Home » Contra Costa County Probation Department Awarded Grant To Supervise People With Multiple DUI Convictions

Contra Costa County Probation Department Awarded Grant To Supervise People With Multiple DUI Convictions


The Contra Costa County Probation Department received funds for an intensive probation supervision program for high-risk DUI offenders with multiple DUI convictions.

The $398,845 grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) will go toward check-ins with probationers to make sure they are following court-ordered terms of their probation and prevent probationers from re-offending.

The ongoing partnership between the Contra Costa County Probation Department and the Office of Traffic Safety has spanned more than 15 years. “The support and assistance provided by OTS, coupled with strong working relationships with state and local law enforcement agencies, have allowed the Probation Department to closely monitor and rehabilitate our clients,” Contra Costa County Chief Probation Officer, Esa Ehmen-Krause said. “Reducing the traumatic impact that impaired driving causes across our community contributes to improving public safety.”


“The safety of our communities is a top priority and intensive supervision programs hold DUI offenders accountable for their actions,” OTS Director Barbara Rooney said. “This concerted effort improves the safety of our roadways by addressing the devastating impacts impaired driving has on our communities.”

The grant will fund Probation Department personnel to monitor drivers on Probation for felony DUI or multiple misdemeanor DUI convictions, including conducting unannounced fourth amendment waiver home searches, field visits, random alcohol and drug testing and ensuring those on probation are attending court-ordered DUI education and treatment programs. The probation grant will also pay for warrant operations targeting probation violations and/or DUI suspects who do not appear in court, officer training in Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST), distribution of DUI “Be On the Lookout” (BOLO) alerts, collaborating with courts and prosecutors to establish probation orders and participation with local law enforcement on anti-DUI efforts.

While alcohol remains the worst offender for DUI crashes, Contra Costa County Probation supports OTS in its statement, “DUI just doesn’t mean booze.” Prescription medications and marijuana can be impairing by themselves, but also in combination with alcohol, and can result in a DUI arrest.

The grant program runs through September 2023.


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WHY ? Multiple DUI Convictions: They should all be in PRISON !

Holding DUI offenders accountable for their actions? Hardly.
To make them accountable, make them pay for it all. Why should honest law abiding citizen taxpayers have to endlessly bear the burden of repeat criminal offenders?

Sounds about right. I guess since CCC Probation Dept needs to have something to do all day since probation violations are pretty much non existent in this county.

There’s only one way to make sure a multiple re-offender doesn’t re-offend…

here’s an idea. three strikes and you are an inmate. in prison, they have supervisors



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