Home » Two Arrested, Five Shopping Carts Full Of Merchandise Recovered After Attempted Theft At Pleasant Hill Target

Two Arrested, Five Shopping Carts Full Of Merchandise Recovered After Attempted Theft At Pleasant Hill Target


photo credit: Pleasant Hill Police Department

Pleasant Hill Police arrested two women and recovered five shopping carts full of merchandise after an attempted theft at Target on Contra Costa Blvd. on Wednesday night.

The following is from the Pleasant Hill Police Department:

While patrolling the Target parking lot, one of our officers was flagged down about a push out theft involving three females. K9 Officer Kuhn ran down one of the subjects and one of the others was found in the In-N-Out bathroom. Both subjects were booked into county jail on grand theft charges. This is the haul we recovered from their vehicle. Great job.


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This is the wrong time of year to try and pull this off, not that any time of year is good. Security is on high alert. Throw the book at them.


Where they from the area?

Thank you PHPD! In my opinion, Ca needs to get tough on crime and I mean TOUGH – eliminate the minimum value ($950), prosecute and jail time for all crimes. Have armed guards at all retail entrances, increase the man/women power of police departments, etc. CA needs a major reset and the state needs to send a strong message to these criminals.


Yes, it’s time to end this miserable failure of a left-wing social experiment. Turns out law and order wasn’t so bad after all.


Time to repeal ALL OF PROP 47!!!


Does anyone really expect they’ll get sentenced to time behind bars if convicted ? ? ?
IF there is no threat of incarceration,
there is no deterrence of crime


Right?!?! No consequences. At all.

Our neighbors who have voted for DEM, progressive – liberal people in charge have ruined this country & this is the result. Should they get state prison – sure…will they..not so much. Punishment is a joke. Your Congressman- DeSaulnier wanted Becton & promoted her – that says all you need about him. We are in trouble for years & the President lied about Hunter & nothing happens. The DEMS have no clue what is happening.


I have lived on and off here since DeSaulnier was a mere city councilman. You people keep electing him by wide margins whatever office he runs for. You deserve what you get since you never learn from it.


100% correct – they Vote DEM all the time with no knowledge of what is on the ballot


There was no Republican choice against DeSaulnier. I’ve contacted GOP several times asking what the hell!


You really ought to get your facts straight. Before making public statements.

Good job LE! …now Becton prosecute them!! ….gee, wonder why there is no picture or names of the perps… I can guess


Also no names so that we can check how quickly they were released. I seriously doubt they spent more than a couple hours in custody….


They should be out by now.


They will be given a ticket and told not
to it again.


Told not to DO it again.

Benton is a Soro installed lie no prosecutors. Her ads were paid for in clear print GEORGE SOROS.

Upon conviction, the criminals should be billed for the cost of the police wages for time spent on this case & Target should be paid restocking expenses…. jail cell rental & meals should be charged for as well.
These rules should be enforced for all criminals convicted of a crime.
Punishment should hurt.


Doc I would be happy if they just got jail time. My wishes of what should happen to them can’t even be printed.


They get meals?

I mean, if your car gets impounded you pay all kinds of fees, fees to the pd for their time, fees.to the yard to release your car etc… So I agree… They should be paying the wages for the people whose time.they took up.

I do believe that stiffer penalties and actual prosecution of the crimes would help deter some of these knuckleheads from this criminal behavior but more importantly, moral integrity and a proper sense of right vs wrong is the true answer. Too many people have lost this basic human quality or never had it to begin with. The real blame falls on the moral decay of society.


Diane Becton’s ads were paid for by GEORGE SOROS clear as day on TV paid for George Soros. We have a major problem in CoCo these these but jobs running the show. Soft sentencing or no prosecution by installed DAs encourages crime and anarchy basic low key fear/discord and FAR worse.

This is satire for sure.
It won’t be long until all these stores pack up and leave. I would never shop at a store that has security doors on toothpaste. Some of you should understand history, when crime is allowed to flourish, businesses leave and you live in hell. See Brooklyn in the 80s or Detroit now, even closer, Oakland. This is what happens when liberals like newsom let everyone out of jail because COVID HOAX. Every part of COVID is a communist attack on the people. Every little thing. Starting with your muzzles.



Target increases the costs of the goods they sell to offset the thefts, we all pay for it. These women should be hung from the closest tree.

Firestone 11R


Remember Prop 47 was written by George Gascon ( The District Attorney ) of Los Angeles. It’s another Liberal law that is a disaster. Our D.A. always releases these kinds of crimes or allows the pleas to be reduced to Misdemeanors from Felonies because they are considered ” victimless crime” where no one was injured. Go down to Martinez someday and sit it on an arraignment calendar in court some morning. You’ll be shocked and sickened to see criminals being released for crimes like this repeatedly.


“Written by GEORGE SOROS” His ads and I sure other support are paid by George Soros and Diane Becton’s ads were paid for by GEORGE SOROS clear as day on TV paid for George Soros. We have a major problem in CoCo these these but jobs running the show. Soft sentencing or no prosecution by installed DAs encourages crime and anarchy basic low key fear/discord and FAR worse.

The problem is individuals who think like T. Education and civic classes are needed.

MOJO, Moral Decay comes from Parents teaching by example and Schooling. The whole educational system is run by a bunch of FAR LEFT liberals/socialists.. We need change there too.


Gascons prop 47 all is bought and paid soft on crime IS A CLEAR ATTACK. Soros is in charge and attacking America on community at a time by installing the politicians that enable the criminal attacks on your community. Written and paid by GEORGE SOROS. His ads and I’m sure other support are paid by George Soros and Diane Becton’s ads were paid for by GEORGE SOROS clear as day on TV “paid for George Soros.” We have a major problem in CoCo County for sure. Who are all these these nut jobs running the show. Soros Captians. Soft sentencing or no prosecution for gun crimes, theft etc., encouraging drug addict drifters with no help not resolution, by installed DAs encourages crime and anarchy basic low key fear/discord and FAR worse. Look up DAs Soros supports, they ALL follow the same script and playbook. We are being attacked.

Gang this all part of a playbook being used across the country. Gascons prop 47 was written and paid for by George Soros. And bought and paid soft on crime politicians and DAs IS A CLEAR ATTACK. Soros is in charge and attacking America one community at a time by installing the politicians that enable the criminal attacks on your community. Written and paid by GEORGE SOROS. His ads and I’m sure other support are paid by George Soros and Diane Becton’s ads were paid for by GEORGE SOROS clear as day on TV “paid for George Soros.” We have a major problem in CoCo County for sure. Who are all these these nut jobs running the show. Soros Captians. Soft sentencing or no prosecution for gun crimes, theft etc., encouraging drug addict drifters with no help no get clean resolution, by installed DAs encourages crime, anarchy, basic low key fear/discord and FAR worse. Look up DAs Soros supports, they ALL follow the same script and playbook. We ar

2 days ago,and it looked like the same guy from the TJ Max theft,I told the people at Foodmax on Clayton rd some black dude with a full winter mask and hat on just went out their locked door with an entire cart of cases of beer and large containers of detergent,and they all just looked at me,and shrugged,with a funny look on their face,and one mentioned”we have no security here”,just then an employee that was in the parking lot came walking in,I told him that someone just walked out with $500 worth of stuff in a cart,he yelled”what?” all the other employees then told him”theres nothing we can do”I bet the guy did it all night long.If this doesnt cause prices to go up,I dont know what does.Wow Foodmax,you sure are”saving money” by not having security…you sure know how to run a business.

Now, if they only put all that energy toward some legitimate, non-criminal and productive activity, they could be the next super rich, multi-billionaire head of their own company. Different strokes for different folks.

In the meantime, they already have the necessary qualifications to work for Instacart.


If you ever met these type of people – you would find out they could not show up to a job 5 days in a row.


Great work PHPD officers!

I was watching “The Last Waltz” last night. It is the Martin Scorcisi movie about the musical group from Canada called “The Band.” They had a string of hits like “Cripple Creek,” “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down,” and others, and were best known for their eventual association with Bob Dylan. The lead guitarist, Robbie Robertson, was telling a story about how when they started playing gigs in the States they had absolutely no money to speak of. Sleeping in their van with nothing for food. So, they would all go into the little market in town and one of them would pick up a couple loaves of bread, the only thing they could afford. While he went up to pay for the bread, the others would be stuffing their big Canadian overcoats with bologne and start out the door, telling the guy buying the bread they’d meet him at the car. They did that until they started getting money for the gigs they were playing. So, it’s not like this kind of behavior is something that hasn’t gone on until now. It’s more like “necessity is the mother of invention.” Hunger and lack of funds causes people to do strange things. Not saying it’s right, just that it is. Robertson’s story proves it can happen to the best of us. Now, that explains the hunger, but not the big screen tvs or the massive need for alcoholic beverages acquired in this manner. That’s a whole different animal.


That story is a little easier to stomach because those Canadians had talent, already demonstrated by their association with Ronnie Hawkins. These shoplifters likely can’t find their own rear ends with both hands.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t add a favorite quote by Frank Zappa, “Out of necessity we became the Mothers of Invention”. Again talent, loads of it.

Great job, officers and officer Kuhn. Let’s hope they stay behind bars lol onger than just overnight. Be safe out there, God bless you all and have a very Merry Christmas.

High value targets. Engage at will.

I am shocked by the comments saying that these women will receive no jail time and no punishment? I am very naive.I look at that haul they took and am both flabbergasted and really mad that they will not be punished. Not at all? Will someone please educate me about this? Thank you, Gail



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