Home » Convicted Felon Arrested After Traffic Stop In Concord Leads To Discovery Of Loaded Guns, Body Armor, Drugs

Convicted Felon Arrested After Traffic Stop In Concord Leads To Discovery Of Loaded Guns, Body Armor, Drugs


Two people have been arrested, including one convicted felon, after a traffic stop in Concord.

Officers were patrolling the area of Laguna St. and Ellis St. today and conducted a traffic enforcement stop of a vehicle.

The two occupants were contacted and a search of the vehicle was conducted, yielding the discovery of marijuana packaged for sales and two loaded firearms.


Further investigation revealed the driver was a previously convicted felon and a search warrant was served at his residence in Concord. During the search warrant service, four additional firearms were located along with ammunition, body armor, and a large quantity of marijuana.

Both suspects, who were not identified by police, were arrested and booked on several weapon and drug charges.

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Good job LE! … names & pictures please

Hold up your mouse IF you are totally shocked this could happen in CA, . . . ya me neither.
BUT, But, but, it’s illegal for a convicted FELON to have guns . . .
An DEMs told us if Prop 64 passed street sales would drop even though state wanted $9 an ounce tax on “legal” weed. An as usual with anything DEMs touch, legal Pot sales fell flat, street sales bloomed. State has been back pedaling without mirrors ever since, as legal pot sale tax revenue has never met predictions.
But hey. as long as those campaign contributions keep rolling in to politicians from legal Pot industry, that’s all that really matters.
Plea bargain, to save cost of the trial . . . . . .


Another Felon not playing by the gun rules?

Getting real suspicious of suspects not being named or identified. Seeing it more and more. Somethings fishy there…


Pot will lead your life into a bad direction.


@GEORGE….Yeah, drink alcohol, it’s good for you….and ignorance is bliss.


There are signs for those with an alcohol problem.
Breaking out in spots, waking up east Byron in an orchard, or finding your car at the bottom of a ravine with you in it or waking up in a room with no door knob on your side of the door.

Hoffmeister a convicted DUI recipient was just elected to Concord City Council…
Just saying…

George is totally correct. All you dumb pot-head/druggies are really stupid if you can’t see the damage it has already done. Get your heads out of your butts FGS!!😫


The alcohol vs. pot argument, I’ve heard that crap for 50+ years…. Cheers! or roll another one…….whatever.


Yea CPD…. maybe instead of pointless DUI saturation patrols that waste funds and net zero arrests you just actually go where the crime is… Monument zone. Flood that area. I can drive down Detroit Virginia sunshine any one of those streets at any time of the day and spot crime yet it’s hard to find a police officer actually arresting anyone, ever.

Proactive policing instead of reacting after someone gets shot. Just an idea…


The DUI saturations are paid for by a grant. They can’t use that money for anything other than that.

But I would love to see more arrests. This arrest is outstanding!

Didn’t CPD get sued a few years ago for stopping cars in the Monument area because it targeted a certain group. Hard to avoid when 90% of the drivers in that area belong to the same group.
Might be why they aren’t as proactive there, just a thought.


That was probably 15 or more years ago.

Only the highest class of dealers run a Hi-Point for protection!

CA’s strict gun laws are apparently highly effective in keeping firearms out of the hands of felons.

Good to see the gun laws having an impact, they should pass more of them. Good job politicians, pat yourself on the back, create some talking points about the great job your doing.

Is Body Armor now illegal in Commiefornia???



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