Home » Claycord – Talk About Politics – Jan.20, 2023

Claycord – Talk About Politics – Jan.20, 2023



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Another great week of Clown World News, here’s the roundup:

Facebook, Instagram Just Updated Changed Their Policy To Allow Images Of Bare Breasts On The Platforms — But Only For ‘Trans,’ ‘Non-Binary’

Democrat Introduces Legislation to Make White People Criticizing Minorities a Federal Crime
World Economic Forum Panelist Says the US Will ‘Soon’ Have ‘Illegal Hate Speech’ Laws
Swiss Police And Military Are Setting Up Roadblocks and Checking Finger Prints Near WEF Summit
Report: High-Priced Prostitutes Descend On Davos For “High-Powered” Leaders At World Economic Forum
Woke AI? Revolutionary Chatbot Says Men Could Menstruate

Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Debated in UK Parliament for the First Time
FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines
Jamie Lee Curtis Under Fire After Posting Disturbing Photo of Young Naked Child in Box on Social Media
IT WAS ALL A LIE: CNN Political Hack Finally Admits the US Has Been Vastly Overcounting COVID Deaths and Hospitalizations
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM UPDATE: John Kerry Claims to Be Part of a “Select Group of Human Beings”
Is White Paint Racist? Norwegian Government Funds Research to Find Out
Ivan Provorov’s Jersey Sells Out After He Boycotts LGBTQ+ Pride Night Festivities
Petition Seeks to Eliminate Chemtrails in Skies Over Texas
Madonna Accused of Pornography and Child Trafficking in Southern Africa – Ethiopian World Federation Urges President of Malawi to Conduct Investigation
Woman dies after shooting at MLK Day party in Florida
King Relative Blames ‘Woke’ Algorithm For Bizarre Sculpture of MLK and Wife
AI Robot Lawyer Will Defend Traffic Violator In Court
Man Wearing “Jesus Saves” Shirt Kicked Out of Mall of America in Minnesota
IT WAS ALL PLANNED: Tactical Commander for US Capitol Police Admits Under Oath that “Agitators” Who Were “Highly Trained” Ripped Down Fencing Prior to Protest at US Capitol on Jan. 6
Dating Show for Unvaxxed Removed From Youtube

New Transgender Owner of Miss Universe Celebrates an End to It Being Run by Men
Horror Commences After a Girl Is Sex Trafficked Because the State Determined She Was ‘Misgendered’
‘Strongly Worded Letters’ Fly as 95% of Rainwater Washes to Ocean in California

Have a wonderful and safe weekend Claycord! Beware the woke algorithms!


Bayslashers aren’t you a cheery one. How about listing as many positive news blurbs….go on I dare ya!


No, I double dog dare ya!


You must have missed the one about a petition to eliminate TOXIC chemtrails. Can we get that going here? Did you know John Brennan basically runs the chemtrail program in this country?


Typical liberal, acting like there’s some kind of mystical balance in the news and you’re only focusing on the negative.
You people went mental every second of Trump, Acting like he would get us in WW3 and muh democracy literally hitler, oranges are now a symbol of white supremacy, always have been 🤣🤣📺..suck it up buttercup, these are the currant headlines from your liberal media industry complex. Your tactics are bunk, you have no legs. We know how you operate.
Yeah yeah we’re stuffy and uptight, you guys are laid back and easy going….sure
Rather die with the sinners then cry with the saint’s, the sinners are much more fun..we get it. It’s all psychological games. You lose.
Double dog dare ya like it’s an innocent jab from a teenager from the 50s. You guys are so useless.


ITSME What’s your good news of the day. Let’s hear it. Thought so, nothing except it isn’t raining.


Concerned, Sam and Ricardoh I don’t care which news source you subscribe to I’m guessing it’s generally FOX, pardon me if it’s not but if you’ll check the FOX.com website you’ll see they have “good news stories” right there in black and white. Yes, I do browse the news websites to see what’s out there. You might want to take a look, it just might turn your scowl into a smile every now and then. 🫣


@IT’ME Gutfeld. #1 in late night programing on FOX. So, libs think they’re cool and funny? Think again! Liberal “woke” is so last year.


Gutfeld with Kat, Tyrus, and Guest have both great and funny topics. 🙂


@ROZ Right you are! Gutfeld is well worth staying up for. Guests have a funny take on today’s news. Kat and Tyrus are stunning in their intelligent analysis of the news stories and their comical, but down-to-earth approaches. They make all this “woke” liberal nonsense look like the bologna it is.


After all that, you don’t bring good news you use the opportunity bash fake news fox 🤣🤣🤣 classic. You can’t make this stuff up man…🤣🤣 What an insufferable phony.
You guys have nothing. Faux news is definitely red side CNN but unlike you guys, we don’t follow the news, we find it. The old status quo of one party pretending to be two format is broken. Also you lost Twitter now the #faucifiles drop the COVID HOAX TRUTH. We coming for everything. Cry more lib


Ooh neoow now I’m a big meany head. Such a victim pal. Only someone with no legs would resort to that manipulation. Good for you, I got you pegged.


What is this point of this?
What are you attempting to exemplify, highlight, or expose with this copypasta of plain text?

@ DI-
I think that Bayslasher is doing a Claycord version of “Libs of Tik Tok”. Just showing the ridiculousness of the left using their own words.


I appreciate the explanation.
It missed the mark for me, but that’s just an opinion.


The perfect tag line for the Biden Family Syndicate:
“We benefit from the doubt.”
Wake up America, and wake up California. The meek shall inherit nothing.


“A 17-year-old teen from Los Angeles, who was behind a shocking hit-and-run incident in which a mother and her baby who was in a stroller were injured, has been shot dead.”
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/fb5fnvrp
Question, is the death unrelated to hit n run or has soft on crime CA finally descended into vigilantism ? ? ?


Perhaps God is sick and tired of all the BS from George Gascon.
Perchance, and it’s a long shot, Gascon will become a chastened human being realizing that his preferred gene pool are safer in prison. And at that point will pursue the actual stated objectives of his profession. It’s time for redemption George…….


Karma is a Mo Fo.


Interesting question and I hope we hear the answer someday soon.

This has been floating around net for awhile.
Guy goes into a bar that has a robot bartender.
The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Whiskey.”
The robot brings back his drink and says to the man, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says,” 168.”
The robot proceeds to talk about physics, space exploration and medical technology.
The guy leaves, but he’s curious…So he goes back into the bar.
The robot bartender says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Whiskey.”
Again, the robot brings the man his drink and says, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “100.”
The robot then starts to talk about Nascar, Budweiser, the Saints and LSU Tigers
The guy leaves, but finds it very interesting, so he thinks he will try it one more time.
He goes back into the bar.
The robot says, “What will you have?”
The guy says, “Whiskey,” and the robot brings him his whiskey.
The robot then says, “What’s your IQ?”
The guy says, “Uh, about 50.”
The robot leans in real close and says,
“So, you people still happy with Biden?”


… 25 would equal Newsom? 🙂


DOMO, you’re giving Newsom too much credit.


The last line is incorrect. It should read:

Do you still support Donald Trump?


“WE” do still support Donald Trump. He get a President’s Pension.


That’s true….good one, S.


100% MAGA. Trump 2024. #faucifiles. They resorted to COVID HOAX to blanket the country with unaccounted mail in ballots and straight up cheated. Good old fashioned cheating.


As Jack McKay said: “I can’t win if I can’t cheat.”



You bettcha!

Make America Trump, Again!



I’m not a fan of Trump. Like I’ve said he should have tried being governor of New York first then he probably wouldn’t have run for President. But he is right about this:


China Joe Biden raved about the badness of Trump possessing classified documents. Now that he has been caught possessing classified documents he ignores it, blows it off and acts like it’s no big deal(the documents were in the garage with his Corvette). Wow. What a hypocritical self serving POS he is.


It’s not the same. biden was annoyed at reporters yesterday and said “there’s no there, there”.
I think that’s the same as a nothingburger.


Bro, please hear me out. The
Documents Biden had were not as
classified as what Trump had.
I’m telling you Bro, Biden had
KFC’s Secret Recipe and Trump
literally had Nuclear Launch
Codes. Please believe me Bro.
Also Bro,Gas Stoves will kill


Sorry bro don’t believe you.


But gas stoves bro..🤣


Kamala must have wrote that for him.


At my age don’t think as fast as I used to, never would have thought of this.
Heck of an idea.


The crooked Biden Administration finally admits its horrible economy killing screw up when it canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline out of hate and spite for Trump,

Finally the bottom feeders are admitting what experts and anyone with common sense has always known. Stupid reckless energy policies, based on hate and jealousy have disastrous consequences. KARMA, and it’s a b!**h.

The Department of Energy, finally grew a pair. But it was only a small pair because they quietly released a report on the positive economic benefits of developing the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada.
In case any mindless leftists don’t want to remember, it was canceled by that complete idiot Biden the stooge within hours after he stole the election.

And we all also know Feeble Joe the stooge only did as told by Nobama, Princess Nancy, & Susan Rice.
Criminals, every one of them. Anyone else looking forward to their viewings. 😉


How Biden cancelled the pipeline is fun also, after his inaugural address pledging to unify the country and to represent everyone regardless of party, on his very first day in office canceled Keystone, attacked women’s sports, reversed the decision to quit the Chinese controlled WHO, and more. Are we all unified now? The good ol’ bait and switch. How’s his pledge for transparency as reporters asked about his classified documents? Regardless of his horrible policies, he is supposed to represent the office of the US Presidency and instead is smirking like a little bratty child in response to reporter’s questions.


I think like most others we’re very happy and blessed with all the rain we’ve received in the past month. Too bad about 95% of the runoff will go into the ocean and not be captured in newly constructed dams/reservoirs. I expect our state officials and water departments to continue their rate increases, water restrictions, and pound the table on drought measures due to Climate Change.


.. and the $96B surplus last yer that could have gone towards building water retention facilities …. but nooooooooo and voters keep the likes of Newsom and his cronies in office (Bonta, Becton, etc.)


Each year the fires are a surprise, the floods are a surprise, the unemployment fraud is a surprise, etc. etc. etc. Given such incompetence, it should be a surprise these guys stay in office.
Factually speaking, if these were real jobs with real performance reviews, most California elected officials would be fired.
Politics, the practical alternative to work……….


But, the environmentalists say it’s to save the smelt. Didn’t you know that tiny fish are more important than people?


Bumper sticker from years ago.
Save water fight forest fires with delta smelt


Don’t forget the Snail Darters!

Everyone is this country knows we have an incompetent crook for a president and yet we can do nothing about it. We need some kind of no confidence voting procedure..


We do actually. It’s called Impeachment. And, if Biden isn’t worthy of it at this point, I don’t know who is.


Then on day out of nowhere, Americans realized they were in a war with Russia.
There economy has been destroyed, they had worthless dollars, and the world laughed.


The hawks in our country sit in a comfy chair in front of their fireplaces calling for more armament for the Ukraine while the poor dupes in the Ukraine and the unhappy Russian draftees are dying and getting mutilated. Billions of dollars worth of damage and Biden and the hawks refuse to negotiate. Even winning this war will be a catastrophe. I don’t think it will be won. Just one more bungled job by Biden.


Wonder what happened to that red tsunami? Did anyone watch the multiple days of McCarthy trying his best to get the title of Speaker Of House? They couldn’t even come together as a party to elect the spineless dim whit! It took 15 tries. Good luck America.


ITSME You again. Republicans do not walk in lockstep like the democrats do. Republicans do not follow the party line talking points like democrats do. Actually the negotiations that took place during the confirmation was a good thing for the country. You never seem to get things as they actually are.


Things are looking up. Ron Clain is stepping off The Titanic.
For a moment, they considered Sam Brinton as a successor; too much baggage however.


Yes because republicans don’t just follow orders like democrats. That’s not the own you think it is.


Are you sure you want to call someone else a spineless dim “WHIT”?


@CYN….Is that the same as a “knit whit”?


@It’sMe You’re right! Republicans show a healthy diversity of thought. Dems are so deep into “groupthink” if they ever had to make a decision for themselves they’d be wetting themselves all over the place. Oh … wait … Biden probably already does.


Sadly, Republicans expected a Red Wave in 2022 and now assume there will be one in 2024.
Wrong! Republicans underestimate how much the gene pool has deteriorated. At least half of the voters wanted a sick, incompetent, criminal as president and dumb as dirt Swallow da Ho as his stooge. Liberals feel right at home.


The main things is were not seeing those mean tweets anymore from that Orange Man.


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, faced with a government shutdown over increasing the $31 trillion dollar debt limit, is addressing the potential for a US dollar currency crisis today by visiting the west African country of Senegal and “condemned the horrors of human bondage while honoring the suffering and spirit of enslaved Africans.”


6 more classified documents just found at biden and the esteemed Dr Jill biden esquire’s modest home. I’m sure it was nothing to worry about bro. The chinese lady hunter biden recommended joe hire to manage these top secret classified documents is totally not related to Fang Fang. It’s all so scripted.
The deep state is removing biden with this phony document scandal before he gets rolled for worse criminal acts. Make no mistake, this isn’t happening naturally.


For anyone that need to hear it…
You might not want to inject an experimental, non-FDA approved substance into your body, that is pushed by people known to want to reduce the global population, made by manufacturers who have no liability whatsoever if you are injured, for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate. Just sayin


‘Biden Admin Shatters All-Time Record For Number Of Illegal Alien Encounters On Southern Border’…
“… there have been approximately 1.2 million known gotaways at the southern border since President Biden took office,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin tweeted. “The last several months have been around 70,000 per month, per CBP sources.”
DEMs count on votes from those dependent upon government for their financial well being.
Flooding country with illegals in expectation of future amnesty.
They are importing future DEM voters, many of whom will need government assistance.
Be assured as part of amnesty they will be registered to vote.
You are witnessing seizure of a country by a political party.


DEM politicians have found how to stay in power forever, coddling and BUYING this new class of citizens.
Remember which party has been saying our founding documents are old, outdated and should be modernized.
biden has repeatedly said “no amendment is absolute”.


Biden has maintained Trump’s policies at the border. “Alien Encounters” does not simply mean crossing the border either.

The only thing Biden has done differently is actually allow people to apply for assylum.

But more to my point, the numbers you post Original G are lower than for Trump’s term.
According to the Cato Institute, “President Trump’s top policy priority was supposedly “border security.” But government data show that he failed to improve it. Border Patrol recorded 41 percent more successful illegal entries in fiscal year 2019 than in 2016 and was on pace for 47 percent more through four months of 2020. As he left office in January, reports indicate that the numbers have reached even greater heights.”


The fact that you blame this solely on Biden is ignorant.Biden is failing certain metrics for maintaining bad policies, but those policies were from Trump.

Also, how exactly can any one’s financial well being be fully independent from a government? You still need the government so you have a currency. And while “floods of immigrants” is a subjective concept, you are correct about an expectation of amnesty. That’s kind of the whole point of applying for assylum. Oh, and yes, it’s pretty understood that assylum seekers will vote. After they have completed naturalization in 5 years, they can participate in Federal elections. They can even vote in some local elections as soon as they register, because you don’t have to be a citizen to be a tax payer. No taxation without representation.

And yes, no amendment is absolute. You are aware of what the word amendment actually means right? Of course you don’t, otherwise you would realize that what you are talking about is a non-issue.

All the amendments are additions or changes to the Constitution in order to improve or change existing legislation.

The sky is blue. The Earth is most definitely round. All people rely on their government for their financial well being, we just might not need the government for our cash flow and profit making ventures. Immigrants are only a new class of citizen from the perspective of tribal nations.

Seizure of a country? Why would I or anybody else need to seize a country when we’re already citizens of? I don’t and neither do you.


Danged ineffectual is as deranged ineffectual as Sam.


Stick to the topic and back up that claim with something substantial.
Your opinion on my mental state is not relevant.


Same goes for your opinion on Sam’s



I decided to look for data on the number of illegals entering the US. All that is out there for that are estimates. However, there is ample data concerning the number of border enforcement actions (the number of people that were arrested or turned away).
You talk percentages, but percentages can often be misleading. As an example: There was one person murdered in a town last year 2021. In 2022, two were murdered. That is a 100% increase, surely evidence of a rampant crime wave. But I doubt anyone would agree that this extra murder equals a crime wave.
If you look at the graph about border apprehensions, you will see that 310k were nabbed in 2017, 282k in 2018, 859k in 2019, and 405k in 2020. The low number in ’20 was because of covid. (side note that I have not researched, it’s my guess that the majority began arriving in late ’20 after the election with the thinking that Joe would grant amnesty. But I digress).
Now let’s look at Joe’s two years in office. 2021 had 1.662 Million and 2022 had 2.125 million. Toss out ’20 because it was a statistical anomoly and the difference between ’18 (Trump’s high) and ’20 (Biden’s first year, and his low so far), you see almost a 100% increase. That’s an extra 803k border apprehensions. The increase in ’22 was an additional 500k over ’21.
We obviously do not know an accurate number of illegals who actually made it through because those guys aren’t talking. I think we can all agree, though, that there were plenty of folks who made it across the Rio Grande.
You ascribe the immigration debacle (via The Cato Institute) to Trump’s bad policies. Biden had the House and Senate under his thumb for two years. The question that should be asked is, why did Biden and the Dems not change these horrible policies when they had the votes? Was it because the Reps and Sens that were up for reelection in ’22 didn’t want to upset their base and donors? Was it because Biden liked these “bad” Trump policies? Was it because high illegals equals a wedge issue that the Dems can exploit. Personally, I think the answers to my questions are YES, absolutely NO because Biden can’t stand any Trump legacy policies, and Yes.
Our border is a mess. Has been for as long as I can remember. But I’m going to believe my lyin’ eyes and place the blame on Biden and the Dems for the huge spikes, both in absolute numbers and by percentages..
One final bit of data that seems pretty telling- There were more apprehensions last year than there were in all four years of Trump, COMBINED!


My claims where rebuttals to Original G, I didn’t offer a counter. I also did not say that I support what Biden is doing, or more fittingly not doing (another thing we are agreeing on).

I also have an understanding that statistics can be misleading. However, your example is lacking the denominator. A simple 1 to 2 increase without knowing the total population does not equate to a 100% increase.

I was addressing the idea that the entire blame goes to Biden. He is responsible for not addressing it. Stephen Miller wrote the policies we are talking about, Trump passed them through executive order. That is on them. But none of them can be held responsible for the choices of individuals attempting to cross. They MIGHT be responsible for the economic issues that have lent to the desperation these individuals are facing south of the border, but that is another conversation.

You site apprehensions. Yes, that seems like a more reliable metric then those regarding illegal entry. However, what does it illustrate? If apprehensions are up, wouldn’t that suggest border patrol is doing their job? i.e. preventing individuals from crossing. The rise in number of apprehensions can also be attributed to the rise in number of people attempting to cross. That figure solely dependent on the policies of how our government processes legal entrants.

So what is your point? That you prefer to blame our government’s current immigration policies (written by by S Miller and “ordered by” Trump), on the current president? Ok, that is not sound reasoning and comes across that it is more convenient to place blame on Biden than on the people who created and enacted them.

We agree on a number of things, our current congress is not doing enough to address the overload. Whether you stand “on the side of” immigrants or border patrol, this is true and harms both groups of actual participants. They both deserve better and that falls on many of our countries congresses going back for decades, political affiliation does not seem to have a positive effect.


After all that, you don’t bring good news you use the opportunity bash fake news fox 🤣🤣🤣 classic. You can’t make this stuff up man…🤣🤣 What an insufferable phony.
You guys have nothing. Faux news is definitely red side CNN but unlike you guys, we don’t follow the news, we find it. The old status quo of one party pretending to be two format is broken. Also you lost Twitter now the #faucifiles drop the COVID HOAX TRUTH. We coming for everything. Cry more lib


Where do you obtain your information? And how do you have any opinion on new sources you supposedly pay no mind to?

Personally, I don’t “follow” as much as I read everything I have the time and interest for. My sense of self is not reliant on some fantasy of ownership over a social media platform, news agency, or media empire. And I have a feeling that Elon doesn’t consider Twitter as something anybody other than he owns. That might not be for much longer either.

You’re coming for everything? Even the stuff you feel is a hoax? Have it. The Electoral College and it’s 2 parties are a facade that represent very little having to do with you or I. Only in the loosest sense can our government be considered representational yet you just wish to throw what you think are insults? To what end? So Elon will take you out for dinner? I hope it works out.


If you need any more proof that Princess Nancy is an unbalanced.paranoid lunatic.here it is.

Nancy Pelosi performed an EXORCISM over her San Francisco mansion to banish ‘evil spirits’ after her husband’s so called “hammer attack.” per the NY Times

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held an exorcism in her San Francisco mansion to banish “evil spirits” after her husband was allegedly attacked by hammer-wielding intruder David DePape.

Pelosi’s daughter, documentary filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi, claimed the scandal prompted her mother to perform an exorcism, a religious practice used to evict demons or malevolent spiritual entities from a person or space that is believed to be possessed, over holidays.

“Alexandra, always the id to her mother’s superego, was more blunt,” the NYT reports.
“I think that weighed really heavy on her soul. I think she felt really guilty. I think that really broke her. Over Thanksgiving, she had priests coming, trying to have an exorcism of the house and having prayer services,” Alexandra told the publication.

So, hubby Paul didn’t really mean to do the Horizontal Mambo with David DePape?
As Flip Wilson used to say; “The Devil Made Me Do It.”


It is only a matter of time before Nancy and the Dems begin to call abortions “exorcisms”. Ya know, it’s not killing a baby. It’s just a banishment of another evil spirit.


Unfortunately, one priest has now reported the Pelosi house exorcism failed since as they left the house, Nancy was still crawling upside-down across the living room ceiling and hissing like an angry cat.


January 21, 2023

The Department of Justice searched Traitor Joe’s Delaware residence/hideout and took possession of more documents containing secret classified information, his lawyers said on Saturday.

It seems with the Biden Crime Family, treason pays very well.


Anybody heard from Bobolinski lately?

Also, dont look at me, I dont think o voted for him……


I’m sure that he will have his day of testimony now that the Reps control the House. Fox will air the testimony in full. The rest of the media will ignore the spectacle and pretend that Joe is pure as snow.


Where’s the Biden Diamond?
More document’s found, the walls are closing in on the Biden Crime Family.
Lock him up !


So do you think Harris will be an improvement? Funny thing about Harris, a couple years ago I heard an interview with a former sheriff on a conservative streaming news service who said he worked with her on some project and thought she was all right contrary to what the public thinks.


With her it is which way the wind is blowing. If it blows in the right direction she would be OK. She is malleable.


Harris is gonna be awesome for Americans.

Since no one is that stupid, I assume you’re just trolling for attention, Sam.
Happy New Year


Haha, sometimes I troll. It’s a guilty pleasure when things are so absurd.


It sounds like Biden has been at this sort of thing his entire career.


You might want to ask Buttigieg about the diamond location.

“We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker.
It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”
—Ronald Reagan
Remains to be seen how liberal DEMs will attempt to exploit mass shooting in southern CA.
Thus far reported as asian on asian.
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/mrx6wxkr
Ideally best ethnicity DEMs like to use is black victims white shooter.
Perfect fantasy for them, giving them gun control talking points, ability to claim white racism, ability to stoke black anger and use it to enflame the black voter block to vote for them.
Watch how DEMs use body count and if do how they structure politician’ and liberal media rhetoric or will they ignore it because it doesn’t fit their long term divisive plans well enough.


@Captain Bebops
All she has done the last couple of years is prove she’s anything but “all right”. What was the project anyway? Salad prep?


Kamala is able to perform the “Itsy Bitsy Spider” nursery rhyme complete with precision choreographed finger play. Three times in a row even. Guaranteed to amaze nursery school age children everywhere, regardless of nationality. “Can you say Nationality? I knew you could!”Romper Room 2023 has a new host!


@CYN, I just posted that as a “just sayin'” post because the sheriff was also a conservative so it came as a surprise. I’ve always told people in other parts of the country that she wasn’t even popular in the Bay Area. And Biden was not even popular among Democrats. We live in bizarre times… just sayin’.


@Captain Bebops
My response was meant for that Sheriff.

We need more leaders like this, ESPECIALLY here in Wokeafornia

Kristi Noem: “This is a real threat to our people:”
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) discusses why her state banned government contracts with six nations and addresses her state’s TikTok ban.


Biden classified docs were sent to DC Chinatown facility before thinktank: WTF????



Throw Biden in a pit with cornsnakes and then boil him.


DEMs and fences, explained in a meme


Besides the border, found one more place DEMs don’t want fences.
An confusion over bathrooms has been solved by one sign


Slight of hand, or smoke and mirrors, either way it was a pretty good trick. And it worked on ignorant fools.

Then & now, what’s the difference?

Have you seen anything more ridiculous? And they vote? GOOD GRIEF!

If this is true, why do they keep trying to scare us? Shhh…..it’s about the money.


Lying, cheating, ‘disinformation man’ Adam Schiff booted from House intel committee? Bwahahahahahaha
Nanny, nanny, nanny!


The democrat house of cards has collapsed –

Former FBI Counterintelligence Lead Officer Who Investigated Trump-Russia Collusion, Arrested for Colluding with Russia.


@hp – goes to prove that the FBI (Fidelity? Bravery? Integrity?) is nothing but a corrupt failure at the senior leadership level and permeating on down. Strike 3! They ought be fired ….hell, they couldn’t write a parking ticket correctly.

Makes the Keystone Kops look like the model of integrity and ethics.

Time for Sheriff Andy and Deputy Barney to overhaul the system.


The FBI has never ever been worthy of trust with notable illegal and unethical behavior toward MLK, anti-war protestors, and so on. For several of the last years, I kept reading how honorable and full of integrity the FBI is, even while thinking to myself that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And now we have this.


“M&M’s launches woke female-only special edition bag of candy featuring ‘lesbian’ green and brown chocolates, as well as new plus size purple sweet who represents body positivity’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/ywktx7kb
Kids candy . . . . Really ? ? ? ?
‘M&M’s Tosses Their ‘Spokescandies’ in the Garbage After Woke Characters Cause Backlash’


Gay Candy? This is where I draw the line. I’ve always loved M & M’s and I don’t have anything against what people do in the privacy of their own homes, but I am not going to allow any homosexuality in my mouth! Sorry M&M’s .


M&Ms heard your concerns and now gives you Maya Rudolph?
Now I’m even more confused.


The earlier and competent marketing professionals at M&M created well known and beloved characters that helped differentiate a chocolate candy from competitors, and these current woke clown marketers managed to crash the whole concept in what, like 24 months. They should be fired and take jobs with the FBI.


If Mars were a publicly traded company, there would already be class action lawsuits over this. Further, their CEO would be fired and likely a thorough housecleaning in the marketing department. However as a private company, I respect their right to run it into the ground.
There are headlines the candy company is being cancelled. No, they have decided to “self cancel”. There is a big difference.


Another long time swamp rat caught

WASHINGTON — Documents with classified markings were discovered in former Vice President Mike Pence’s Indiana home last week, his lawyers says, the latest in a string of recoveries of confidential information from the homes of current and former top U.S. officials.

The records “appear to be a small number of documents bearing classified markings that were inadvertently boxed and transported to the personal home of the former vice president at the end of the last administration,” Pence’s lawyer, Greg Jacob, wrote in a letter to the National Archives shared with The Associated Press.


This Congressman nails it. Watch as the weenie, weaselly democrat avoids answering questions about the intentional destruction of our energy sector.


Wow! Brian Mast comes right out and tells it like it is, exposes these Demorat traitors for what they are!


Tesla will build $3.5B electric semi-truck manufacturing facility creating more than 3,000 jobs.
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/3mjnxuwj


I wish you wouldn’t make these announcements as they are very upsetting to the climate change enthusiasts.
Tesla is the last company in the world they want to see make positive changes to the National carbon footprint. And as the first truck is being used to deliver Frito-Lay products, we can likely expect some sort of boycott on chips. And not just potato chips, but even those nature chips.
It’s quite clear politics trump the climate every time.


THE EXORCISM of Princess Nancy –

KARMA….gotta love it

A brief celebration …….until tomorrow

What’s that definition for insanity? And yet they keep trying!

Baldwin’s last hope……political protection. Why not, it sure seems to work for those who’ve done far worse.


Color me shocked, . . . . just advancing the woke leftist agenda . . . . .
They do whatever they want, wouldn’t want them to get bored, besides Daddy will bail ’em out.
‘Spoiled children of privilege trying to burn Atlanta down ‘


Just a bunch of “good guys” having a good time…………..at your expense.
Who really controls CA, and what have they done and what are they doing to you?


‘nother woke clown thinks she deserves special treatment for her lifestyle

Still disgusting

Just another girl from the hood

Leftist lunatic training manuals have arrived

Control information & control the people, Middle Finger for anti first amendment DirectTV

The new guy? WHOA….Quick, we need a diversion. Send more tanks to Ukrain, or something


Why hasn’t the police body cam video of the Paul Pelosi attack been released yet? A state judge ordered it released on Wednesday & FOX news has been saying “any minute now” since then, but still nothing!
Is it just taking a long time to edit all the truth out of it or what?

Dr J
It would seem that Nancy’s johnson retains more pull than that of the judge.


The body cam video. Weird and violent. Pelosi is lucky to be alive.

Some thoughts that I have about this short clip. How inebriated does Pelosi look and act? He seems pretty messed up to me. Why does Pelosi hold the hammer in one hand but hold his drink in the other? A person in their right mind would surly drop the drink to avoid the blow.

I’m no fan of the Pelosis, but DePape needs to go away for a loooooooong time. It will be interesting to hear his defense at trial.

After all the attempts to make this look reasonable, it still fails. Why would Pelosi have a drink in his hand? Why did he step back as if trying to protect his friend from the police instead of trying to get away? And, where oh where did all those stories go that claimed the police had to forcefully gain entrance to the house but without specifics like kicking the door in. Nice cleaning job by the mass media janitorial service.

“Hey, I thought we agreed you’d hit me with a glancing blow of the hammer so it appears we don’t know each other. And for gosh sakes put on your Maga Hat.”

What were the police saying before they got to Pelosi’s door?

“You first”.



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