Home » Some Bay Area Residents Alerted Seconds Before Big Quake In Humboldt County

Some Bay Area Residents Alerted Seconds Before Big Quake In Humboldt County


Some Bay Area residents were promptly woken up by a ShakeAlert app notification 10 seconds before a 6.4-magnitude earthquake in Humboldt County early Tuesday morning.

At 2:34 a.m., emergency officials released an alert via the ShakeAlert system operated by the U.S. Geological Survey telling people to drop, cover and hold on for an earthquake that occurred about 8 miles offshore of Ferndale, a town more than 250 miles north of San Francisco.

The alert was sent to some 3 million people in Northern California, and the system successfully operated as emergency service crews hoped, said Mark Ghilarducci, director of the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services.


“I was really happy to have given individuals an opportunity to drop, cover and hold or get to a place of safety within that 10-second timeframe,” Ghilarducci said at a press conference later Tuesday.

The earthquake prompted about 80 aftershocks, the largest being a 4.6 quake centered in Rio Dell.

Ghilarducci said the region is not a stranger to sizable earthquakes, but the most recent shake has caused critical damage to homes and essential infrastructure like water, gas and power lines. About 71,000 people were without electricity in the county as of Tuesday afternoon.

“We’re working closely with PG&E to get that power restored in the area and make sure they’ve got all the resources to be able to do that,” Ghilarducci said.


A nearly dozen-person team from Caltrans also identified damage on the Fern Bridge on state Highway 211. Vehicle traffic is closed off except for emergency personnel as crews begin reconstruction work on the bridge.

“I’ve issued a $6 million emergency director’s order to the district and one director in that area to bring a contractor on board as quickly as possible,” said Tony Tavares, director of Caltrans.

The emergency services agency has yet to determine the number of injuries caused by non-structural items falling in people’s homes, like bookshelves or TVs. Emergency officials recommend residents to remove or secure dangerous items that could fall over in the event of an earthquake.

The total damage assessment of the quake is yet to be determined and will likely be released in a few days, according to Ghilarducci.


“This is a one team, one fight effort. Local and state folks are working together to be able to help out the community there,” Ghilarducci said.

Cynthia Pridmore of the California Geological Survey said the earthquake was likely on the Gorda Plate, a complex offshore area that has had about 40 earthquakes reaching magnitudes of 6 and 7 over the last century.

“We have sent some scientists out in the field from the California Geological Survey — and likely there are other scientists out there as well — as well as engineers to get a reconnaissance feel of what kind of damage and features are out there,” Pridmore said at a news conference. “We will be sending more people out there if needed to document the characteristics of this earthquake.”


Ricardoh December 20, 2022 - 3:51 PM - 3:51 PM

I think most were sleeping at that time. Doubt they saw the warning. With all the volcanoes’ and quakes the earth is restless. Let’s hope we don’t get one here. I’m waiting for the Yellowstone eruption. Not wishing for it, just waiting.

Captain Bebops December 20, 2022 - 4:56 PM - 4:56 PM

It woke me up and I was wondering who was sending me an alert at that hour so checked.

James Mac December 20, 2022 - 5:20 PM - 5:20 PM

An audible a
An audible alert sounds as well. It woke me up. Fortunately nothing came.

Wage Slave December 20, 2022 - 4:04 PM - 4:04 PM

I like the idea of this system, and think it will become more useful as time goes on and it gets refined…

But so far the only times I have gotten them, it has been for a quake too far away to feel, or it turned out smaller than initially plotted. The end result was me getting my heart rate up for nothing.

If they let it keep running like that for too long, it will train people to ignore it.

S December 20, 2022 - 7:00 PM - 7:00 PM

got alert, it didn’t wake me, felt no quake…

felt el cerrito quake, no alert for it…

Moogooguypan December 21, 2022 - 7:12 AM - 7:12 AM

I really didn’t appreciate being jarred awake with an alarm and being told “Earthquake! Drop, cover, hold on!” When in fact the earthquake was 300 plus miles away! I couldn’t go back to sleep for an hour. I’m unable to delineate a shorter distance in the My Shake app through filters or settings. What a nightmare app!

Exit 12A December 21, 2022 - 12:20 PM - 12:20 PM

The recent Humboldt quake serves as evidence to be prepared and NOT to be dependent on electricity.
Quick Tips:
1. Have on hand one gallon of water per person per day.
2. A small gas-powered generator (or two) can be used to power your refrigerator and other needs.
3. Gasoline! Have on-hand at least 20 gallons. Rotate thru your vehicles every 30-45 days.
4. Have on hand at least two 20-gallon propane tanks for cooking (use that burner on your grill) or portable (Coleman) stove.
5. LED flashlights. I have like 10 of them for different purposes and they are always charged.
Good luck!

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