Home » The Water Cooler – WNBA Star Brittney Griner Freed In Exchange For Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout

The Water Cooler – WNBA Star Brittney Griner Freed In Exchange For Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:

Today, WNBA star Brittney Griner was freed from a Russian prison in exchange for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout (also known as the Merchant of Death).


QUESTION: Do you think it was a good or bad deal on the part of the United States?

Talk about it.

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sHe is Trash. What an embarrassment that Paul Whelan wasn’t traded as he was Much more valuable than some sports player.

America, you have too much fixation on these sports so called stars.


Trade a vaper for an arms dealer ? Let’s Go Brandon !




Let’s see- A vaping NCAA basketball star who belittles her Nation and kneels for the National Anthem in exchange for an arms dealer known as the ” Merchant of Death”. Super duper negotiating from our illustrious leaders. Sarcasm alert!


It is a very good day for people who hate America.


Personally, while I feel that Brittany Griner’s sentence might have been a little harsh for the crime, I also feel that she 1) is an athlete and should be setting an example, 2) as an athlete knows that she shouldn’t be using illegal drugs, 3) knows that other countries have different laws, and as such she should have known what the laws were in Russia and the consequences to breaking those laws. But more importantly, this is the woman who not only refused to stand for our National Anthem, but straight up said that the National Anthem should not be played and she refused to go out on the basketball court when it was being played. And, now when she has clearly broken a law in a foreign country, a country where she has played basketball previously so she should know their laws, she expects the U.S. to come to her rescue. The U.S. that she has disrespected on numerous occasions by not standing for the National Anthem, and by stating the National Anthem should not even be played. That woman had better be on her BEST behavior when she comes back to this country! She had better get her sorry butt on the floor, stand in honor of our flag, and show some respect to all our men and women who have fought hard, and for those who have died so that she can have the freedom to not have to stand for the National Anthem. She should publicly apologize for her lack of respect in the past. And, if she cannot do that, then she should take her sorry ass back to Russia and stay there. Honestly, I feel like she should be banned from playing pro basketball now given the fact that she has no respect for the country she resides in, and as an athlete has been vaping hash. She is a poor role model for all young people. There are other people who are prisoners in foreign countries and who are far more important than she is and we haven’t traded anyone for them. If she doesn’t have a serious attitude adjustment before she gets back here to the U.S. then we should just leave her there.


You do realize that in a free country as the US, citizens have the right to disrecspect there country, or parts of it, as long as it peaceful, this is not North Korea or China, where you can never speak ill of their government without risking punishment, sometimes very harsh punishments. I understand why you might not like what she did, but she has that right.


Yes, I realize she has the right to disrespect this country. I even stated that she has that right. But, having that right, and then going to a foreign country where she already knew the laws were much more severe she should not then expect the country she disrespects to come to her rescue. Especially when there are other people who are being held prisoner, who have fought for her right to have the freedom to disrespect her country. Those people have been prisoners much longer than she has and they not only respect the American flag and the United States that the flag represents, but they and their families have given their lives to this country. She tosses a basketball around. Seems a little unfair to get her freedom while others are still prisoners.

Awesome hot take. You started with “I thought the penalty was harsh” but then finished with “if she doesn’t change her attitude, get her ass back to Russia and never play pro basketball again.”

I am going to floor you, but the NBA doesn’t test for hash: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/nba-wont-test-players-for-marijuana-for-third-season-in-a-row-report-says/

Your thoughts on the Jan. 6 “visitors”?


I do think that her sentence seems harsh for the amount she was caught with. But that doesn’t change the fact that she needs an attitude adjustment about showing respect for this country. If she can’t do that, then maybe she needs to just stay in Russia until her attitude changes. As for the Jan. 6 “visitors” I think that’s an entirely different subject and different water cooler topic.


That’s not a different subject. Your hot take focuses on Griner’s lack of respect for the US because she kneeled or stayed in the lockerrom during the anthem. While we may not agree with her take, the only thing she’s doing is drawing attention to herself she’s not breaking through barrier fences, storming offices, etc.

those that went inside the Capitol that day also didn’t show respect for the country, should they get a free pass? should they be sent to Russia unless they accept the election results?

and for those that think this post means that all must respect Biden, I am not in that boat. I know millions hated Trump and didn’t respect him. I rarely expect one side of the aisle to respect the other side of the aisle’s choice, but we are never going to grow as a country/society unless we accept the hypocrisies that we spew about on what the right and/or left does wrong. Most politicians aren’t ethical.

She makes a better headline than a trade for some old white guy. Playing to the base. Typical.


It’s called buying the young and/or woke votes. Definitely won’t get my vote…


…. so a guy that’s been in jail in Russia longer has to stay because we want a druggie sports person back first? Did Biden have direct responsibility for this? what happened to the original deal for both of them? if only one to return he was there longer ………outrageous….


Trump could have but didn’t.


She was checked in all the right boxes. I thought white men had all the advantages.


No, it was not a good deal for the United States. Viktor Bout sold guns, ammunition, and aircraft to renegade governments, and militias, and Brittney Griney got caught with a little pot oil. Both parties broke the law, were arrested, convicted, and sentenced. I do not understand why the press are saying Brittney was wrongfully detained. She violated Russian law, and consequently was arrested, there is nothing wrongful about it.
Biden should have fought harder for the release of Paul Whelan, who actually did something for his country as a police officer and a US Marine. I don’t like that Brittney took a knee, and demonstrated disrespect for our country, but that’s the beauty of living in this great country of ours, she has the freedom to do it. It’s too bad she doesn’t realize how precious our freedoms are. I don’t dislike her, she’s young and stupid, and has a lot of growing up to do. Maybe her little stint in a Russian prison will help her see the light. I hope so.


Why are critics hanging their hat on Whelan’s military service? Since when does a JAG tribunal’s court martial conviction followed by a bad conduct discharge equate with valor and honor?

Why did any police department hire an officer with a criminal record?


Dawg, I appreciate saying that she has the right to show disrespect to the US, that is what freedom is all about. We are not North Korea or Iran, thank God. It is of course also possible to be critical of ones country and still love it. The same as when you get mad and upset with your children you don’t disown them, you still love them.


Joe blow doesn’t care what he does as long as he can shoewboat.


I am glad that any American that is used as a bargaining chip finally gets home. Welcome back, Brittney, even though I think you stand for crap.

Having said that, Biden has now set a very bad precedent by negotiating with terrorists. This will only encourage bad people to kidnap americans and essentially ransom them for high value criminals. People will die because of Joe’s bad policy. Shame on Joe for once again selling out the country to score cheap political points.

Jimmy Carter thanks God every night that Joe came along. Worst leader ever.


Trading from prisoners standard thing man. The guy had a 22-year sentence served what 11 12 years of it. And you know he treated all kinds of good information so you can have it plush while in prison now the government got everything out of them they were going to get he was just a bartering chip at this point.


Just goes to show you how terrible of a negotiator Biden and his Administration are. An international arms dealer in exchange for someone who had some vaping items? What a rotten deal. And a former US Marine is still rotting over there. I’d take the Marine over a basketball player any day of the week.


A former marine who was booted with a Bad Conduct discharge? Wow. You sure know how to pick your heros!


DEMs have such respect for our military, especially U.S. MARINES.
Surprised they didn’t insist the exchange take place 07 December as a show of respect towards our members of military..
biden administration has it’s bergdahl moment . . . . .
For those who don’t remember he pleaded guilty in desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.
Aug 2021 . . . . . . biden harris administration showing respect for members of our armed services. and veterans.
‘Justice Department Moves to Dismiss Bowe Bergdahl’s Case to Overturn His Conviction’
Yup, . . . . such respect !


“A yearlong investigation by the House Armed Services Committee has concluded that the Obama administration broke the law in swapping five Taliban members for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl — and went out of its way to hide the negotiations as they were happening. 

The report said the administration broke a law requiring it to give members of Congress 30 days’ advance notice of any detainee transfers from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility, where the senior Taliban leaders were held.” 
Not a misprint, obama traded five Taliban members for bergdah . . . .


OG before you anoint Paul Whelan to sainthood you might look a little bit more into the story.
He he was not a Marine left behind enemy lines. He actually received a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts “related to larceny”, he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge.
The specific charges against him included “attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment.”
In 2013 he stated that he holds bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and an MBA degree, but it turns out he never earned a degree.
He went to Russia in 2018 for a wedding but decided to spend a day away from the wedding party to meet a shady Russian character from the Russian Federal Security Service.
Obviously everybody wants Whelan to be sent back home (although he is not only a US citizen he also holds citizenship from Canada, Ireland and the UK).
One lastly one can only wonder what compelled Putin to detain a US citizen in 2018? Remind me of your favorite saying….
Of course “Weak leadership invites aggression” I guess we should look who was the US Commander in Chief in 2018


JWB, … Reviewed posts here and didn’t mention Paul Whelan not in 1:40 PM or 1:59 PM posts.
Hmm, have never lived RENT FREE before . . . .


Please OG you can do better.
You posted at 1:40 pm
“Surprised they didn’t insist the exchange take place 07 December as a show of respect towards our members of military..”
And you posted earlier prior to the Water Cooler on the Talk about Politics thread at 8:28 am
“Wonder if biden regime is upset her release wasn’t on December 7th ? ? ? ?
After all they left a U.S. MARINE behind . . . .”
And prior to that at 6:55 am
‘Biden celebrates release of Brittney Griner in prisoner swap for ‘Merchant of Death’ arms dealer Viktor Bout – but FAILS to free Marine vet Paul Whelan: President says WNBA star who was jailed for smuggling cannabis ‘represents best of America’ ‘
so clearly your 1:40 pm comment had nothing to do with Paul Whelan? Really you can not admit to this? It’s just a coincidence that you used the same words?



Game, set, March!

“OG” officially demoted to BG.


… and Griner was suspended for 7 games and went through anger management counseling after being charged with assault and disorderly conduct stemming from domestic violence. She’s no prize either.


As many of us learned posters of opinion on this site know, Robert Gates stated biden was wrong on every major foreign policy and national security issue during his 40+ years as a politician. As President, biden has continued that streak, but on steroids. Andi it is having severe negative impact on the security of this nation. This latest exchange just reinforced to putin, jinping, khomeini and kim that they can walk all over this dullard. How they must laugh at even the mention of biden. While I am happy for griner, I hope she understands the greatness of this nation. I suspect she will not. So this whole exchange to me, in the aggregate, was a tremendously horrible deal for the US.


Yes the other nations are laughing at the U.S. And Viktor Bout must be in absolute hysterics, or perhaps he is hurt that he was traded for someone who throws rubber balls for a living.

But hey, she checked all the boxes so to speak: Black? check, Female? check, Gay? ooh, double check. Give her a pipe and let the healing begin!

Now it’s confirmed Biden negotiates with terrorists, and is obviously a poor negotiator. We can only imagine what Joe’s next trade might be: Perhaps nuclear warheads in exchange for a box of those paddle ball sets like in Blazing Saddles. That Joe Biden just loves toys………


Biden gave the Earth its largest government debt ever seen by far at $31 trillion dollars. And now, he gave us the Earth’s worst prisoner exchange. For future comparison, we now may have to search intergalactically for other examples of such breathtaking incompetence. I wonder if some lousy politician on another planet is defending himself saying at least he is not a Biden.


TO DO LIST—-Your last sentence made me chuckle.


Think this covers it,


They left the marine behind somebody who serves our country…let that sink in what a joke!


should’ve been chess v tiddlywinks.

She was traded for an arms dealer who will not now become a Sunday school teacher. People will die because of this trade for her. Something Biden doesn’t care about obviously. He has gotten more people killed than many a despots. His border policy will continue the killing long after he is gone.


Hey Ricardoh you should really share your secrets. I guess we all agree that 12 years in jail did not turn Victor Bout into what you call a “Sunday school teacher” but you seem to know how an additional 6 or 7 years would achieve this, since he was already scheduled for release in 2029.


You are correct; Joe does not care, never has.
A failed politician, a failed father, a failed human, and certainly a failed leader. He is a marionette dangled by Susan Rice and Ron Clain, and they are just stooges for Obama. Being a failed negotiator should come as no surprise. Sadly, US citizens lose as a result.


Another monumental political foreign policy blunder by Joe.
But hey, he gained lots points with the activists and wokesters.


On the world stage we look weak this is just another blunder of countless of the biden administration he is bought and paid for by China and Russia and Ukraine. 2024 can’t come soon enough if we still have a country it seems to me our country has been taken over by globalist that want to destroy us


No, it was NOT Griner or nobody. According to Andrea Mitchell of NBC, it was either her OR Whelan; and the creep who prefers showering with his daughter, had a choice between the gay black woman or the Trump supporter and you know who the sniffing creep chose.


Sorry that’s what l read and also heard on the radio


Cyn, Again this morning I heard it was Griner or nobody, on CBS radio news, third time different news outlet.


I’ve heard that also, including from Blinken. It would appear that people didn’t like what Andrea Mitchell reported because now I can’t find her statement; just like I can’t find what that NBC reporter said about Paul P. It would also appear that NBC is really good at making reporters’ statements disappear.

The Internet is forever!
NBC reported that a Senior US Official said the Kremlin had offered Griner, Whelan, or neither. Later, NBC silently revised their story to mirror Biden’s story.

Thank you.

Let’s see…
Attained BGs release by trading a terrorist supporting arms dealer.
Or, in other words, trading a threat to national security for someone who entertains (some) people by throwing a ball though a small suspended hoop.
Strong work by Joe, indeed.


I don’t understand the meanspiritedness of some poster on social media (not so much here) in regards to Brittney Griner, should she have known better, probably. However, 9 years in an in humane prison for a little cannibals oil, the sentence does not fit the crime. Also she didn’t kill anybody, steal anything or hurt anyone. Yet all over social media many thinks it was perfectly ok to let her rot in prison. I think a little compassion and understanding is in order.


The punishment doesn’t fit the crime; but that’s here the US, not in Russia.

“cannibals oil” ?
Is cannibalism illegal in Russia?


Dr. J, I assume you have heard of typo’s. Anyway thanks for pointing it out, I’m really bad about proof reading.


She represents a Biden America alright.


Just in: Joe Biden calls for $50 Billion to Help Ukraine Track Down Notorious Russian Arms Dealer.


Should we start a pool, how soon will she take a knee.

Who cares? You guys seem to have a real strange interpretation of the 1st Amendment.


The world can see she is an ungrateful person who feels owed something. She’s now a pariah and will fade into obscurity.


We gave up our Ace card for a Joker card. We sure look like a bunch of suckers.

Now a new precedent has been set, and I doubt Joe’s motley crew considered this: If another country is interested in holding hostages for trade, its now clear that gay or LGBTQ humans are a much more powerful bargaining chip than military personnel. From a civilian standpoint, that was not a good message to send.

I only see Putin holding cards in this game. A U. S. Marine in prison, is a trophy that he can polish in the Russian Media, while A Basketball star in Russia, is a sports figure to some in his country. He no longer has to make excuses for holding a sports figure, to the people of Russia. He dealt from the bottom.



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