Home » The Water Cooler – The Hottest & Coldest Temperature You’ve Ever Experienced

The Water Cooler – The Hottest & Coldest Temperature You’ve Ever Experienced


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

QUESTION: What is the hottest and the coldest temperature you’ve ever experienced, and what city were you in for each one?


Talk about it….

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Hottest was 120+ working in the Boiler room in the Navy and coldest was attending Military A school in February in Great Lakes Illinois -30 wind chill.

@Almost Famous


-20 degrees Fahrenheit Rock Springs, Wyoming. 120 degrees Fahrenheit Furnace Creek, CA.

120 degrees in Phoenix, AZ : – 6 degrees Fairbanks, AK

We got a desert here in the bay area. This is the hottest temp I had,experience in my life! It even hotter than Las Vegas

I took a motorcycle ride in ’83 to Phoenix, one day I was there it was 121°, it was like riding through a frying pan. Coldest was in Rice, Minnesota in ’85, -20° and all I had for a coat was a unlined Levi jacket. I was driving a truck and I licked my finger, put it against the side window and my finger froze to the window.
“The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” Mark Twain was wrong.

– 40 wind chill in Lockport NY ,winter of 1977 and 112 in Cambridge, Md, early 1980’s,

Lockport? My family is from Wilson. Small world.

I’ve spent some time in the Mojave Desert, but I didn’t have a thermometer with me, so I don’t know how hot it was. Yesterday could have been one of the hottest, and today is catching up. It was 113 when the power went out at 3:30 pm. and eventually, the temp in the house rose up to 104. I was ok, but my poor cat wasn’t too happy about it, she was meowing like crazy, and looking at the refrigerator because she knows that’s where it’s cold. I covered her with a cool damp towel, and that seemed to help a little. The power didn’t come back on until 1:07 am, and it was 86 outside and 95 in the house with all the windows open.
I spent a winter near Elko Nevada once, and the coldest it got was about 5 below. Not too bad, but I would never choose to live there.

Dawg, Back when we got newspapers delivered l would drop the part of the paper l didn’t read on the floor, usually the sports page, and when it was hot my cats figured out laying on the paper was cooler than the carpet. The 2 cats l had didn’t get along, but manage to share the paper.

Stovepipe Wells in Death Valley….125 in the Shade….Heading to Las Vegas in 1979….Very Uncomfortable…..Coldest was probably Winter in Lake Tahoe…20-30 degrees

-17 in due East from Carson at night. Had to pull a handkerchief over my mouth and nose.

119 in Phoenix. Walked around outside for 15 minutes. No ill affects accept profuse sweating afterwards. Indoors with AC. I suppose the dry heat evaporated any attempts to perspire while outside.

Come to think of it, it was 120 while driving through Death Valley. We turned the AC off while traveling the small hills. Our old car had a tough time with it. Everything seems to slow down in extreme weather.

I’ve been in temperatures well over 100°, but the occasion I actually remember was our wedding. We got married on a Sunday afternoon, but they had turned off the A/C after the morning service. It was 102° in the church during our ceremony.

In February 1988, I was shoveling a foot of snow with -24° actual temperature, not windchill. We were the coldest place in the nation that day, colder even than International Falls MN.

Sorry, I left out the locations. The wedding was in Nashville, and the snow was in Knoxville.

Hottest: +130° driving a racecar for 1.5 hours.
Coldest: About -5° on Kodiak Island, AK.

Death Valley, about 125, as I recall. I had no hat at the time. That might explain a lot…

Northern Minnesota, -30 with a -70 windchill. The water in my eyes froze and my nose froze, I could only breath through my mouth and my teeth hurt it was so cold.

Yeah, it is cold when your eyelids stick when you blink. Been there, felt that.

Yeah, my wedding was pretty hot too….
We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout!

What have you been talking about?

@Dr. Jellyfinger….So I guess that location was Jackson?

Good guess nytemuvr!

When I breeze into that city
People gonna stoop and bow
All them women gonna make me
Teach em’ what they don’t know how

I enjoy providing higher education… or lower… depending on mood & opportunity that is.

-37F (actual temperature, not wind chill) in Minneapolis, MN

Diego Garcia in 1980 117 Degrees

Seward Alaska in February -11 Degrees

Coldest time was forgetting the wedding anniversary. So cold that hell would freeze over for sure.

Grew up in the Midwest. Coldest: Delivering newspapers in 50 below (windshield factor in 1978. Hottest:. Hiking the hr Grand canyon at 120 in the shade July 1980.

I spent a week in Juneau in January but I don’t remember how cold it was. 117 in Vegas once.. Almost got there today under the patio roof.

Highest was 115 in Minot, North Dakota. Lowest was -70 (with wind chill) in Duluth, Minnesota, right on Lake Superior.

7 degrees in Utah. Froze the windshield wiper fluid in my car and it didn’t thaw until the next morning in Barstow.

124 in Yuma Arizona. We were not allowed to play outside when it was above 115 degrees. The family car was a black Chevy station wagon without a/c.

Now we have high humidity. It can be difficult to tell if you are sweating, or if the air is. When people here hear about temps over 110 they can’t imagine a person could live through it. But dry heat is a thing.

I’ll take the heat over the extreme cold any day.

I was up in the Uinta mountains back in the 80’s……30 below zero…….at that point, damn cold is damn cold………can’t tell the difference between 10 below and 30 below.

Not sure. I think when I lived in Israel, it was pretty hot, the kibbutz I was at was in the Golan Heights, and we would get an afternoon wind that felt just like hot air. Also when I went to live in Israel, I had not lived in a real warm climate, since before that I had only lived in Denmark. However, I lived in New Orleans for 1 and 1/2 years, and the humidity made it very uncomfortable, even when it was in the eighties. I moved to New York City from Westport Ct, and although the climate was the same New York felt a lot hotter, the air kind of got trapped by the tall buildings, and all the cars, people etc. in Westport we were close to the beach and went there almost every day. The first summer I was in New York I hated, then I got use to all the excitement, but would often go to Westport or Long Island on weekends in the summer. Coldest not sure, New York again gets pretty cold, the temperature actually gets lower than Denmark, but in Denmark we often have cold and humid weather, it chills you to the bone, when it is frost and the sun is out it feels better. My exhusband was from Madison Wisconsin, and I remember spending some Christmas’s there and it was pretty cold, but couldn’t give you the actual temperature.

116 in Scottsdale AZ around 20 years ago. Played golf that day like an idiot. I drank over 3 gallons of water and gatorade. We ran out of water on the 14 th hole and started to drink Guiness because that was all that was left. I didn’t pee until the next night.

-20 at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in MD. I pulled guard duty that night guarding a tank museum. The wind was howling so it was much colder with the wind chill.

A hint for pets in the heat. Rub them down with an ice cube. Cats love it. Hottest was 114 at Great America. Coldest was Wyoming during a 1980 snow storm.



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