Home » Contra Costa County Rescinds COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate For First Responders, Medical Personnel

Contra Costa County Rescinds COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate For First Responders, Medical Personnel


Contra Costa County rescinded its order requiring first responders and other emergency personnel to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

The county first issued the health order Aug. 13, 2021, amid a surge in cases tied to the then-novel delta variant.

Contra Costa Health Services removed the requirement Tuesday, effective immediately.


The health order applied to law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency medical personnel who respond to emergencies at facilities that have a high risk of developing a COVID outbreak like hospitals, jails and nursing homes.

Workers like ambulance drivers who provide medical transport to and from the relevant facilities even in non-emergency situations were also subject to the vaccination or testing requirement.

Tuesday’s order also rescinds a related requirement, which the county issued in December, that relevant workers get a booster vaccine dose if eligible to do so.

In rescinding the order, county health officer Dr. Ori Tzvieli argued that it was issued at a different time in the pandemic and mutations of the virus are now the dominant strains both countywide and across the Bay Area.


“While the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters remain excellent tools for substantially reducing the risk of severe disease and death, as a result of the mutations, the protection against infection and transmission offered by the current COVID-19 vaccines has diminished,” Tzvieli said. “As a result, both vaccinated and unvaccinated people are becoming infected with current circulating strains of the virus.”

Tzvieli also pointed to the county’s declining COVID hospitalization rate and the wider availability of medical treatments for COVID as reasons why screening for vaccination status and testing is no longer necessary.

As of Wednesday, 83.7 percent of county residents have completed their initial vaccination series. In addition, 54.2 percent have received at least one booster vaccine dose to fortify their immune response.

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I noticed that the Contra Costa Health Services COVID website has changed their format today. Unless I’m missing something there is no more breakdown of cities in CCC.

@Bill – The cities breakdown is on the Detailed Data page.

Go to https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/data-details
The first section is for “Case Demographic Data”.
Click the blue “Cases by Location” button that’s under the header.
Use the same method for the Death Demographic Data section.

I have not gone over the new dashboard item by item but as far as I can tell, we have not lost any information in the most recent round of changes to the Contra Costa Health Services COVID-19 website. They added some trend stuff today but that area is a mess because they use different time periods and ways of measuring meaning it’s hard to get an apples-to-apples look.

Over time many COVID-19 related dashboard pages have been added, merged, and removed. For example, at time there have been pages for the overview, hospital, contact tracing, schools, long term care facilities, homeless, the mask requirements, vaccination, etc.

Starting today it’s a summary page available at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/data-summary
and a details page at https://www.coronavirus.cchealth.org/data-details

Thanks, WC Resident.

They know what’s coming.,,

Bart still has its mask mandate…..expecting it to lift now.

What about those who were Terminated because of this???

Sue, Baby, Sue


I’ve read online that people who were terminated for not getting the COVID vaccine are suing. I believe one group already won.


Ambulance drivers?
You mean EMTs and paramedics?
We don’t call police officers police car drivers or firefighters fire engine/truck drivers.

The ‘rubber band ball’ of vaccine mandates is unraveling…If you start picking at the rubber bands, you can begin to peel them away, one at a time. At some point, when you’ve removed enough layers, the ball will unwind quickly, releasing a small explosion of rubber bands—this is when those that were forced to get injected with this therapeutic, and boosted for fear of losing their jobs or not be able to attend college in person explode!

Indeed interesting now that main stream media outlets, like politico and reuters had reported the FDA was rushed by the orange man for emergency use for these mRNA therapeutics. My guess there will be some unfortunate news, I’m afraid, hence why staging up the blame.

IT WAS ALWAYS A HOAX. Now they will blame TRUMP for the genocide.

“While the COVID-19 vaccines and boosters remain excellent tools for substantially reducing the risk of severe disease and death…”

Bull crap. Where is ONE study to prove this statement that is regurgitated ad nauseum? This is unscientific and blatant misinformation.

“…as a result of the mutations, the protection against infection and transmission offered by the current COVID-19 vaccines has diminished,”

Actually, the data show vaxxed and boosted have negative efficacy now. How’d that work out for ya?

What a scam the vaccine push has been and continues to be.

i wonder how long till these morons stop putting their vaxxed status on their profiles and everywhere wearing it like a badge of honor… now they will hide it being embarrassed they were duped into getting the clot shot!

this is code for: “Please vote for us in November”

so since it’s been rescinded, which means they’ve realized it was wrong, can we sue for past wages not earned because of discrimination?

👍🏻 go for it!

Need to stop lying and pushing harmful experimental jabs on ppl. I know ppl who now have cancer,got covid and now shingles after 3 jabs! Stop being stupid.



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