Home » Claycordian: Most Local Shopping Centers Don’t Decorate For The Holidays As Much As They Did In The Past

Claycordian: Most Local Shopping Centers Don’t Decorate For The Holidays As Much As They Did In The Past


We received this note from a Claycordian last year, and posted it. It still rings true, unfortunately, so we decided to post it again:

Watching a YouTube video from Retail Archelogy last night reminded me of the days when most of our local strip malls would have great displays.

The Vineyard on Clayton Rd. would have the trees on top of the buildings all lit up, McCaulou’s would always have great window displays, most shopping centers would have decorations lit up on their parking lot lights. IIRC Clayton Valley and Encina Shopping Centers would have lights hanging from their roof lines.


I can’t really think of any shopping centers that decorate like that anymore locally, always was a treat as a kid when you were out at night and see all those lights on.

It sure was a treat.

You’re right, most shopping centers don’t go “all out” like they did in the past.

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That costs money. Margins are tight for everyone except thieves.
Let’s Go, Brandon.


Most of the U.S was settled by western Europeans who had long-standing and elaborate Christmas traditions dating back centuries. That is no longer the case. Prove me wrong.


I remember those days. Unfortunately, I think the days of brick and mortar establishments may be on the way out due to a variety of reasons…online shopping, rampant unprosecuted theft, folks struggling monetarily. Growing up in the 60’s and 70’s was a much different time…but in the words of Eddie Money, you can’t go back.
Peace and Merry Christmas


You can’t even tell it’s Christmas when driving down the street in this communist dream of a city. The most Christmas thing I’ve seen is one of the thousands of homeless wearing a santa hat, and I may have imagined that. Remember when businesses had hand painted Christmas storefronts and put up lights. They sure have chopped up our country in little pieces. Now we can all fight over what’s the most offensive. Oh I did notice the un lit 7-8’ home depot special of a tree my tax dollars furnished. Remember when that tree at town square was 50 feet tall and incredible? What did you guys do to life around here? Is it any better now for anyone than it was 30 years ago? Definitely not for the people hooked on drugs living in tents. I’m not even talking to anyone under 40. You wouldn’t have a clue. EVERYTHING was so much better.


Friends are telling me they didn’t feel any Christmas spirit this year. Neither did I. How can you when your email tells me the stores are in financial trouble by constantly spamming us as if we have money. So it goes.


Yep, mostly all I hear on the news these days is negative stories. Well, now on to the imaginary Easter Bunny wishes.

Merry Christmas Captain. Retail has for years lessened decorations. As Mike McD below stated, plenty of spirit in the streets, many houses decorated this year to provide some of that festive feeling. Drive around and relish in the joy.

I still see a lot of Christmas Spirit in our neighborhoods, but I agree the retail centers are mostly sterile. I agree with posters who suggest the problem is economics. Strip Mall owners have to spend a lot of money to string lights and take them down again. They are in tough times.

Best thing to do is thank the ones that do light up their places. A little positive feedback goes s long way! Merry Christmas !


Nothing triggers the Left more than showing off Christmas spirit with decorations and saying, “Merry Christmas” to my favorite tatted up and pierced baraista at my coffee shop.


Wait, people can’t be left-leaning and celebrate Christmas? Today I learned.

If you’re only left leaning and celebrate Christmas, you’re probably considered far right by the left. Some are still figuring this out.



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