Home » Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office Declines To File Murder Charges Against Man Who Allegedly Robbed, Killed Chevron Store Clerk In Antioch

Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office Declines To File Murder Charges Against Man Who Allegedly Robbed, Killed Chevron Store Clerk In Antioch


Antioch police arrested a 20-year-old man in connection with a robbery at a gas station last weekend, however, the man is not being charged with murder, or even manslaughter, despite allegedly killing the store clerk, according to the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office.

Ronald Jackson Jr., an Antioch resident, was arrested following the killing of James Williams last Saturday at a Chevron station on Contra Loma Boulevard.

Police said the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office has charged Jackson with robbery, possession of stolen property, and a firearm enhancement, but declined to charge him with murder.


At 2:05 a.m. Saturday, police got a call from an employee of the Chevron station at 2701 Contra Loma Blvd., saying someone was shot. Police found a male down, suffering from a gunshot wound to the head. Despite police and paramedics attempting life-saving measures, Williams died at the scene.

Police said Williams was a clerk at the station who was held up at gunpoint during what appeared to be a “botched robbery.” The suspect allegedly fled the scene on foot.

The Contra Costa D.A.’s Office released the following statement on Thursday, explaining why they’re not charging the suspect with murder:

The family, friends, and loved ones of James Williams are understandably devastated by the shocking news of his death in a gun battle at the Chevron station in Antioch on November 26th — where he worked as a store clerk. Our sympathies and condolences go out to those closest to him.


The Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office declined to file murder charges in this case solely on a legal and factual determination — and not an elective, optional, or discretionary one. It was based upon an established law that clearly states a person cannot pursue another to retrieve stolen property once the threat of bodily injury or harm to the victim has subsided.

The video evidence of the incident clearly shows Ronald Benjamin Jackson, III, and another suspect exiting the Chevron station convenience store after the robbery and running from the scene. Mr. Williams is also seen in the video footage leaving the Chevron station store with a firearm while running after the robbers. Mr. Williams then fired upon Mr. Jackson, hitting him in the leg while he was fleeing and causing him to fall to the ground. Mr. Williams continued to approach Mr. Jackson with his firearm pointing at him when Mr. Jackson fired shots at Williams hitting him twice. Once in the chest and in the leg.

In the eyes of the law, Mr. Williams’ actions ceased to be self-defense when Mr. Williams pursued Mr. Jackson and the other suspect with a firearm — and continued to pursue Mr. Jackson after he shot him.

The legal distinction is clear: when your property and life are being threatened, an individual is legally justified in using deadly force in self-defense. However, once the threat of harm has dissipated, the victim of a property crime cannot then use deadly force to reclaim stolen property.


However, the reality of Mr. Williams’ tragic death will be a substantial factor in the DA’s position in asking for greater penalties in the sentencing of the defendants.

Diana Becton, District Attorney of Contra Costa County

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Unbelievable. If that guy didn’t rob the store that night, the other man would still be alive. Period. The death was caused as part of a robbery. A person committing armed robbery had better expect that they may die and has no excuse of self defense. This world we live in is getting crazier every day……….


Really sucks for the victim, but a person chasing armed thieves also had better expect that they may die…


They also would expect that the thief would be charged with their death if that happened.


So just let criminals reign free? Sorry but a easy NO


Who made this decision? Beckton?

If you’re committing an armed felony, self-defense should not apply.


Had Williams not been killed he’d be facing charges, . . . . after all this is liberal CA.
NOT at all surprised station was hit, that part of antioch especially north of freeway, one block away. Have seen police cars responding to four or more calls. One of areas shot spotter will be installed and when reviewing map of calls for service that portion of map is SOLID COLOR, there are so many crimes.
Town has become worse over the years.


Have seen police cars responding to four or more calls at a time in that area.

The clerk shouldn’t have chased the robbers shooting. 100%

But to not file murder charges against the robber is beyond belief!
Absolutely bats#!t crazy!!!


You get what you vote for.


Antioch, where even store clerks are armed and dangerous. How did Antioch get so bad in the past 15 years?


Not surprised. Mainly criminals from Oakland and Richmond that abused and benefited from section 8.

Mr. Williams was likely approaching the criminal to hold him for the police. The criminal shooting him, was an additional criminal act during the commission of a felony. Chevron and the victim’s family need to apply pressure to the Attorney General’s office to take control of the prosecution. And to the liberal hypocrites who returned this moron to office, pray you are not a future victim…to be victimized twice by this criminal protector.


The clerk was killed during the criminal act committed by the suspects.
Charge the shooter and his accomplice with murder.
You can charge the slain clerk with whatever liberal BS laws you normally stick the victims with… it won’t matter now.

Becton is clearly Pro-Crime.


They don’t want a long-protracted trial.


That is their job to have trials.

” based upon an established law that clearly states a person cannot pursue another to retrieve stolen property once the threat of bodily injury or harm to the victim has subsided.”

That statement tells the story.

And it’s a sad and terrible story of a society in the throes of death.


You all voted for this…..2x now. This is what you get, I guess you’ll make your voices heard when this comes to your homes.


The DA is following the law which says you can’t use deadly force to reclaim stolen property once your life is not being threatened. And the DA has stated that they will ask for greater penalties during the sentencing phase because of the death of Mr. Williams.

What else is the DA supposed to do?


The DA is a George Soros disciple. Taking the most liberal interpretation of the law is their mantra. Further, their goal is to empty the prisons. So naturally she has a credibility problem with law abiding citizens. This press release is simply preemptive damage control and likely has little to do with how this case will be pursued.


Michael—What else is the DA suppose to do, you ask? Charge him with murder. In California, any death which occurs during the commission of a felony is first degree murder, and all participants in that felony or attempted felony, can also be charged with murder. And, it doesn’t matter what caused the death. Even if the victim died of a heart attack during the commission of a felony, the criminal and all participants can be charged with first degree murder.


Perhaps change the law? Pretty simple really you defending a corrupt DA is a bad look

“What else is the DA supposed to do?”
Charge him with murder, present the evidence, and let a jury decide – that’s what.


So what are they going to charge him with? Do we know that he no longer had a gun in his hand and aimed at the store clerk? Sounds to me like he may have. How else would he be able to kill the clerk? Think for a minute Mrs DA.

Well right now they’ve got him for creating a nuisance, and overdue library books. They would have included jaywalking but that’s no longer illegal. Woke is defined by the criminal being treated as the victim. Sad times.

This is insane this filth should be rotting in jail for murder. How does anybody vote for these people? Why do people want criminals walking freely in society? Why doesn’t anybody want them held accountable? The DA needs to be removed from office, the elections were just held how could anybody vote for this insanity?

Everyone spouting off over who voted for whom, or what party is serving, it’s the Law. Its the same thing as if you’re home was broken into by armed criminals, you were terrified and chased the intruders out of your house , and you ended up shooting and killing one of them outside of your front door, expect charges coming your way. Its all in the laws, and has been.


Then change the law so the citizens are protected not the criminals. If you are ever in a situation being attacked in your home drag the pile of crap back in your house and tell the police you feared for your life, this is coming from your friendly neighbor police officer. Stop voting for this insanity and demand laws be enforced or changed keep the people out that support this lunacy.


The laws won’t be changed until the democrat supermajority in the legislature is eliminated.

Democrats are directly responsible for this increase in crime. Decriminalize by reducing punishment and the criminals will just continue to do more…. Because they ‘need’ it.

The laws won’t be changed until the democrat supermajority in the legislature is eliminated.

Democrats are directly responsible for this increase in crime.

Life is a series of choices. Some people prefer to be victims, others refuse to be.

The key information to understand this is that Becton believes the robbers are the victims, while most of those here do not. That’s all.



Not to be too fussy about it, but ~~ police report says, “…Police found a male down, suffering from a gunshot wound to the head. Despite police and paramedics attempting life-saving measures, Williams died at the scene.

DA says, “… Mr. Williams continued to approach Mr. Jackson with his firearm pointing at him when Mr. Jackson fired shots at Williams hitting him twice. Once in the chest and in the leg.

So, who got shot in the head and who did it?
Remember you vote for the people who put laws on the books stating that you cannot defend your property… unless your own life is at stake. Meaning that a thief, arson, vandal, etc…. has a legal right to steal, destroy, damage your (insert graphic noun here) …and you have no right to do anything to stop it. KNOW who/what you are voting for… or prepare to stand up and fight the system.

Criminal Laws must be changed…The armed robbers premeditated an armed robbery. They are completely responsible for the entire kit-and kaboodle. They are responsible for: the surrounds of the crime scene, the future ramifications of their crime against the clerk, the community or the police, also,, the clerks’ adrenaline reactions- and self or other defense, and however he justly acted in the moment to protect his life and others at his public place of employment- employees go out to turn off the pumps in an emergency, a robbery is another emergency. It was NOT about the clerk regaining property- it is a moot issue because the clerk knew the property was fully insured! Bad call with that at the Contra Costa District Attorneys Office. They should frame by frame, review how the clerk felt uncontrolled fear and great concern for his community. There are reems of violent crime and presedent cases-the community is not able to enjoy a safe environment, the police can’t offer a level of safety or deterrence. Antioch, CA also incorporates a Citizen Involved Public Safety Training Course- that matters in deciding this.. Whatever happened to District Attorney’s “speaking for the deceased”?…interview and include the victim impact statements from his family, co-workers, and others who knew his views upon victimisation, rampant crime in the area and a safe quality of life-the clerk did his job above and beyond the call of duty, yes, he is a hero – it’s not only the first responders. Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office should amend their decision, prepare their case, and charge the armed robbery suspects with at least the inclusion of a 2 nd degree murder charge(s)!

You are correct! And as your last sentence mentions inclusion, that thing liberals are always screaming about………Perhaps to be fair to criminals, they should be included in the prison population. After all, this guy earned his inclusion.

The moral of the story is that the clerk should have shot the robber while he was still in the store, in the act of committing the robbery.


“Williams continued to approach Mr. Jackson with his firearm pointing at him when Mr. Jackson fired shots at Williams hitting him twice”

Obviously Williams was approaching to detain Jackson until police could arrive and Jackson shot him while trying to avoid arrest and escape.

Diana Becton is a dunce.


That DA who did not charge the offender with murder should be voted out!

For those that feel the criminals are getting a fair shake, I suggest you take them in and feed/house them .

No? Then you’re just a damned hypocrite. Aiding and abetting a criminal act? You go to jail too!

It’s a ridiculous law… its still murdering somebody, period…. murder Should be dealt with by the death penalty… an eye for an eye…



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