Home » State Sends Emergency Alert To Cell Phones, Urges Conservation

State Sends Emergency Alert To Cell Phones, Urges Conservation


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I’m trying to use as much as possible just to stick it to Newsome.

Larry, I don’t think the power issue has any effect on Newsom.


Newsom’s power will stay on regardless – you’re potentially screwing over the regular folk. Try using your brain.

Let’s not play ignorant.
We all knew what Larry meant.

I got the AC set at 64 and the hot tub set at 104. Newsom should have been recalled.

Just dropped my laundry load and dishwasher.!

wondering whose cellphones? nobody here got one…

You have to request them. Go to Settings, Notifications at the very bottom.

Newscum better turn his air conditioner off.There goes his reputation he is slamming Texas and Floridas governor’s for the same thing.Scum bag.

It doesn’t matter, yesterday my power was out for over 9 1/2 hrs, and today it was out for 3 hours. Conserving isn’t going to change anything. PG&E has the money, and manpower, and has had years to fix it.
A couple of days ago I paid for some items in a store, and the cashier had a difficult time figuring my change, even with the computerized cash register. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be great if every store went back to good old-fashioned manual cash registers, and cashiers were forced to learn some simple math, and at the same time conserve an awful lot of electricity. While they’re at it, gas stations can go back to mechanical pumps. Everything is electronic these days, but they want you and I to conserve.

Yes, it appeared on my phone.

This heat bowl is probably just geoengineering to get everyone to buy into global warming. They could have given us a Pineapple Express instead.

Next up they’ll install exercycles with generators on them all us serfs will be required to pedal away when there is a power shortage so the rich can have a luxurious party at the French Laundry. 🎃

The government is our friend, here to help us and would never ever ever lie to us.

Gosh, so after sun goes down and wind is calm . . . . .

where does the ‘green energy’ come from ? ? ?

Cow farts..

Your wallet.

Every EV owner, if possible, drive to the governor’s mansion and charge there. Anyone got a power strip?

How much electricity did it take to send out these alerts?

A bunch of us went for milkshakes in WC today, and much to our surprise, we received paper-clad plastic straws. Ohh, the mortification…….I took a few extras to leave around to upset the climate change enthusiasts. They really are quite emotional.

So the state of california IS asking us to not charge our electric cars now?

This place is a JOKE. Between the democrat “super majority” and their idiot followers I’m not sure what normal people who build and maintain this place are gonna do. They want to keep squeezing us till there ain’t nobody to fix the infrastructure like in kansas? Good luck finding a blue hair soy consumer to break a sweet unless unless they are on dope trying to find a kid to groom.

Do you know the difference between the Titanic sinking and California?

The Titanic had its lights on.

The lack of electricity, and every other service, is that the utilities have paid off politicians to get sweetheart deals.

The people keep electing those same politicians over and over again.

Now that communism is in place, there are no alternatives to the rule of the State.

Your vote no longer matters.

Voters have only themselves to blame..

In the very near future, we’re going to see more and more EV’s towing a gas generator.

@Commonsensenor: Well stated! The Golden State is almost completely destroyed under Khazarian Bolshevik rule!

They need to change the tone. I thought it was an Amber Alert.

Yes, I got it and immediately turned off the a/c. Enough folks must have done so because we never lost power. I appreciate the warning, as much as I blame newsom for the energy crisis. We were thinking of buying an electric vehicle, now I’m strongly against it.

Your wallet.

I heard a report that said within a few minutes of the emergency alert power usage dropped by 1.2 million megawatts (?) and said that was the equivalent of enough power to serve 750,000 homes.



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