runs a San Francisco-based investment and venture capital firm, sold the shares in Alphabet, Google’s holding company, in three different transactions between Dec. 20 and Dec. 28, 2022, Fox Business reported on Wednesday, citing congressional disclosure files.

Pelosi is crooked as hell…. Slow joe and Hunter are crooked as hell …And the FBI is doing nothing about any of them….which says the FBI is crooked as hell.

Idiots voting idiots into office.

happypappy January 29, 2023 - 10:15 AM - 10:15 AM

Couldn’t have said it better

Inconvenient truths

Nothing is built, nor back, nor better

George knew it and had the nerve to say it. I like George.

Bad news for democrats

happypappy January 29, 2023 - 11:09 AM - 11:09 AM

Obama draws chant from crowd

Original G January 29, 2023 - 11:18 AM - 11:18 AM

Hmmm ? ? ? ? ?
‘Europe Shows a Clear Link Between Immigration and Crime — Like the One the U.S. Seriously Downplays’

happypappy January 29, 2023 - 11:19 AM - 11:19 AM

Inconvenient truth about EVs, the energy required, the distribution grid, the destructive mining, the cost, etc

To Do List January 29, 2023 - 3:01 PM - 3:01 PM

June 2019:
“That’s why I’ve worked so hard in my career to make sure that… I promise you if I’m elected president, you’re going to see the single most important thing that changes America, we’re gonna cure cancer,” Biden declared.

Anyone who voted for this nitwit want to defend his promising to cure cancer and doing nothing? No, I didn’t think so.

JWB January 29, 2023 - 3:25 PM - 3:25 PM

“Well what I would do, is I would, we would, we have tremendous military capability and what we can do without planes, to be honest with you, without 44-year-old jets, what we can do is enormous, and we should be doing it and we should be helping them to survive and they’re doing an amazing job.”

The Professor January 30, 2023 - 11:21 AM - 11:21 AM

Context, JWB. Context.

Tourette much?

Cyn January 30, 2023 - 11:46 AM - 11:46 AM


Dr. Jellyfinger January 30, 2023 - 7:55 PM - 7:55 PM

Trump had a Kamala moment……..

Original G January 29, 2023 - 3:51 PM - 3:51 PM

With all this rain, surely water rates will go down.
Ya me neither . . . . .

The Professor January 30, 2023 - 11:23 AM - 11:23 AM

The rates go up in drought years becaue, “We did not sell enough water.”

The rates go up in wet years because, “We need to repair all of the storm damage.”

A Catch 22 designed to drain your wallet.

Original G January 29, 2023 - 6:10 PM - 6:10 PM

When it comes to riots, looting and arson, here’s difference between DEM governors and republican governors.
Republican ‘Georgia Governor Kemp declares state of emergency in response to Antifa protest at public safety facility in Atlanta with up to 1,000 National Guard troops to be mobilized’
National Guard https://tinyurl.com/43rx3exp

Original G January 29, 2023 - 8:01 PM - 8:01 PM

‘People Arrested at NYC Protest Show Exactly the Problem With Dem Approach to Law Enforcement’

The Wizard January 30, 2023 - 8:19 AM - 8:19 AM

Poor Steph Curry does not want a town house built in his neighborhood, what a hypocrite.

Glen223 January 30, 2023 - 10:46 AM - 10:46 AM

Limousine liberals – all alike. More NIMBYism.

If I wanted to watch a ball get tossed into a hoop, I’d go the aquarium and watch trained seals. They’re happy getting a fish treat.

To Do List January 30, 2023 - 1:15 PM - 1:15 PM

And while you went to see the seal perform a show, he does not use his stage to lecture you on who to vote for.

Original G January 30, 2023 - 2:10 PM - 2:10 PM

BUT, But, but, they are a “Sanctuary City”.
Hoovervilles sprang up across the country in 1930s.
“Bidenvilles are popping up in New York City, as dozens of migrants slept on the streets outside a Big Apple hotel on Sunday night. They were staging a protest. One can hardly blame them.

Democratic Mayor Eric Adams had just rudely evicted them from their hotel rooms. That’s not how to treat a guest. New York City is a sanctuary city after all.
What could have possibly happened?”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/2p85v7h3
”Why is the city doing this to us?’ Frightened New Yorkers carry PEPPER-SPRAY as ‘disruptive’ migrants kicked out of Manhattan hotel set up tents on sidewalk after refusing to move to shelter at Brooklyn ferry terminal because it is ‘like a jail”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/48m4yuhw
biden will be in NYC on Tuesday, how will NYC hide their latest embarrassment???

happypappy February 1, 2023 - 3:27 PM - 3:27 PM

Thank you for the thumbs down. Each one lets me know that my posts are achieving their intended goals;
1. Let me know you’re dutifully follow along.
2. Irritating you woke, leftist, losers] trolls.
3. Makes me smile BIGLY.

Dr. Jellyfinger January 30, 2023 - 7:43 PM - 7:43 PM
Original G January 31, 2023 - 1:01 AM - 1:01 AM

Is this the man who stopped a political party from stealing a country???
‘…Texas’ new border czar vows to make Lone Star State ‘least desirable place for crossers’ thanks to huge border wall’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/bdz6ff9h

Original G January 31, 2023 - 10:24 AM - 10:24 AM

“The asylum seeker crisis is a national problem that needs a national solution. New York City is proud to have welcomed tens of thousands of asylum seekers and given them shelter, food and resources. But we can’t do this alone.”
—NYC Mayor Eric Adams
“Oh, it’s a “national problem,” is it? That’s weird because that wasn’t the line from Democrats when it was just El Paso and Yuma being absolutely wrecked by the illegal immigration wave on the Southern border. But send a few thousand illegal immigrants to New York, and suddenly, we need a “national solution.” How very, very convenient.”

happypappy January 31, 2023 - 12:30 PM - 12:30 PM

Apparently the only secure “classified” document in DC is the Epstein client list of democrat guests to his Pedo Island.
Lucky for you, huh Bill.

The Professor January 31, 2023 - 3:05 PM - 3:05 PM

Clinton or Gates?

Cyn January 31, 2023 - 8:42 PM - 8:42 PM


Dr. Jellyfinger February 1, 2023 - 8:19 AM - 8:19 AM

FBI is searching Biden’s Rehoboth home looking for classified documents. Somehow I just don’t get the feeling that they are really doing things by the book.
Where’s the helicopters & TV cameras? armed agents, long guns, safe crackers, etc.
Are they really doing their job or just putting it all in the shredder?
Maybe they are all Comey Comandos who will decide on the spot whether any reasonable agent would bother with those classified documents?

Dr. Jellyfinger February 1, 2023 - 8:43 AM - 8:43 AM

“Leftover” Comey Comandos that is…. (they still have their jobs)

happypappy February 1, 2023 - 10:25 AM - 10:25 AM


If something requires the labor of others, it’s NOT a right.

Mike Lindell should market his “My Pillow” as “The Peoples Pillow.”” Then communist democrats could have
one too.

Will Disney make a movie about Greta, cast her with a black actor, and title it “Y’all Finna Gestroy Da Earf?”

What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

What punishment should we expect for eating meat, using gas and/or gasoline, in 2030?

Why are we at the stage where liberty is equated with Fascism? I know, do you?

Isn’t it time for the scientific community to admit it was wrong about COVID & that it cost lives?

What law empowered Traitor Joe to ban Fracking?

THE BLACK KNIGHT February 2, 2023 - 11:27 AM - 11:27 AM

I believe it was the Biden-Harris Administration White House Office on Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation that has admitted we’ll continue to use fossil fuels, like gasoline and diesel, to power our vehicles for at least the next 3 decades. It may be a different office within the White House but I think I remembered the correct office.
President Biden doesn’t have the authority to ban all fracking, which is why he only banned new and future fracking on federal lands. My guess is that the Administrative Procedures Act and the Federal Lands Policy and Management Act gave him that authority. Since the end of World War II our Legislative Branch/Congress has been on the fast track ceding their power and representation to the President and Executive Branch agencies, inturn creating the forth branch of government, the Administrative Branch, where unelected and unaccountable government employees rule over the people. The Federal Lands Policy and Management Act significantly increased the power of the Bureau of Land Management. I own property that is surrounded on 3 sides by BLM administered land and they are horrible neighbors, and their agents are even worse!!!

Dr. Jellyfinger February 1, 2023 - 6:36 PM - 6:36 PM

Tomorrow is Groundhog Day.
9 years ago when Democrat Mayor Bill fumbled Charlotte the groundhog onto the ground, mortally injuring her.
She died 3 days later… NEVER FORGET! say her name! CHARLOTTE!


The Fearless Spectator February 2, 2023 - 8:32 AM - 8:32 AM

“Hunter Biden goes on the offensive” is all over the media.
It makes sense really. You’d expect one of the more offensive humans to bless us with his presence to always be offensive. Now he has a well compensated (by whom?) legal team to assist his offensiveness. What a National embarrassment.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 2, 2023 - 3:26 PM - 3:26 PM

He’s the smartest man his Dad knows.

happypappy February 2, 2023 - 9:41 AM - 9:41 AM

Nope….still can’t find that darn leak

Normal? If I agree will you finally get out of my face?

Sure why not, they do it anyway. Just stay out of our locker room

Oh No……it’s THEM…..run…….run fast!!!!

When the Fascists are in charge, it’ll for your own good?

Absolutely 100% correct

Just for fun, end with a wink

happypappy February 2, 2023 - 11:28 AM - 11:28 AM

Something good happened today;

House Republicans Oust that incestuous anti-American Ilhan Omar From Her Committee Seat.

GOP Anti-Socialism Resolution Prevails Despite Democratic Opposition

To Do List February 2, 2023 - 1:31 PM - 1:31 PM

It’s fun to read the text of the Anti-Socialism resolution to see where the Democrats stand. It’s short and most of it just mentions the millions who have died because of Socialism. Eight-six Democrats seem to support the mass killings and 14 Democrats just voted “present” instead of going on record with an opinion. Who here like mass killings for political reasons? None? So why are Democrats getting elected?


happypappy February 2, 2023 - 2:39 PM - 2:39 PM

Great post, TDL.

The Fearless Spectator February 2, 2023 - 6:10 PM - 6:10 PM

The campaign benefactors of those 86/14 are now easily and obviously identified. And they really don’t like the spotlight. Perhaps this symbolic exercise will crank up the lumens further. And if so, constituents of the 86/14 should be demanding an explanation.

The Fearless Spectator February 2, 2023 - 8:33 PM - 8:33 PM

The US is carefully tracking the movements of a high altitude Chinese Spying Balloon. Although it’s violated airspace, they’ve elected not to shoot it down. It seems nobody has seen Hunter Biden recently.

Dr. Jellyfinger February 3, 2023 - 7:13 AM - 7:13 AM

The balloon was almost certainly sent in retaliation for the Spy Kite we flew over China last year. China did not shoot down our kite, but at just over 4000 miles we ran out of string and the end spun off the spool. Our team gave chase but lost it when the string went into the ocean.

happypappy February 3, 2023 - 9:54 AM - 9:54 AM

Actual NASA photograph of the spy balloon

happypappy February 3, 2023 - 9:50 AM - 9:50 AM

Lis? Wat lis? We don’t got to cho you no stinkin’ lis!

Did you wear your mask as ordered by your masters? Did you scorn those who refused?
Then this is for YOU………And from me personally……..a middle finger!


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