Home » Cal ISO Says State’s Residents Need To Conserve More Energy Monday And Tuesday

Cal ISO Says State’s Residents Need To Conserve More Energy Monday And Tuesday


By Tony Hicks –

California’s Independent System Operator (ISO) said it needs California to save even more electricity than previously believed, as the worst of the current heat waves descends on the state on Monday and Tuesday.

“This multi-day event is going to get much more intense,” said ISO President and CEO Elliot Mainzer, in a statement. “We are facing a load forecast of 48,817 megawatts and energy deficits between 2,000 and 4,000 megawatts for Monday, resulting in the highest likelihood of rotating outages we have seen so far this summer.”


“Because of the increasingly extreme conditions, we will need significant additional consumer demand reductions during the hours of 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday and access to all the emergency tools that the state and utilities have established for an extreme event like this one,” Mainzer said. “We thank electricity consumers for their sustained effort to help us maintain reliability during these very difficult conditions.”

Officials urged residents to set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using major appliances, and turn off all unnecessary lights.

Additional calls for reducing energy consumption are expected as the state endures record-breaking temperatures lasting at least through Friday.

The heat wave is historic for both its temperatures and its duration. Heat advisories and excessive heat warnings are in place across the Western U.S., with daytime temperatures expected to be 10-20 degrees above normal.


State officials say electricity customers’ cutting demand has already resulted in an estimated 600 to 700-megawatt savings in recent days and are expected to be even more important and impactful through the next several days.

Monday and Tuesday are still projected to be the most challenging days yet, with the highest temperatures forecast on Tuesday and projected electricity demand of 50,099 megawatts (MW).

Grid operators are closely monitoring wildfires for potential threats to generators and transmission wires, and fire officials have warned that more fires could break out in the coming days, due to the prolonged high heat and dry conditions.

Several generators are already out of service, making supplies tighter.


Consumers are also encouraged to pre-cool their homes and use major appliances before 4 p.m., when solar supplies are abundant. Cooling homes in advance minimizes discomfort during the Flex Alert and helps stabilize the grid.

For information on flex alerts, and to find more electricity conservation tips, visit FlexAlert.org.

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good thing I’m cooking outside today…..

Tee Hee Hee

Will you be rare, medium rare or well done?

You mean we’re not allowed to charge our electric cars either? So I guess we’re stuck at home, a roasting hot home at that!

On the sidewalk?

We used no AC yesterday. It is someone else’s turn to go without today.

But the good news is that our electricity, while woefully inadequate and ridiculously expensive, is clean and renewable. So you can all sit and sweat in your 90-degree homes, content in the knowledge that you’re saving the world.

“The best minds are not in government.
If any were, business would steal them away.”
–Ronald Reagan

In the REAL business world eliminating electrical generation capacity BEFORE having cleaner replacement capacity on line and operating would result in immediate termination of employment.

NO such penalty exists for liberal CA’s politicians or the unelected unaccountable ‘paperclip warrior’ bureaucrats.

As result of past actions taken CA now lacks scalable electricity generation capacity on high demand days.

What happened peaker plants specifically built to supply power during peak demand conditions were torn WITHOUT first building replacement generating capacity to achieve a seamless transition. So now each year our “wonder boy” governor sign EMERGENCY executive orders waiving pollution requirements allowing portable generators, etc.

“According to the Executive Order, waste discharge limits in thermal power plants are to be suspended from August 31st to September 7th, with air quality limits and fuel restrictions for plants also suspended. Emergency generators are also to come online when needed, including personal portable generators, with all laws and regulations of use around them having been suspended for the week. In addition, all ships docked in California ports are to use power generated on the ship rather than offshore hookups.”
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/mrnkxm3c

‘Blackouts in the failing state of Democrat-run California have forced Governor Gavin Newsom to admit green every is falling short.’

Why do voters keep rewarding short sighted limited intellect politicians who have passed knee jerk green laws causing higher utility rates and loss of generation capacity with reelection ? ? ?

Kinda like how Joe took our troops out of Afghanistan and abandoned our military base BEFORE saving American citizens and billions of dollars worth of military equipment. I won’t even get into the lives lost due to Joe’s half-brained administration! And to think, Greaseball wants to eventually run for president! Same game plan to screw up our country…

Unfortunately, California voters are just as ignorant as the politicians they elect. There is no cure for stupidity.

Love the Reagan quote. I think that the political class, liberal media-tech complex and so-called environmentalists all know what they are doing and don’t care how it affects everyone else. I would also note that there are a lot of college majors which don’t require a lab science class. So logic becomes a racist capitalist tool of oppression, and feelings their guide.

Send Gavin Newsom a thank you this November and vote Republican!

I salute you,California,with 1 finger.

All major appliances are in use. Thermostat set at 65F. Tesla charging. Am I doing this right?

If the charcoal BBQ is burning and your sprinklers are on and running down the sidewalk I would say yes. And you could drop the thermostat a couple more degrees for good measure.

That sounds like my ritual during Earth Day.

You got it! Lol!

A/C set to 69°
Ribs slow-cooking in oven
Ventilation fans engaged
Tesla charging



Ribs NEVER cook in an oven…….

and Please don’t offer Crockpot……

but don’t forget to toss in a few loads of laundry and dishes,,,,,


Put ’em in the air fryer instead. They’ll come out nice that way.

IF only they had a plan. Solar panels on the canals are not going to do it. 99 under the patio cover today. Was 94 yesterday.

Nice and cool in your neck of the woods today, under my patio cover it’s 112.

It’s not the people who need to use less electricity

It’s the providers who need to provide adequate supplies to the people.

If the providers can’t do their job, fire the lot of them.

California residents have been urged to conserve electricity, gas and water for decades. That has reduced how much more savings can be expected before people get really uncomfortable and rebel. The logical solution is to increase the supply of those commodities and reduce illegal immigration. Don’t expect a logical response from the wardens of Kleptofornica.

The state has had decades over decades to figure this out and they just continuously ignore it and every aspect possible so with that in mind I will continue to refuse changing my lifestyle and bending over backwards to conserve anything in this state and I will use it as I feel necessary for my own well-being and don’t give a bloody s*** about anybody else.
Carry in people..nothing to see here but the same old whining every year from the same people..

Let’s hope they don’t go on a power trip about this! 🤖

ISO can kiss my butt.Along with Newscum and PGE.Until this State makes some changes in a different direction I will do as I please.

Please do your part and OPT OUT of the smart meter.
Next phase will be punishing you with highest rate Tier prices.
Oh, and you Solar people……you too will be limited to what You can use from YOUR OWN solar panels.

‘For the greater good. We’re all in this together!’

Tier 3 I’m always in every month, could care less and I get a penalty assessment as well.
Some of us literally don’t care what our bill is.

People should also opt out of taking PG&E ‘FREE’ Thermostat that will give the utility the power to set your temp to a higher level. And from what I am hearing from people, this cannot be overridden by the occupant.

They can’t even provide us enough power during this current heat wave. All the while, That moron Newsom has the Bay Area and beyond building thousands of high density housing units which will draw considerably more power which of course the remaining taxpayers will pay for. Telling people not to charge their electric vehicles is another embarrassment after he just recently abolished gasoline engines in California. No wonder companies and families are fleeing the state…

Don’t tell me to cut back so you can continue to build housing and drain our water and power grids. 2035 and electric cars will never happen.

We should build more houses

Temperature set @ 73 in our home and I’m watering both our front and backyard. Nice and cool over here in Lafayette.



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