Home » New Mayor, Vice-Mayor, Councilmember Sworn-In In The City Of Concord

New Mayor, Vice-Mayor, Councilmember Sworn-In In The City Of Concord


Concord has a new Mayor, Vice-Mayor and Councilmember.

The city held a swearing-in ceremony at tonight’s Council meeting, where new Mayor Laura Hoffmeister was sworn-in. The new Vice-Mayor is Edi Birsan, and the new Councilmember is Laura Nakamura.

This is the 7th time Hoffmeister has held the position of Mayor in the City of Concord.


Outgoing Councilman Tim McGallian, who was Mayor of Concord for two years during the pandemic, was also honored during the meeting and received a standing ovation from the audience.

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Congratulations to Laura Nakamura for running a successful people-powered campaign and ultimately being the first challenger to unseat a Concord City Council incumbent in 30 years!

Thank you to Tim McGallian for your half dozen years of service on Council. I’m sorry to see you were unwilling to publicly congratulate your successor or wish her well on Council, but it’s not my place to tell you how to lose. If that’s how you want punctuate your public service period, I Seeno issue with it.



“New” Mayor?


Bottoms up

Will the Mayor be provided a driver?


New mayor?
I’ll drink to that


Oh, What the heck? Make it a gallon of Verdi,
Merlot! Okay for Mayors,, but not for you.


Hoffmeister mayor again?


Welcome to the Concord “Merry-go-Round.”


“Musical Mayors”


I wish them all well in using are tax money in the best way to serve the citizens of Concord. What will they do to make it a better place to live? Some road improvements? How about building a public private partnership to get money for park equipment (John Muir). New developments to accommodate current and future residents that will generate tax revenue. Please don’t allow ‘advocate’ groups to drive your direction, keep the tax paying citizens of Concord in mind first.

It’s only going to get worse. This new mayor is even more progressive. You can look forward to million dollar low income housing, increased homeless services, city sponsored gay pride festivals, the same broken roads and more beautifully paved bike lanes and any other globalist agenda items.
By the way is it me or does the Christmas tree downtown get smaller every year? What’s up with that? It’s like our tax dollars are just vanishing into thin air.


Yess….. give me all the down thumbs. I love to irritate lefties who are ok with grooming children. You guys crossed the rubicon with COVID HOAX. We used to believe in compromise with our political opponents, drag shows in public libraries and taking on the 2030 sustainable development ended that. Now it’s all or nothing. I didn’t cross that river, you guys did. Fix the damn roads…see I’m easy


Consider going outside and taking a big breath of fresh air. It’s a gorgeous day in Concord. Maybe smile to a stranger and say “good afternoon”. Try to remember that you are a part of this community, and that it is diverse. Diversity means that your neighbors won’t always see the world the way you do, which is exactly how it should be. Or don’t… If expressing hostility on the internet is how you choose to have a nice day, by all means, enjoy your day!


Yes it’s the internet but it’s 2022, I’m not inside. But overall it’s good advice. Just remember communism is still a crime. Helping global communism from the local level is treason.


Dave, believe it or not, this is a softer version of Sam than it was during the pandemic.

She should have been gone, and now she is Mayor. She and her type have destroyed this city and and will continue to do so as long as they are allowed to. We need to get rid of her. Name one good thing she has really done for this city. Like some one said earlier they blow money on things that are really not needed as we drive on some of the worst roads in the country. Yes city of concord at one point was in the top 20 of worse roads

Don’t tell me what do and it’s all good. It’s the way I’m built. I’m American.


Didn’t she just get a DUI? I swear, the voters here in Concord are weird. How can she even have a job?


@ Sam Don’t forget that you’re still in the majority, and “Majority Rules.”


Hoffmeister is in no way progressive


Hoffmister is a political zombie like edi brison, consuming the citizens of Concords flesh for way to long. I would have voted for you because you are a reasonable person.


She’s been Mayor 7 times! She will never get off the council, she will be on the council when she is 90.


Sam must have missed our Charlie Brown Tree: Calif. city gets Charlie Brown Christmas tree

I did forget about that. But this year it’s like a 9 footer. Unacceptable.

I was just reading these CHP officers down South got caught padding overtime hours. The officers were getting paid huge amounts of overtime for decades but not really working the overtime. This had been going on for decades according to the LA Times. I wonder if this is going on in Concord. When I get on the web site Transparent California and look at how many much Concord PD officers are making annually, factoring in the OT – and I compare it to what officers are making in other bay area cities it appears Concord officers are being paid way, way too much. I am wondering when they had the last audit of Concord PD, this is how they caught the CHP padding hours down south. I think the council, notaby the new council person Nakamura, should look into the lofty annual salaries at the PD. Concord is not is high crime city, we average 5 or 6 murders a year. I walk my dog at 2am and I feel completely safe. Why is all this money being spent on the PD?

It’s how they get normal humans to follow orders against the constitution. It’s just a perk you didn’t know about. They all do it. Otherwise these fine young Americans would be defending the constitution every day by arresting the real criminals for us. It’s their political pay off. But shush don’t tell.


Having been in a military family, I’ve seen a few cities and a few police departments. I think Concord may be among the most polite, and professional officers I’ve encountered. HOWEVER, the money is secondary. No one working 60-70+ hours per week can be working at max capacity. Worn out, Stressed out first-responders shows lack of leadership from the top.

In other words: “The redundant formality of Concord’s annual rotation of seating positions was brightened by the welcome swearing in of one new Council member.” May she remain cool, confident and independent of political lemming-ism.



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