Home » Affordable Housing Project To Break Ground At Former Blockbuster Site In Concord

Affordable Housing Project To Break Ground At Former Blockbuster Site In Concord


A 181-unit affordable housing project located in downtown Concord is set to break ground before the end of the year.

At its Oct. 11 meeting, the Concord City Council adopted a resolution that would approve the issuance of the California Municipal Finance Authority (CMFA) multifamily housing revenue bonds.

The funds, which can be issued in an amount up to $85 million, will finance the acquisition, construction, improvement and equipping of The Argent apartment project, located at 2400 Willow Pass Road. The project developer and CMFA – not the City – will be solely responsible for repaying the bonds.


Located at the former Blockbuster Video site, the new multifamily rental housing project will include 21 units for households earning 30% of the area median income (AMI); 19 units for those earning 50% AMI; 57 units for those earning 60% AMI; 82 units for those earning 70% AMI; and two managers’ units.

In Concord, the maximum income limit for a family of four at 30% AMI is $42,850; 50% AMI is 71,400; 60% AMI is $85,680; and 70% AMI is $99,960.

The total 181 units will count toward the City’s goal of creating 5,000 new housing units by the year 2031 — a goal that was established by the state as part of its Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) and is included in the City’s current Housing Element Update.

The Argent is expected to break ground by December 31, 2022 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.


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US Citizens only??

Probably requires the opposite. This is CA, after all.

Why can’t you humans just keep it moving. Some people are actually low income and are amazing citizens. College students/young adults/low income family/seniors deserve to have properties like these. Don’t need to be so negative here. Yeah there might be a few wild people but so what?? That’s what makes the country stable right

Concord’s own Cabrini–Green Homes?…..isn’t that special.

There goes the neighborhood…wait it’s already gone..this is the final nail in the coffin.

Might want to set aside one of the units to use as a Police Substation. Might save on response times.

Two and a half years to build?????

Get out there and do some work!! You should help speed up the process! 🙂

Living right next to a BART station is rough. Noise pollution can be a direct cause of morbid hypertension.

Not like these people will be healthy anyways. When you refuse to take care of yourself…

Another stockade, just like the one’s in a communist country.

Injecting virus into liberal test monkey…

@Oh Please. How can people be expected to be health-conscious when they are raised in a literally toxic environment?

Noise pollution gets overlooked because it is not as tangible as other forms, but its health effects are both tangible and cumulative.

Will they build a poiice sub-station next door to it?
They will need to.

Concord PD’s huge headquarters is less than one mile from this location. There are more useful existing places for spending money on substations.

Hope Johnson,

Not only is the Concord Police Station just 4-5 blocks away (diagonally), but I believe they still have an office on the first floor of the parking garage at Salvio Street and Colfax Street, and a few years ago they had also opened another office in the downtown Concord/Todos Santos Plaza area.

You are correct, Hope Johnson! Solano or Holbrook “Crossings” each or both need sub-stations… but those are also within a mile of this coming disaster with the fast escape lane over the hill. I’m sorry I have lost track lately… but do you know what happened to the last proposed development on this spot. I seem to recall that fiasco was cut with the same out-of-state shyster that had reneged on the cyclone fence dump site at Four Corners several years ago.
Maybe you can bring us up-to-date. Now we’ve not just gone out of state for a developer…but completely out of the country.

No Excuses,

I believe the previous developer that planned on building “luxury apartments” moved on from the project because of the PLA and the cost of using union labor. According to Concord Vice Mayor Laura Hoffmeister it isn’t yet profitable enough for developers to build in Concord, so they choose to build in more profitable cities such as our neighboring City of Walnut Creek.

This is what I’ve been talking about.The federal govt gave money to most cities with a population over xxx so they can begin equity and communism and an even rise in crime in all these cities so they think it’s just the country go to hell,and it is.The apartments will have security gates to make it look safe and the gates will always be broken because they overcrowd every apt and not enough keys for a;; those people not on the lease.Those 300 cars should be good for traffic.
Are the managers “low income”?

Are they going to install charging stations for those cars when they become electric in the near future?

I’ll be glad to see something there besides a big plot of nothingness. Was hoping it might become a store or restaurant…


This lot was never going to become a restaurant or store unless it had significant housing up above the ground floor. The longer this lot remains empty the better things will be for existing Concord residents because of what is planned for downtown Concord.

They are going to change the name of the street to Virginia Lane II.

It wil be a new place that people get shot,as many from Virginia ln Robin ln wlll be told this is paradise and move there.
It really means that Safeway will need to move as it will get looted slowly til its empty.just like Monument Safeway

“Water, water everywhere.” No. Wait a minute. “Water, water, who’s got the water?” Yeah, that works.
Did I miss the part about the London based, Agenda 21, tax guzzling developers being fully responsible for Water & Sewage capacity & expansion costs. 🤔 Maybe I just missed that part. 😏

No Excuses,

According to the Concord City Council, especially Vice Mayor Laura Hoffmeister, the Contra Costa Water District has informed the City of Concord that they have more than enough water available for the population of 125,000, the planned population of 22,000 in downtown Concord, the planned CNWS population of 28,000 (Concord estimate) or 33,000 (Navy estimate) or 40,000 (Lennar estimate), the planned population of 3,000 on the Coast Guard housing property, the planned population of 1,000 on the North Concord BART Station property, the 27,000 estimated jobs at the BNWS property and the estimated population of 10,000 – 40,000 cutie college/university campus.

Black Knight they may have a couple of drops of water to spare but the stagnant ozone layer that regularly plagues the city now will magnify exponentially at a steady and quantified rate. No excuses for these incompetent foolish planners.

I really like the concept photos, or clip art, with brilliant white (I’m thinking Benjamin Moore OC-150) skin children with long red hair playing next to attentive parents. Too bad the unmatched shadows make it look like there are two suns in the sky. The computer programs to produce these images just don’t have the realistic clip art to show what it will probably look like. That would be fun.

This is all so very unfortunate. The Concord City Council is a complete and total disgrace. They do NOT have the best interest of their constituents in mind. Between this build and their approval of Seeno at the Naval Weapon’s Station, we are going to hell in a handbasket. I was optimistic that things would improve, but those idiots are making horrible decisions for our city.

Think “alternate 1985”

No Excuses,

The Concord City Council, as well as past incarnations of the Concord City Council, are and have been cowards! Anytime a developer comes to town wanting to build anything the Concord City Council only knows how to give in to the developers because they’re in fear the developer may walk away.

Nobody wants to live next to low income housing because of of low income behavior. We have all lived long enough to know how this will end. Our city council feels all warm and fuzzy. The council needs to take a field trip. Virginia lane would be a good start.

Many seniors qualify for low income housing. Usually seniors are quiet, honest and respectful.

If there are no affordable housing you get more homeless, which do prefer?

Just keep in mind that haters gotta hate.
The donut shop across East St will be in a very advantageous location during the building process, if they can handle the increase in traffic, and start serving more than just donuts and coffee. They’re good folks and deserve the extra business.

It doesn’t say how many units will be allocated to those earning 0% of AMI, which would probably include most of our local homeless. The homeless problem has little, if anything, to do with a lack of “affordable” housing.

We don’t need affordable housing, we need fewer people. Maybe it’s way past time to start inviting people to leave. Like, “Thanks for visiting California, but it’s time to go!”

Hanne if apartments were $100 or even free,homleless wouldnt live in them,its not a money thing.This is why they are homeless.They want to be
Do you live in a cave?

181 Units on 1.6 acres. Whoa. Parking?

James, l agree with you about some homeless, but there are many elderly and working people who can’t afford $1200 or more for a place to live, that is who l’m talking about.

This will be a disaster. The place will just get destroyed by the ‘low education’ tenants living there. Give it 10 yrs and it will resemble the ‘projects’ in many big cities. Total waste of money.

Typical liberal response. I left California over 3 years ago to move to East Texas. Life long Bsy area resident for 60 years and I thank God everyday that I am here.

Typical liberal response. I left California over 3 years ago to move to East Texas. Life long Bay area resident for 60 years and I thank God everyday that I am here.

Same same… God bless (East) Texas

… more high rise high density…not enough parking.. and BTW – where is the water coming from? … we’re told we’re still in a drought…


By 2025 every citizen will be allowed 50 gallons of water a day.

This will be measure daily. With heavy fines for any overage.

There will be plenty of water for people who live in government housing.

Government houseing won’t be metererd.

@Cellophane…..You can thank Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown for that bit of legislation, a going away present of sorts.

Concidering the history of the Conconrd City Council…

Oh, well.

Ya can’t vote them out anymore so your stuck.

Shades of Cabrini Greens, CHCG? How about El Pueblo, Pittsburg? How about Hunters Point/Bay view, SNFC? Iron Triangle, RCMD? Liberty City, FLA? And so on …….!

I will have to assume that the City Council members do not live in North Concord where we have one Safeway, unlike the other end of town which has numerous grocery stores and will not be seeing high rise affordable housing going up in their area. I had really hoped we would get a grocery store on the vacant lot next to Lowe’s which is now occupied by a restaurant supply store we cannot shop at. What we need in North Concord is an affordable grocery store, not more people using water we do not have and creating more congestion. Try even getting into Safeway’s parking lot on weekends or if it is near any type of holiday. Granted, if the apartments are just across the street, those people will most likely not be driving to shop, but the store is not equipped to handle a huge influx of people as is obvious by the mile long lines at Safeway’s checkout. Concord residents should have some say about what goes up in their neighborhoods. If there was an opportunity, I must have missed it.


No Concord City Councilmember lives north or west of Willow Pass Road.

Albertsons bought out safeway, Kroger buying out albertsens.

If it is 2 -3 stories high they will have the Bart train lounging past their windows every 15 minutes like the apartment in the Blues Brothers.
“the train goes by so often you don’t even notice it”

People need to learn the difference between affordable housing and low income housing! They obviously have no clue!

That is news to me. Please educate us on this difference.


A family of four would qualify for “affordable housing” if they earned up to $99,960.00, but they wouldn’t qualify for “low income housing.”

If you are not familiar with “DATA USA” I highly recommend getting familiar with it. To start you off… here is the USA poverty map, by county! It’s like the census…made easy by another UK company.
On this opening map, you can easily see that CCCo in the 0-17% is well below median poverty…and, keep in mind “poverty” rates are BUILT IN to population rates. But CCCo is an EXCELLENT feeding ground for developers to make big bucks. I’m old. I don’t expect to be here in 10 years–my kids have already moved out of the “Bay Area 9 County Thieving Zone” ~~~and I guarantee Concord/the County/the State will be taxing the hard-working-citizens to subsidize everything from rent to utility costs for “low income” “floating migratory populations” … whose RENT, At Minimum, will cost more what a full mortgage costs to buy house and land in the Midwest. Try to ignore that feeling of being nibbled on🐉
Point & Click map: DATA USA:

Kind of a strange database. They explicitly say they chose data from a social justice standpoint to inspire students, so the data is chosen to tell a story. Also, I went to look at the salaries for professional and technical services, and the average salary says $93K for all such workers, but broken down by gender says the same group is $111K if male and $109 if female. Their average of two groups is much lower than either taken individually.

Now that the racketeer tax is covered in the form of these foreign bonds. No one need worry. Obviously zero accountability for local residents. Zero accountability for residential parking ability. Zero accountability for locals to maintain a living wage to feed their families.



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