Home » Two Inmates Escape From Marsh Creek Detention Facility In Clayton

Two Inmates Escape From Marsh Creek Detention Facility In Clayton


The Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff is currently looking for two inmates who escaped from the Marsh Creek Detention Facility at 12000 Marsh Creek Road in Clayton.

Both inmates are Hispanic males. The first inmate is 33 years old, 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighing approximately 140 pounds with long black hair and brown eyes.

The second inmate is 28 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighing approximately 165 pounds with short black hair and brown eyes.


Both inmates are wearing all white or all yellow. Residents are advised to lock their homes and vehicles.

Do not attempt to contact the inmates.

Report any suspicious subjects to Sheriff’s Office dispatch at 925-646-2441.

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I’m not asking for a full blown criminal history on these 2 sentenced asshats but were they in custody for property crimes or person crimes….

They send drug offenders dui or property criminals out there – if they have violence on their record they keep them in martinez or west county but thats not to say they arent dangerous

Probably a plan to break them out by LAME Newsome to get more illegal’s to vote for more environmental laws to protect the California Condor. Typical.

Might as well let them go free.

If the jail is so insecure, what value is it?

Besides, if they’re caught, their chances of be prosecuted are almost none.

Ya know?

It’s the Soros thing to do. Which is a big thing to do around here.

They chose a bad time to escape on foot. Lucky to survive in this heat

I’m sure they have mugshots of these two. Might help finding them.

Names? Including aliases.


They are convicts, they gave up their right to privacy.

Must not be a super high priority incident since I haven’t heard the chopper? I doubt they’re running around in the hills in bright yellow jumpsuits. Probably had a ride set up and are already plying their trade on Monument Blv.

listened to the dispatch recording…. Seems there was a few hour time window for their exit….

dispatch did give names…….

kinda neat to listen to…………….

Wondering why they don’t post a picture of them. They must have a mug shot.

Julie- well, that might solve the problem for us all.

No mug shots? Didn’t see any on the channel 5 or channel 3 reports either. The descriptions could be anybody.

See Ya later alligator

@The Wizard…Your comment reminded me of some of “Satan’s music” from the 50s…..

Surveille all Taco Bell restaurants within 50 miles of the facility.

Can’t imagine why they’d want to leave Rainey’s resort.

And yet, here you are.

There’s a nice cool pond just a little way down Morgan Territory Rd. where they can cool off with a refreshing swim.

You should try it too Arcely.

What is this place you speak of?

It doesn’t have a fancy name, it’s just known as containment pond #1.
It’s located just a bit downhill of the old Mount Diablo Mercury Mine

“Shake that branch Luke !

What we have here is a failure to communicate.


These escapee’s must not be that important – the CONTRA COSTA SHERIFF-OFFICIAL PAGE has a heat warning post…

It’s the detention center, it’s a halfway house which is a joke and always has been there. That place has a revolving door and a 105 year old woman in a wheelchair could roll out easy anytime.

Nothing to worry about people it’s new that really ain’t news..

Clayton is 38% democrat, so they’re down with the whole escaped convict thing.

News24-680 posted these perps pictures.

So did East County Today.

@MM ~ Did you forget something?


Ms. Manners, thanks for the tip! News24-680 is a good site and I was not aware of it. It’s bookmarked now.

The nick name of the Detention center is called the Country Club.

Salty here.

Read article online that said CLAYTON RESIDENTS were notified. I got no notification!! Anyone get notification??

As far as low risk…. Ya. Go read AB109 (believe thats what it is). They have (or use to have) felons there!

Salty OUT!

Here in Clayton we were not notified of this.
This so called escape is no big deal and just a dog and pony show for whomever.
That lackadaisical security there has been going on for 40 plus years as the place is literally a joke.

I very seriously doubt anyone was even out looking for these two and by the time they even notice they were missing they have been long gone for hours.

If you are armed, you have a right to protect yourself and family members from death or bodily injury. Once the perp crosses your property ( climbs into your backyard, opens and walks in the side gate, enters your front door) it is open season. “Dead men tell no tales” (in court). Thats means you must use sufficient means to stop the threat. Keep at it until the threat is stopped. Then call 911 who will send the coroner with a fresh new bodybag.

Love your comment…LOL

Terrible advice Tony.
Read this folks to CYA…


Exactly and excellent advice & no tales told by an ex criminal. Protect yourself & loved ones, the law certainly won’t & doesn’t care



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