Home » The Water Cooler – How Much Are Your Property Taxes?

The Water Cooler – How Much Are Your Property Taxes?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: How much do you pay every year in property taxes, and what county do you live in (if you live outside Contra Costa County)?

Talk about it.

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Mine are low, my recent neighbors, not so much. They pay more property tax than I paid for the mortgage. Property tax is way too high.

A lot less than many of my neighbors since we’ve been in our house for over 30 years. Hurrah for Prop 13!!!

We pay almost 10k a year. We’ve been in this home since 2002. Prop 13 has been great, however, when you combine the additional almost 20 additional taxes included on our property taxes, you have to ask yourself if we are being bent over? I say yes. Taxes can be beneficial to a nation, but our elected leaders don’t see it that way.

Ten grand a year is robbery. Wouldn’t be so bad if you got something for it. The state just gives it away.

California voters elect financially ignorant and morally corrupt politicians and unfortunately we all have to suffer.

And they continue to re-elect them.

Says a lot about those voters – also financially ignorant and morally corrupt.

I bought a townhouse in Pleasant Hill in 2006 my property taxes are now $8400/year- that’s unbelievable! I wish County officials would budget and care more.

Too much for the services we receive that’s for sure………

Long-time homeowner here… $1900.
My tax base year is 1978 and I got my house for a song.

The actual property tax is one thing; but all the assessments and bond costs are another. The governments begging(and taking) more and more money is endless. They always promise results if we pay a little in more taxes, or approve this or that bond issue. In the log run, and beyond essential services like police and fire, the government is pretty much a dismal failure.

In CA a child can buy their parents home and retain their tax bill by filling out a single piece of paper. Does not work grandparent to grandchild, can not skip a generation.

Save about $8,300 a year in taxes, buying house I grew up in.

Taxpayer, …
Thank You, for taking the time to provide that URL.

Enabled us to update our knowledge and be better prepared going forward.

It’s not the property tax itself that is the killer in the bill. It’s all the bonds and other special fees included in it. My property tax in and of itself is manageable. It’s all those extra added items that add up to more than the actual property tax.

I own two homes. Prop 13 on both. Pleasant Hill home is $1450 a year and Martinez home is $1650 a year.

Same here but four rental homes. The one is SF is only $1600. We have owned it since 1972.

“Prop 13 on both.” Everyone has Prop 13.

Less than $1000 for a house we bought for +$600K. Read it and weap!

That’s impossible in CA. Property taxes are based on what you paid unless you transferred your value from another house that was your primary residence.

The ultimate tax trap. Besides working.

All government is theft.

$3,894.00 for a 2bed, townhouse in concord. Bought it in 2015 for 250k.

Bought in Martinez in 2020. Tax bill is $10,200 for a modest, 4 bedroom home. What a rip off!



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