The following is from the Pittsburg Police Department:
On December 29, 2022 at 3:04 pm, Pittsburg Police officers responded to a residence in the 4000 block of Suzanne Drive after several callers reported a subject had been shot.
Upon arrival, officers found a 15-year-old male had been shot. Officers rendered first aid until paramedics arrived.
He was transported to a local hospital, and unfortunately did not survive.
Officers located numerous witnesses who have been interviewed by Detectives in an attempt to determine what happened.
Through the investigation, a 15-year-old juvenile was found to be responsible for the shooting. He was arrested and booked on a involuntary manslaughter charge and transported to Juvenile Hall.
Detectives are still following up with witnesses to determine a reason for the shooting and whether this was an intentional act.
This is still an active investigation, and we ask anyone who has information related to this incident to contact Detective Gutierrez at 925-252-4095 Additional information will be updated when available.
how is shooting someone involuntary?
Simple. There is no intention to discharge the firearm. The individual in control of the firearm when it is discharged is still responsible for the death of the victim.
Unless you’re Alec Baldwin.
@KRIS…Not to worry “It’s not loaded”, stereotypical last words uttered before all goes dark.
This is really sad. Heavy on the Heart. RIP
I need to look up manslaughter in the legal dictionary. “found to be responsible” makes it sound like an accident. Sorry for the loss of life.
And how did the 15-year old obtain the firearm?
I don’t know. Plenty of dirtbags out east chuck guns in bushes. The story doesn’t say. If it was his parents I would think they may be charged with something as well due to his age.
Who owned the gun? We need more info on this one.
The kids could of been playing with a firearm and the gun discharged accidentally. I’m sure if it was a head shot and kid was DOA then sure . Accidents happen .
Picking up a gun is no accident