Home » The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite Thing About Living In Contra Costa County?

The Water Cooler – What’s Your Favorite Thing About Living In Contra Costa County?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.

Today’s question:


QUESTION: What’s your favorite thing about living in Contra Costa County?

Talk about it.

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I love that I can go to a farmers market or a farm stand during the week and buy fresh local vegetables and fruit. Its more expensive but worth it to me.

I have to agree with Richard. FM is expensive however it worth it!

All of the regional parks and waking up to see Mt. Diablo every day!

Being close to my Grand kids…not too much else nowadays.

That it’s not like SF, Oakland, and Berkeley.

But it’s getting there fast. Not too much to like anymore, unfortunately.

Coastal air without being subject to tsunamis. I like big cities but not really into living in them. Back in the 1990s I used to drive over to San Francisco on Saturdays and downtown was very quiet. Bridge toll was 50 cents I think and gas cheap.

Also I have everything nearby so haven’t put on a lot of miles on my car and don’t have to refill as often as other need to.

Fairly close to being in the middle of driving distances to neighbor states.

My favorite thing about living in contra costa is the beautiful weather during the Fall season.

There are a lot of things to like in CCC. The Music and Market series in Todos Santos during the summer is great. I think we only missed two of them. The local parks are great for walking or taking the kids outside to play. Even Bart – for all of its faults – is still a quick and easy way to get to local airports or events in the City. Never get tired of looking at Mt Diablo either!

I like the fact that the county offers old shoe removal service for free. Just leave them on your porch and someone will take them away!

In all seriousness our corner of the Bay is a great place to grow up and raise kids. If you can afford to stay.

What i love aboit CCC is i am lucky to ride the bus 11, 14 and 16 all for FREE!!!!!

I enjoy the farmer market free concert during the summer and free concert on the lake in PH.

Alternatives restaurants all over CCC.

Excellent live music around CCC that i meet people from Oakland to come enjoy timber live music at Wisegirl, vinnies, firehouse grill, legend golf club and more.

I would say CCC is convience county to live.

Mount Diablo hands down … what a treasure trove of nature … I wonder what the native folks called before the whites arrived and renamed everything …

@ Jojo….. This will answer your wonderings!


Doc … Thank you VERY much for this info … amazing!

….. I moved here due to the proximity of open space – while we still ave some & a view of Mt. Diablo – the unbridled housing & traffic growth makes CCC lose its charm unfortunately…. :-(.

Almost every morning when I rise at dawn, I can look out across the Central Valley and see the silhouette of the Sierra Nevada mountains backlit with a glowing orange sky……I drink my coffee and watch the sunrise with my dog at my side… ducks and geese flying by… it’s how I like to start my day.

@Dr. Jellyfinger
Sounds wonderful.

What I love about CCC is the great variety of restaurants, live music venues and outdoor spaces. We raised our boys here because of the amazing hiking and walking trails, from My Diablo to Martinez wetlands.

Now, what I don’t like about CCC is a longer list, and I don’t want to break anyone’s heart right now.


We moved to CCC from Santa Clara County almost 50 years ago to shorten my commute. We love the hills and Mt. Diablo. We like the greater amount of open space and being “on the edge of civilization” rather than in a large flat valley; we’re in the hills, not just surrounded by them. The weather is about the same here; a few degrees hotter in the summer and a few degrees colder in the winter and we like it. Also, we love the proximity to so many things. I doubt that there is any place in the country that is within a 4 hour or less drive from so many varied and beautiful places, such as the Bay Area coast, Tahoe, Napa and Sonoma Valleys, the Monterey Peninsula, the Central Coast, North Coast (Mendocino), Yosemite, two world-class race tracks (Laguna Seca and Sears Point [Sonoma]) and many other places. There are several great universities nearby as well. When we want to travel somewhere, we are close to 3 major airports. The downsides are housing prices and traffic. Living in Clayton for 45 years, I estimate that I’ve driven almost 200,000 miles on YVR, but when I get home, I’m in our wonderful little city of Clayton and close to most of our grandchildren. Life is great here.

Daily reading of claycord.com, obviously.

But you can do that from anywhere…..

It ain’t the east coast

I have lived in the City, Marin County (Marinwood) Foster City, Benicia and Concord, and while I like Concord, I have to say Benicia was my favorite. I had a condo with a view of Mt. Diablo and the water. Marin was charming and I didn’t dislike living there. Foster City is a nice place to bring up children (I have one daughter) everything is right there, kids school, grocery stores, cleaners, kids soccer and other activities, if you travel (we moved there from Marin, because my exhusband travelled on business) it is close to the airport, I like the water (that is the viking in me), but I didn’t feel a great attachment to Foster City, when my daughter went off to college I moved to Benicia, and I loved that I could get to the wine country in about 30 minutes, if you want to go to Clear Lake, Tahoe, Yosemite etc. you are already out of the Bay Area traffic, in terms of convenience Concord is similar, except you have to often to have cross the bridge to get to those places.

Mt. Diablo, of course.

The confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers make Contra Costa County very unique and special,. And, who could ever deny the rolling hills and purple cows.

Digger’s and Lumpy’s Diners!

All of the rainfall that we apparently get.

CC county tends to consistently get good weather, has a wide variety of activities, and is conveniently close to and well connected to the remainder of the state.

CC county is host to one Olive Garden.

Proximity to everything.

Not having to lock your doors at night.
The diversity, equity, and inclusion make it so warm and fuzzy. Knowing that the violence will pass, and everyone will live in complete harmony.
The pounding rap music that echos through Walnut Creek from the cars of happy, fun loving, harmless youth.
Soccer moms; dropping their precious offspring at private school, driving with their phone in one hand and a Starbucks cup in the other. Give them a break, why should they stop at red lights? If you were stuck with their kids you’d be in a hurry to get rid of them also.
I’m going to go out on a limb here, and volunteer CCC to be the model for the nation of what a county should be. We here in Contra Costa, notwithstanding and heretofore are leading the nation in blah blah blah. Better call Newsom, he’s the only one who can barf out this swill with a straight face.

The babe’s



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