Home » Whatever You Need, You Can Find It On Bailey Road

Whatever You Need, You Can Find It On Bailey Road



Need a mattress? Maybe a microwave? Fridge? Couch? Tires?

Whatever you need, you can find it on Bailey Road.

The road, along with others such as Kirker Pass and Franklin Canyon, have been used as dumping grounds for decades.

Apparently the no littering signs don’t work.


Don’t be lazy, just take it to the dumps in Martinez or Pittsburg, or the recycling center in Pacheco.


PO'd December 16, 2022 - 8:52 AM - 8:52 AM

Ah yes, the Bailey Road Throw and Go. A Contra Costa tradition.

Original G December 16, 2022 - 8:58 AM - 8:58 AM

Think of them as, . . . . Free Range.

out-n-about December 16, 2022 - 9:05 AM - 9:05 AM

Bailey Rd is a disgrace. Concord, CCC and Pittsburg need to get together to install solar powered cameras to provide video surveillance of the top dumping zones. Then the offenders need to prosecuted to fullest extent.
I once saw a guy that had a rope around a pile of brush in the bed of his truck, this was tied to the NWS fence and pulled away, leaving brush behind. This was in broad daylight. No place to safely turn around to take pictures.

Beings we are talking about Bailey Rd, the roadway is in such bad condition on the Concord side that I won’t drive my truck over it. It will shake your fillings out with bumpy asphalt and potholes. Come on Concord get your act together!

Bill December 16, 2022 - 9:08 AM - 9:08 AM

Looks like enough stuff to furnish a tiny home.

Just curious do you know how much dump fees are?

Bill December 16, 2022 - 11:25 AM - 11:25 AM

I just looked at the Mt. Diablo RCTS Price List:
Minimum Charge:$36.50
Refridgerator, Washer, Stove $63.25 ea.
Tires $11.50 ea.
Large Mattress $40.25 ea.

Cathy Sargent December 16, 2022 - 9:33 PM - 9:33 PM

Thank you for sharing your pictures! It’s been getting progressively worse. It sickens me to see the losers do this in our ‘backyard’ to what would be an otherwise lovely scenic country road with the backdrop of Mt. Diablo. Notice: Mt Diablo Resource and Recovery (garbage co.) is conveniently located on Loveridge Rd. In Pittsburg for you to do the right thing and take it THERE!!

5982Studios December 16, 2022 - 11:05 PM - 11:05 PM

Yet any metal items they get cash back in recycling, so the dumps charge and get money back. Better off finding a recycling place or going into Oakland at Alco Metals

Roz December 16, 2022 - 9:13 AM - 9:13 AM

Hummm …. I should go shopping on Bailley Road.
See if someone will leave some lumber for a project I had in mind.

Simonpure December 16, 2022 - 12:59 PM - 12:59 PM

I wonder if Bailey the camel still lives up around there.

Itsme December 17, 2022 - 8:25 AM - 8:25 AM

That’s taking us back. Was that Seeno’s camel?

Wingaling December 16, 2022 - 9:16 AM - 9:16 AM

My 22 yr old daughter and I, like to go for a drive on the weekends. I told her I wanted to make an instagram page of pictures of me sitting in whatever chairs or couches we see dumped, on our drive. She wasn’t having any of it! Every time I see a chair, I’ll say “Look, babe! A chair!!!” And she talks to me like I’m a toddler and says sternly “NO, MOM!”

Ricardoh December 16, 2022 - 9:35 AM - 9:35 AM

Part of the problem is the dumps charge too much. That is just part of the problem. The other part is people.

JG27 AD December 16, 2022 - 9:56 AM - 9:56 AM

You got that right, Ricardoh!! Dump fees are outrageous. Now look at all of the trash along the local highways. Lets put some of the county inmates to work and clean this place up!!!

jprcards December 16, 2022 - 3:22 PM - 3:22 PM

Well everything costs too much these days…..People though…..people seemingly are behaving worse and worse all the time. I just don’t understand how many folks justify their own behavior even to themselves. I guess it doesn’t say very much for the direction we are heading as a society.

Old Timer December 16, 2022 - 9:46 AM - 9:46 AM

If you can put cameras on freeways.You can put them on other roads.The politicians just don’t see as a priority.Maybe we should make it part of there jobs.Better yet use prisoners to clean it up for restitution.

Angry American December 16, 2022 - 11:01 AM - 11:01 AM

Well I am going to pointed here and say if the road itself was maintained and in at least a little better condition than a back woods dirt road people may be driving it more and have a more attentive presence. Low traffic areas attract dumpers and other questionable acts.
Gas tax at work?… oh yeah

Cathy Sargent December 16, 2022 - 9:40 PM - 9:40 PM

Bailey Rd. is heavily traveled during commute hours, am and pm. If something can’t be done to resolve the ‘dumping’ issue maybe the best thing is to permantly close it like the county did for S. Broadway!

S December 16, 2022 - 11:04 AM - 11:04 AM

is there free devilery?

Tanya Gutierrez December 16, 2022 - 11:19 AM - 11:19 AM

The real issue is the Keller Canyon Mitigation Fund is not used as intended! Millions of dollars are in this fund annually and these areas should not look like this! The city of Pittsburg, Concord and Baypoint should insist that this area be picked up daily! In addition the Keller Canyon Mitigation Fund should allow folks from Bay Point and Pittsburg to take items free of charge to the dump at least twice a year. The funds that should’ve been collected for dumping can then be subtracted from the Keller Canyon Mitigation Fund. The taxpayers inevitably pay for the illegal dumping so why not try this solution. The Board of Supervisors and especially Federal
Glover are responsible for how this fund is dispersed and have failed this area miserably!!

Fly on the wall December 16, 2022 - 11:38 AM - 11:38 AM

It’s a lot cheaper when you give a free day every month so residents drive to the landfill instead of dumping to be cleaned up later with taxpayer money. This is how Rapid City SD does it just another idea.

Kentucky Derby December 16, 2022 - 12:19 PM - 12:19 PM

It’s not just laziness, they’re cheap and they don’t care. Yes, dumping fees are high – that’s part of the problem. A friend of mine lives in a suburb in CA where the dump is FREE, and this still happens in her town in southern CA. They flat out don’t care.

Javier, v. December 16, 2022 - 12:23 PM - 12:23 PM

We need some cámaras, to get this people and arrested them.. also a high fine.

Thrifty3 December 16, 2022 - 2:15 PM - 2:15 PM

The illegal dumping cost us more as taxpayers than if the local trash agencies host more free dump days. It’s a drain on society, and mainly society itself is to blame for all the bad apples who choose this route of disposal.

Dump fees are high, indeed and quite impactful on an average person’s monthly budget. The free trash collection days at the Concord Pavilion have not received sufficient advertising to make people aware that they get this chance several times per year. They need to be plastered all over social media, covered on local news and whatever other means of publicizing that costs little to nothing other than time invested by city/trash company employees.

I wish this was an isolated issue with Bailey or Kirker, Marsh Creek or Deer Valley. All local semi-rural roads are dumping grounds. You don’t see this in many other states where people care about their environment.

The mindset is the main problem. Dump fees are secondary since there are still ways to dispose of items for free without turning our roads into hazardous dumps.

Chicken Little December 16, 2022 - 3:17 PM - 3:17 PM

The last time I took a mattress to the dump, it cost me almost 50 bucks to get rid of it. So, while dumping stuff on the side of the road is absolutely inexcusable, it is understandable.

Itsme December 17, 2022 - 8:31 AM - 8:31 AM

If one can afford a new mattress you’d think they could afford $40 to dispose of it properly

Bill December 16, 2022 - 6:13 PM - 6:13 PM

Does any locals know the name history of Bailey Road?

Oh, please December 16, 2022 - 6:31 PM - 6:31 PM

The homeless blight are allowed to dump their trash all over the place and WE clean it up for them. This is the problem. Taxpayers are already paying through the nose, but then we still have to pay to throw our trash away??? Make it make sense.

Michael December 18, 2022 - 1:31 PM - 1:31 PM

I think it’s rarely laziness and more that those items are expensive to get rid of. Dumps should take them for free or for less of a fee and a FREE monthly trash pick up of large items would knock this down, big time

Javier Bahamonde December 20, 2022 - 8:31 AM - 8:31 AM

Why not Dump a safe full of money

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