Home » Gas Prices Inch Closer To $7 A Gallon In Contra Costa County

Gas Prices Inch Closer To $7 A Gallon In Contra Costa County


Gas prices are on the rise, and they’re not slowing down.

The average price for a gallon of gas in the United States is currently $3.80, in California it’s $6.41, and in Contra Costa County it’s $6.46.

$6.46 is an all-time record in Contra Costa County, according to AAA.


The lowest price for a gallon of gas in the United States is in Texas, where you’ll pay an average price of $3.09.

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Where’s Jackie? Where’s Jackie? Let’s go Brandon!!!

California voters wanted this. I am happy for them.

All in the belief that higher gas prices would drive the public to electric vehicles. Of course such beliefs are poorly thought out the result of fragmented thinking. They have their eyes of making the goals of UN Agenda 2030 (go look it up if you think it’s a conspiracy theory). Of course the goals are a little impractical and there are other solutions which are less costly.

Send Gavin a thank you at the polls next month.

+ 10

I put this on the post from September 25 about gas prices going back up, it’s worth a rerun.

Remember that data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics back on September 14? “Two-Month Decline In Bay Area Inflation Driven By Lower Gas Prices” Most of the comments were calling BS on that one.

The state has at least 5 Refineries that are down for maintenance and Chevron also incurred an “unplanned” stoppage.

It’s shocking that no one here appears to be the slightest bit aware of this. I guess they’re too busy playing political partisanship and playing the blame game.

@ Econ 101a

I think the respondents are just following the example given by NewScum…

Also believe that OPEC Plus it’s supposed to be announcing a reduction of up to a million barrels a day out of Venice tomorrow so the analysts are going a little nuts about that too.

Who cares what Texas’ gas prices are? Its a miserable cesspool with no environmental laws. I’d gladly pay higher gas prices NOT to live in Texas!

“I’d gladly pay higher gas prices NOT to live in Texas!”

Congratulations! Wishes really do come true!

Texans’ have a huge advantage over CA citizens.

Texas Constitution limits the state legislature regular session to 140 calendar days each odd-numbered year.

Texas legislature has just enough time to take care of business. CA legislature has way too much time each year to do STUPID STUFF.

Obviously those who wrote Texas Constitution were far more intelligent and caring of their citizens than CA was.

You must be rich or living off of mommy & daddy.

I care ,cause it is my money going out to the door to fuel my vehicle that I need to drive to work in. Public transportation is not an option for me.

And what is wrong with Texas. Great areas to live in. Good weather, mostly. The state is not being run into the ground. You can modify cars, open carry, the government puts their own people first, ..

Wish I could move there … but unfortunately family ties are currently keeping me here. Never thought I would leave California … now it cannot be fast enough.

Well said Original G 👍🏻

Texas has fire ants and chiggers.

No thanks! I would have red boils all over me from chiggers every summer growing up. I guess they just liked my blood. …yay? I genuinely felt attacked. There were some days that the combination of them and the heat would leave me weak as a kitten. The tragedy of not being able to jump in pool when it’s 100+° was almost too much for my 8-year-old self to bare.

Worth adding that not everybody attracts the same volume of attention I did, and now that I’m big people it probably wouldn’t feel so overwhelming.

Thanks Biden!
Thanks Newscum!

/sarcasm on/
You both are such great examples of leadership. You show great concern for your constituents. Your concern and compassion for your subjects is an example to us all.
/sarcasm off/

Yay!!!! Re-elect Gavin Newsom, re-elect Joe Biden.
Let’s go Brandon!!!!

As long as the Dems are running the show, gas prices will continue to increase. It’s all part of their plan to get us to buy the EV that most of us don’t want, and some of us cannot afford.
At the same time, Newsom is allowing millions of illegals into California to lend a hand at using up our precious electricity and water.

Newsum wants to go after the oil companies. He is blaming them for the high prices. If this is true, then why is gas cheaper everywhere else in the nation? California has voted twice to raise gas taxes to fix the roads. Are the roads in your city being fixed? Where is this tax money going? C’mon people. We as a collective can’t be this blind and stupid, can we?

The price difference must be the high transportation costs from the distant refineries. If only they were closer.

What do you expect when you declare a war on the oil industry. Let’s go Brandon…Where’s Jackie….I grew up in a Puerto Rican area.

All by Design and planned years ago.

“You will own Nothing and Be Happy”.

Debunk me.

Anon, as usual, you are absolutely correct! Klaus and his fellow Commies are loving how their hundred year plus agenda is working out!

I sure am getting sick of paying for the failed “green new deal”.

I sure am getting sick of paying for the failed “green new deal “over and over again

Oh Well ! We will just lay there and take it as usual. Just like we do for everything else this state does.

They know it’s too hard to boycott gas stations…..but we should at least look for the cheapest and boycott the big Chevron’s who are always dollars more. I do.

The State has nothing to do with Refineries going “offline” for scheduled maintenance. At least 5 refineries are down for maintenance purposes.

This is the annual smoking mirror job that we get from Newsom and the woke crowd. Election time folks. Government has been bulls_ _ _ ing us for years about why gas is so high and the additional taxes added that no one can figure out why they are there.

Answer: continue to screw the public as they think we are stupid.
We are not, pardon me, I am not stupid.

This will not change. You can’t go green overnight. There are no plans in place for the conversion to take place at a logical rate. All talk and screw the common folk.

So sick and tired of this crap. Watch out who you vote for. I do and we still get screwed by the woke-greenie-socialist crowd. I for one am tired of paying for all of your causes and issues. I work my butt off but am taxed to death to support those who do not want to work of all ages, legal or illegal.
Thank you for allowing me to try to lower my blood pressure.

Do some basic research instead of going off on a typical partisan political rant that has nothing to do with the current surge in gasoline prices in California.

There are at least 5 refineries that have gone offline for scheduled as well as unplanned maintenance.

California’s gas prices are always higher than the rest of the country, and they are a direct result of California’s own policies.

Mr. Econ101a: OK, lets do research. The price of crude oil was around $52/barrel when Biden took office and is now $86/barrel. It peaked at over $100/barrel and but in large part pushed down by announcements of the release and sales from the Strategic oil reserve (which were meant for emergencies like war, not price control). This dovetails with inflation in large part caused by the $3.8 trillion increase in expenditures announced with Biden’s economic agenda. This money was dumped on an economy not in recession, but in quick recovery. This massive increase in expenditures during an economic recovery is not acceptable in either standard Keynesian or Monetarist worlds. Discuss.

Apparently Econ101a failed Econ 101.

You’re blaming the oil companies just like Biden blamed Putin. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not.


Good news bad news….. If the knucklehead in the WH gets us into a nuclear war you won’t have to worry about gas prices anymore.

The borders are secure.
Inflation is transitory.
Crime is not rising, it’s actually trending downward.
Gas prices having been going down.
Gavin is going to the White House.
Are you better off now or under Trump?

I can’t wait fir Trump to be back in the White House. And yes I believe being a Democrat is a disease.

It’s always funny to see so many people obsessed over Trump no longer being in office and blaming high gas prices on Biden.

Never mind that the U.S. is still pumping the same 18.6 million barrels of crude oil per day as 4 years ago.

Never mind that crude oil is a global commodity priced globally.

Never mind that the President (or Governor) of California have nothing to do with Refineries shutting down for maintenance purposes all at the same time.

It’s funny to read a lot of the comments here.
They’re terribly ignorant of Basic Economics.

@ Econ-
“the U.S. is still pumping the same 18.6 million barrels of crude oil per day as 4 years ago.”
Then why is gas $3-$4 higher?

“Never mind that crude oil is a global commodity priced globally.”
Then why is CA gas twice as high as the rest of the nation?

Go back to school. You failed econ and if you continue to avoid the awful truth about Dem policies, then you will continue to fail at life.

“Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
-Dean Wormer

With OPEC planning to cut oil production even more prices will rise globally soon.
https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/10/03 /opec-oil-prices-could-soon return-to-100-a-barrel-analysts-say.html

Crude Oil dropped to the lowest price of the year one week ago Friday. WTI closed around $79 a barrel on Friday, Sept. 30th.

And yet gas prices in California have surged $1.40 since the recent lows.

Gee, this wouldnt happen to have anything to do with the oil companies shutting down their Refineries all at the SAME time to do maintenance now would it?

Think people think.

Can’t see the forest for the trees, eh Econ?

Keep bangin’ that drum, Econ. You’re making Doh look good.

The refineries were not closed when gas rose from $3.5 to over $5. Was it the POSSIBILITY of refinery maintenance that caused that?

@LocalAntiLib….Quite a few states and areas use and refine “CA summer-winter blend” of gasoline. Texas, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Ohio and about a dozen others do but their taxes are no where near CA gasoline taxes. Years ago the cost was about a dime per gallon more to refine summer blend in CA if memory serves me. There are a lot of other cost variables also, “sweet crude oil” vs. crude oil with high sulfur content. Obviously concepts that the current CA and Federal diminished capacity administrations don’t understand.

Just in case you wondered how many more days of this misery there are to go,

Want it to stop ? ? ?
Don’t vote for DEMs.

About what?

Please show your sources. I would like to learn.

Nope! It’s as plain as day what’s going on……and it isn’t because of any “REFINERIES BEING OFFLINE”.

Good luck wit that $10/ gallon gas and $1 kilowatt hour electricity……..yeah, you’re not getting away from this with an electric car either.

Cool story.
A handful of Refineries are offline.
That’s a FACT.

Technically, electric cars run on coal. From a root cause perspective, without coal, most electric grids would not operate, and most electric cars would be beached in the driveway. China understands this and therefore is building coal fired grids two at a time. Global Warming enthusiasts don’t understand coal is the dirtiest fuel known to man, and with China’s increasing footprint, any energy programs here in the states will provide rounding error style results.

But Joe says America has to set the example: Draw a nice circle around the electric campfire and invite other nations to join us. They will, you’ll see………harmony and equity for everyone.

Meanwhile it’s amusing to see Joe posing in his vintage Corvette which not only runs on gasoline, but prefers LEADED Gasoline.
That Joe, he’s a motivator of people……..

In California technically electric cars run on natural gas coal makes up a very small part of our power grid.

The F. S.
Good point.
Also, anyone remember the Dr. Bill Radio show? Bill Wattenburg – He was a Lawrence Livermore Lab physicist and UC professor. He always said coal contains trace amounts of radioactivity and since so much of it is burned worldwide it releases far more radioactivity into the environment than nuclear power does.

Newsom said he would get to the bottom of it. And he is at the bottom of it. So, technically, he was telling the truth.

Federal Regulations like shutting down the pipelines such as the Keystone pipeline and making the oil companies transport oil using trains, ships and trucks have lead to the surge in gas prices. If you double the cost to move crude it will cost more to refine the gasoline.

👈(Paste picture of Joe Biden here)
I did that!

Newscum is acting and reacting like he has no idea why gas prices in California are so high. The man has zero conscious and is a pathological liar.

Econ101a you are a broken record,and refineries “going off line” happens all the time and it doesnt make prices skyrocket
You really need to change your name to “remedial economics”,Or are you a refinerey bot.?
You have repeated yourself at least 5 times.
And nobody’s buying it.
Yelling it wouldn’t help either.

When you cut off a pipeline supplying a country with oil independence you screw the entire country by raising the price of oil and anything shipped by petroleum transportation.,
Some companies raised their prices as soon as Biden announced it,and everytime he opens his mouth the stock market crashes.
I think not…..

And OPEC+ tells Biden to solve it up his azz. Biden made such a fool of himself when he visited Saudi Arabia they remember that they don’t like him or his administration at all!
Let’s Go Brandon!

Making a fortune this year on energy stocks and looking even better now that OPEC+ told Biden to shove it and cutting back production.



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