Home » City Of Concord Continues Efforts to Address Homelessness

City Of Concord Continues Efforts to Address Homelessness


The following is from the City of Concord:

As part of its ongoing efforts to address homelessness in Concord, the City has begun work on the development of a Homeless Strategic Plan. At its meeting on Thursday, Oct. 13, the Council Committee on Housing and Economic Development (HED) will discuss the formation of a working group to assist with the creation and oversight of the plan.

A resident survey conducted in January cited homelessness as an area of concern for many Concord residents. The City has set aside $5.4 million in one-time funds to be put toward activities established in the Homeless Strategic Plan.


One step in the effort of developing this plan is for the City to define the makeup and the method for selecting a working group, which will ultimately be tasked with overseeing the development of the Strategic Plan and offering diverse perspectives on issues concerning it.

You can find the meeting details and full staff report in the HED meeting agenda.

Homeless Services Web Page

To help keep the community updated about the various programs, services and resources available to our unhoused residents, the City maintains a Homeless Services web page. The page also features monthly data related to Concord’s Coordinated Outreach, Referral, and Engagement (CORE) team. For example, in the month of September, Concord’s CORE team assisted with eight stable exits of unhoused individuals from the streets to a shelter, rental apartment, sober living home, or the home of a friend or family member.



Cellophane October 13, 2022 - 4:22 PM - 4:22 PM

Government contoled houseing.

What a concept.

Exit 12A October 13, 2022 - 4:51 PM - 4:51 PM

$5.4 million for a “plan”?
Are you kidding me? It’s no wonder why people think they don’t get their monies worth out of government.
Actions are needed, not words.
And those actions need to have measurable, timely, and positive results.
Get on it.

PO'd October 14, 2022 - 6:40 AM - 6:40 AM

Don’t expect Concord’s streets to get the paving they need anytime soon.
The city releases the statement above to make citizens think they have an answer, and it appears to be simply election year rhetoric. All fluff.
The feral human population doesn’t want any conditions placed on them
so B.S. programs don’t work.Clear them out, and quit wasting money on
programs that don’t work.

Hope Johnson October 14, 2022 - 2:32 PM - 2:32 PM

Good catch. Concord’s City Manager often hires consultants to try to look like something is being done. Wasted money mostly. In this instance, Concord has been bragging for some time that part of their solution was to hire a homeless coordinator. They finally hired the coordinator a few months ago (who initially refused to meet with known local homeless volunteers) and then promptly hired a consultant in addition to help come up with a plan. This is expected to take a year. So now we are spending money on a full time employee plus a consultant. And so far no consultant has been at the forefront of decreasing the issues surrounding having people living on the streets anywhere in California. Guess Concord didn’t think that info would look too good on the press release.

James October 13, 2022 - 5:09 PM - 5:09 PM

A city in denial but announces this to act like they are not.
Sounds like this money will be spent on finding a group that will help,and then these people wont want any help or take any he[p.Thye just want to party.
Start putting them in jail for the crimes they are commiting.They will hate being sober but know to get out and do the same thing will make them live in jail.
The city and county wont do it.They wont spend the money on ebfocement and courts,and jail.The money should be spent on more jails

Old Timer October 13, 2022 - 5:09 PM - 5:09 PM

What a scam this is.All the city officials should open there back yards if they are so concerned.These people don’t want help when are they going to figure this out?

James October 13, 2022 - 5:10 PM - 5:10 PM

Typo-They wont spend the money on enforcement

anon October 13, 2022 - 5:33 PM - 5:33 PM

Is that $1,000/month per person for one year? So $12,000 each per year. If there are 436 homeless in Concord. If they set up a handout only program more will come to Concord, so less money per person. Then they will need more money…..Teach people to fish…the mentally ill cannot continue to be put into the same box as everyone else.

Concord Res October 13, 2022 - 5:37 PM - 5:37 PM

Good, if we claim we’re the greatest country on earth we need to terminate homelessness, real patriotic act if you ask me

The Fearless Spectator October 13, 2022 - 6:38 PM - 6:38 PM

Newsom claims California is the leading state in the nation. California leads the nation in homelessness. So why has he done nothing to address this? And hiding them from view in hotels doesn’t count.

Original G October 13, 2022 - 7:53 PM - 7:53 PM

newsom was member of SF Board of Supervisors, 1997 – 2004.
Became SF mayor 2004.
Press conference 30 June 2004, Mayor gavin newsom pledged, in ten years the worst of San Francisco’s homeless problem would be gone.

Before newsom became governor in 2019, he was Lieutenant Governor from 2011 – 2019.
All those years of experience, 1997 to . . . . . ?

Ya know after 25 years you’d think he might have a clue about dealing with the homelessness problem and substance abuse.

Perhaps he could have given guidance on how to clean up Venice Beach.

‘Venice’s world-famous beach and boardwalk have been ‘crippled’ by HUGE increase in robberies and a homeless camp has resulted in spikes in shootings, arson and even DOG attacks, say locals’
daily mail https://tinyurl.com/2aks4txt

‘It’s become an outdoor psychiatric ward!’ How California’s scenic Venice Beach has become a homeless hotspot with tent cities, violent crime and rampant drug use pushing families and tourists out’ …
“… syringes — one with a needle still attached — nestling in the sand in a children’s play area”
daily mail https://tinyurl.com/t6unecxv

After much media attention and resident complaints action was finally taken.

‘Skeletal remains are found by LA cops clearing Venice Beach homeless camp …’
daily mail https://tinyurl.com/yh2wjhw9

Then there was rail container thefts,
‘Looters ransack trains at downtown LA sorting depot and leave COVID tests and pharmaceutical drugs littered along the tracks’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/3m2d78wp

‘Ordered Something That’s Delayed? Here Are Some Customers Who Were Victim to Cargo Train Theft’
nbcLA https://tinyurl.com/2p8ftv2y

video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1R-KanyaGY
At 42 second mark, blue cargo container comes into view with an open door.

Then again some are only good at giving press conferences.

After many weeks of attention from dailymail newsom holds a track side press conference
‘Newsom finally starts clearing up his own mess: California governor picks up litter on LA railway where thieves have been ransacking packages from trains and admits ‘it looks like a Third World country!’ ‘
daily mail https://tinyurl.com/3stb8f8c

Two days later, large number of negative reactions show up on social media to newsom’s carefully choreographed cleanup presser/photo OP
(almost all of damaged packages littering tracks were removed after a train derailment several days prior to newsom showing up)
‘Sitting target: Train full of packages DERAILS outside of LA depot among discarded Amazon and UPS parcels ransacked by thieves’
dailymail https://tinyurl.com/ycknnb3x
Tenth picture down in piece shows view of tracks from North Mission Road over crossing and show area of newsom presser/photo OP.
Left foreground of picture shows a small portion of Eastlake Avenue one way direction after passing under North Mission Road.

‘Gavin Newsom APOLOGIZES for finally telling the truth about crime:
CA governor walks back calling train thieves ‘organized gangs’ and says thousands of packages are being pillaged by simple ‘groups of folks’ ‘
daily mail https://tinyurl.com/m7vwx8kc

Before you vote, fill up your vehicles and buy groceries and consider if newsom deserves your vote.

Original G October 13, 2022 - 8:23 PM - 8:23 PM

Seems “video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1R…”
was made to disappear,
but we have ways . . . . . . .


LocalAntiLib October 13, 2022 - 6:53 PM - 6:53 PM

Continue efforts? Doesn’t look like they’ve even started..
Hey Concord don’t toot your horn when you can’t address the problem..

Badge1104 October 13, 2022 - 7:14 PM - 7:14 PM

A big percentage of the homeless are strong able body younger men! Make them work! You’re not helping them by just giving them things! You’re just enabling them. Make them work! There’s more job openings now than workers available. Make them work!

Fed up October 13, 2022 - 8:16 PM - 8:16 PM

Yes make them work. I have little skills at sixtyone . I clean toilets at a high school. I take pride in how clean I can get them.The homeless that live in the tunnel at 5400 Ygnacio Valley road by the Safeway are drug addics. Concord put a fence up to keep them out but now they took it down. Thanks Concord.

And around and around we go October 13, 2022 - 9:41 PM - 9:41 PM

I’m starting to think there’s a lot of money to be made in homelessness. I’m gonna quit my job and open up a non profit and study homelessness and form committees to study it more thus creating more jobs. 🙄

Antlers006 October 13, 2022 - 9:46 PM - 9:46 PM

Do what Moraga orinda and Lafayette do. Ship them down the line. Very simple and a lot cheaper.

Pat Pomeroy October 13, 2022 - 9:54 PM - 9:54 PM

Noticing some feral, psychotic homeless people in corridor between Treat Blvd and Clayton Rd up to Ygnacio Valley and Clayton. Yelling nonsense and profanities.

DD October 14, 2022 - 5:29 AM - 5:29 AM

Keep throwing money at the problem, that should fix everything.

WC---Creeker October 14, 2022 - 7:00 AM - 7:00 AM

Maybe we start by renaming the situation from ‘unhoused’ and ‘homeless’, which makes it sound like we just need to build them housing to fix the problem. This also makes it easier for well connected people to create advocacy groups to collect money from the government (our taxes) to ‘fix’ the problem. Can we start calling it ‘people with substance abuse issues and mental health problems from substance abuse’ ? Look at the stats, almost 60% of them have one or both. They don’t need housing, they need to be in mandatory treatment.

Graceful October 14, 2022 - 9:11 AM - 9:11 AM

Are these Concord Natives?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!NO How many of these “unhoused” are employable? Are not on drugs or alcohol, how many of these “unhoused” are actually from Concord? I would wager a large percentage of these “unhoused” are NOT even from the local areas, and the majority in California are not from California…Why is the elephant in the room not being addressed? Colder states do not have homeless, states with no welfare hand outs, do not have homeless…. Build it and they will come, should be California’s slogan.

Captain Bebops October 14, 2022 - 9:20 AM - 9:20 AM

The area does indeed need more lower income housing. Not everyone can afford a “monster home” which is what construction companies want to build for the profit.

But society is out-of-kilter. Not everyone worships money. Many would just like some affordable housing for a roof over their head and a livable income without being a wage slave.

IOW, you need to see the whole picture not just the one with your blinders on.

Schmee October 14, 2022 - 10:38 AM - 10:38 AM

Supporting hopeless homeless people doesn’t help the problem. It’s makes more people stay homeless and stay in this area. Feeding rats doesn’t solve a rat problem.

BruceL October 14, 2022 - 11:42 AM - 11:42 AM

Homelessness is here to stay, and only going to get worse. The Dems solutions do not work. Sanctuary cities and states are a joke and hypocritical, but they don’t see that. And many homeless want to be homeless. It’s just a big sick joke. I don’t want to be heartless, but time for more drastic measures.

America October 14, 2022 - 1:12 PM - 1:12 PM

My suggestion is to bus our homeless down to the countries who are sending their “finest” citizens across our borders to be taken care of through our taxes. They should be provided with free housing, clothing, food, medical benefits, schooling, jobs, etc. It’s an equal exchange.

Jojothecircusclown October 14, 2022 - 4:59 PM - 4:59 PM

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blahhhhhhh …ain’t nothing gonna change until you start prosecuting corrupt administrators who are siphoning funds to fight the homeless battles into their pockets. Period, end of story.

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