Home » Saturday: The Contra Costa County African-American Community Baby Shower

Saturday: The Contra Costa County African-American Community Baby Shower


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Isn’t that just a little RACIST?

That’s racist!!!
What about:
Native Americans
Just imagine a white American baby shower. I can just see the outrage.
This is ridiculous 🤪🤪🤪

I don’t understand this. So many people in that community are pregnant, so they have to have community baby showers? What’s going on?

If your American, then your American! No need to add your race.

Would be called so many names relating to some type of supremacy it’s sickening,but they can exclude anyone that’s not “black’?
How do you prove you are black?
What are the requirements?
Is it all attitude?
Do you need to actually have roots in Africa and must prove it?
Is there a complexion checker at the door?
I don’t get it….

I’ve lived here my whole life ,never heard of this🤔😏

What is a community baby shower?

It is only racist if white or others are not invited. Does it really bother you that much?

News flash Hanne,that’s the definition of racism.
So what?
What would the uproar be if it were reversed?
They would literally try to ruin the lives of those involved.They would need reparations after a huge lawsuit that they win.

Yes it really bothers me. Why doesn’t it bother you? There is nothing ok about racism and segregation.

Well it’s already pretty inclusive by the name….., if others were invited it would be called CCC community baby shower.

Hanne, you let your white hood slip a bit there.

Having a community baby shower is weird but not racist. Throw in “African American” and it becomes weird AND racist. Change AA and insert another race, say Asian. Or Hispanic. Are you still ok with it? I imagine that you are. Now change it to Caucasian. Are you still ok with it. Probably not.

That makes you a racist, Hanne.

It does not matter what race is mentioned for a non-racist to get their hackles up.


If it was a Caucasian Community Baby Shower you honestly don’t believe that people would be screaming racism?!? Of course they would and you know very well that they would.

Wasn’t segregation deemed an inherently and unequivocally bad thing?

Yes it was, aclaycordian, but let’s look at the positive of this picture….upon closer examination of the lovely couple, caressing the belly, they appear to have wedding bands —a nuclear family is depicted! This picture could’ve been quite different nowadays….

The photos is purely wishful thinking and not accurate with today’s times but PC as one could get.
The female would be much younger,and the marraige thing wouldnt even come into play.
I doubt they will even need to unlock the men’s restroom for this event.

I’d hope that anyone of any race or color can show up and be treated equally and receive any support they need. If they reject you because you don’t reach a race qualification, then that’s a problem for John Muir who is sponsoring this, and I grantee that won’t be forgotten. Overall it’s a bad message that separates everyone so hope that is cleared up.


So it will be just the ladies with their soon to be babies with them?
They will have their mom with them too maybe…..

@ James-
You are walking on some very thin ice.

@ The Professor

James is calling a spade a spade…

I agree with the other comments on here. Isn’t that being racist? Shame on them. What if there was a baby shower for whites, or Latinos ( isn’t that discriminatory)? Shame on John Muir Health! This should be on the news as it’s just as blatant as any other racial bias.

Keeping people separated is part of the game a certain political party needs to play to win.
This is so wrong.


Blatantly racist. Disgusting.

Let’s just forget about how Racist this is.

Let’s just open our Hearts and give to all the people in this world that are struggling.
Even if it’s a $5.00 gift card. we can make a difference.
PLease be kind

If you just forget how racist it is and support it. Aren’t you just contributing and supporting racism? Be kind, by ignoring racism?

10th annual – yet no one has ever heard of this before? Were the previous 9 AA Showers held in the 1940s? So much for all their talk about inclusiveness.

I beleive they lied about it being “the 10th’ to make it look acceptable.

If you’ll want to see segregation, check out Mt. Diablo Unified School district. They will be having a only Black extravaganza night ! Coming from a district that claims to promote equality for everyone. They need to stop with this division. Clark you and you board are sick. Where is the White extravaganza night? Or the Latino, Asian night ? BTW parents if your kid is not black don’t expect them to take you serious when you have an issue. Vote them all out.

Easier to vaccinate if they’re all together.

Get your baby blanket and 4th booster at the same time.

If it’s in a community, for a community it should be for anyone in that community. Once you brake down your community by race, the community is no longer a community. It’s divided and separated and the opposite of bring a community together. Doesn’t matter what the majority is, once you start telling people who live in the community, are not part of the community. It’s starts falling apart.

As a community shouldn’t we welcome babies of all pigments, hues, shades and backgrounds together? Starting out in life limited in contact and influence to just one segment of society based on race is not a good way to build bridges among younger members of society.

All lives matter.

Take out African American and replace it with Caucasian.
There would be a real problem. Total BS that this is being marketed in this fashion

This is Racism.

Do we have to prove our AA-ness? If a pregnant Hispanic woman is in need of Community Resources, can she participate?

Do not divide us by our melanin; divide us by our needs. Every pregnant WOMAN (that’ll soon be a debate) needs support.

Love All of Us.

John Muir is a Sponsor! WE should all be raising hell to them and to the organizer!

Yes, please go protest in front of the hospital. Preferably go do it at 5PM in the 100 deg heat. We’ll all support you 😂

This event is purely educational put on by an organization that’s mission is to improve the health and wellness of diverse communities.

From the website:

Black babies die twice the rate of other babies before they reach their first birthday. African-American women die three times the rate of any other race from preventable labor and delivery complications.

Improving the pregnancy and birth outcomes of African–American women continues to be a goal of A More Excellent Way Health and several collaborating agencies. We provide assistance to Solano County families by promoting the importance of early and culturally humble prenatal care, safety, and community support to improve their pregnancy outcomes.

This event has received funding from John Muir Health. It is free of charge and will include Zoom health and education workshops and a drive-thru health and resource fair that will include incentives and free food. The baby shower will assist the couples in accessing prenatal, safety, and other health care services and essential supplies.

Sorry to disrupt your outrage, but it isn’t as racist as you want it to be.

It is racist in spite of your attempt to redefine the word.

Agreed. There is also nothing in that poster that states anyone is excluded. To simply say that the event is African American is not exclusionary.

You are talking health care and having healthy baby’s.
When I hear baby shower I think of gifts and and a party. What you are describing is not what the flyer implies. I would assume it was a party for baby donations for new parents who may not be about to afford the basics. They whole thing is poorly done of what you describing is the purpose.

You are talking health care and having healthy baby’s.
When I hear baby shower I think of gifts and and a party. What you are describing is not what the flyer implies. I would assume it was a party for baby donations for new parents who may not be about to afford the basics. They whole thing is poorly done if what you describing is the purpose. Sounds like donations and providing and suppling gifts to only African Americans in the community and not other moms. Of that’s not the case, the flyer needs to be removed.

You are talking health care and having healthy baby’s.
When I hear baby shower I think of gifts and a party. What you are describing is not what the flyer implies. I would assume it was a party for baby donations for new parents who may not be able to afford the basics. They whole thing is poorly done if what you are describing is the purpose. Sounds like donations and providing and suppling gifts to only African Americans in the community and not other moms. If that’s not the case, the flyer needs to be removed.



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