Home » 31-Year-Old Man Arrested For Allegedly Shooting Projectiles At Seven Moving Vehicles

31-Year-Old Man Arrested For Allegedly Shooting Projectiles At Seven Moving Vehicles


A 31-year-old Brentwood man was taken into custody on Saturday for allegedly shooting what appears to be pellets or bb’s at at least seven moving vehicles on January 13 and January 14, according to the Brentwood Police Department.

On January 14 at 5 p.m., the investigation led to the search of a home on Almond Street in Brentwood.

Police say related evidence was recovered during the search, and Brandon Hasenpusch was arrested on suspicion of recklessly discharging projectiles at moving vehicles.

Anyone with information related to this investigation is asked to contact the Brentwood Police Department at 925-809-7911.


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I can think of much worse things. There is are real shootings in that city.


@ American C.

And then when the nut progresses to get crazier and starts using “REAL” firearms and kills someone, everyone will say “Why wasn’t anything ever done about this guy?”

BTW – My daughter drives right thru that neighborhood every day on her way to work. I say put this nut in a looney bin where he belongs and throw away the key.


There’s a huge difference between real firearms and air guns. Projectile weight and feet per second come to mind. Firing a weapon are moving. Vehicle is never a good idea. I would much rather be fired out with a BB gun than a 308 Winchester.

Zero tolerance for sniping.

You have to start somewhere.

@AMERICAN CITIZEN are you slow? These are still real metal bullets which damage your expensive car, shatter glass and can blind somebody and believe it or not a BB can still kill somebody. You can think of much more things? Its too bad you weren’t one of the 7, then perhaps you wouldn’t type out such a thoughtless message for people to shake their head to. Ridiculousness!


You obviously know very little about ballistics. Carry-on.


It’s not about the ballistics, it’s about the BEHAVIOR.

@AMERICAN CITIZEN….You might want to review your current ballistic knowledge. There are .45 and .50 caliber ultra-high pressure air guns now that’ll make you push up daisies just as fast as a conventional firearm. I modified an old Crossman CO2 .22 pellet pistol that chronographs almost as fast as a .22 bullet in a Ruger pistol.

Wow a name finally released! But is it a real name? Brandon Hasenpusch ?? No wonder the guy had anger issues! … still it would be nice to see a working justice system. .


31 years old…time for a mental evaluation before it gets worse.

Or maybe time the twit grew the h*ll up

A reminder. We might want to proofread what we intend to post before hitting “submit”. Much of the intended condescension and rancor is lost when we come across as illiterate.

How do you spell “incell”?



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