Home » Five Arrested For Allegedly Stealing Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Beauty Products, Ramming Cop Car – One Suspect Was Wanted In Contra Costa County

Five Arrested For Allegedly Stealing Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Beauty Products, Ramming Cop Car – One Suspect Was Wanted In Contra Costa County


Five suspects were arrested on Monday on suspicion of robbing two Ulta Beauty stores of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and leading law enforcement on a vehicle and foot chase, the Petaluma Police Department said.

Petaluma Police received a call at 7:02 p.m. on Monday regarding a robbery at the Ulta Beauty store at 401 Kenilworth Dr. Officers learned that five suspects had entered the store and filled large bags with fragrances.

When store security attempted to intervene, they were allegedly assaulted by one of the suspects. The suspects fled the store with the merchandise and got into a newer white Range Rover with tinted windows, police said.

The vehicle was not located but a broadcast went out to local law enforcement.


At 7:26 p.m., an Ulta Beauty store in Santa Rosa reported a similar robbery at its 2080 Santa Rosa Ave location. During the robbery, a suspect allegedly punched and threatened the security guard. Police say that the thieves fled in the same vehicle described in the previous robbery; the Range Rover had the wrong plates on it and was stolen, police said.

A Santa Rosa police officer spotted the Range Rover traveling southbound on Interstate Highway 101 and the California Highway Patrol followed the vehicle as it entered the Petaluma city limits. CHP attempted to make a traffic stop but the Range Rover failed to yield, the agency said. The vehicle took the Lakewood offramp and Petaluma Police entered the pursuit to assist.

The Range Rover eventually entered the RiverFront Community but the area has no outlet. In an attempt to backtrack, the vehicle rammed into an occupied Petaluma Police vehicle, which caused major damage to the front of the suspects’ vehicle and deflated a tire.

The car came to a stop on Hopper Street and the suspects exited the vehicle and fled, with four of the five suspects jumping a fence and running over railroad tracks and toward the fence line of an adjacent business.


Police employed a K-9 unit which hopped the fence and made contact with two of the suspects, which were taken into custody. A third suspect was apprehended before jumping the fence. The fourth suspect hid on a roof but was apprehended. The fifth suspect led officers on a foot chase but gave up and was arrested.

One of the suspect was treated for dog bite puncture wounds and released, the other suspect only sustained damage to his clothing, police said.

Joshua Wilson, 21, of San Jose was identified as being the alleged driver of the Range Rover. The other suspects are Dwayne Huntly, 20, of Hayward; Dejorna Whitney, 19, of Richmond, and two minors aged 15 and 16 from San Francisco and Oakland.

Police allege that Wilson provided a false name upon arrest and had three outstanding warrants in three counties: Sonoma, Contra Costa and Santa Clara. His warrants were related to theft, resisting arrest and providing false identification to a police officer. Police also allege that one minor and Huntly also provided false names.


The second minor suspect allegedly tried to escape their handcuffs and kicked an officer.

Thousands of dollars worth of beauty products were allegedly found in the Range Rover, police said.

Four officers received minor injuries during the altercations.

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Should of let the Police K9 have a little more fun with all five of these clowns. A missed opportunity for some live training. I’m sure we’ll be hearing from these knuckleheads again and again and again.

Send in the Fur Missile to cause collateral damage!!!

Good job LE! … now prosecutors, don’t let them off the hook, throw the book at ’em! Full extent of the law!

Wow from all over the Bay area. What do they do commute every morning. Sounds like they are pretty organized.

How do 5 kids from 5 different towns in 4 counties get together to rob stores in 2 other towns in a 5th county? Is there an app for that too?

Yes there’s an “app” which is assisting them in their Crimes……it’s called Twitter & Facebook

5 people with a life of crime ahead of them.

Why not disclose the alleged minors names?? They participated in an adult crime and one of them kicked an officer! LEO should have kicked him back!
Is this Sonoma County jurisdiction? God forbid if it is! P> Pelosi was treated with special favor by the local DA(?).

Why isn’t there a government program to provide free beauty products to the ugly?

From your lips to Biden’s ears.

Three warrants and they were still letting him out to do it again?

Are these thieves using stolen cars? They must have hijacked the Range Rover. The other day drive by shooters were driving a Lexus. Anyway catching these hoods is the good news story of the day. Hope there is one that can top it.

They sound like high value targets. Lock and load gentlemen.

Nice arrests, but bet that they never see jail or prison time.


Sadly enough these jokers were back on the street before the officer got off their shift.
A better question is what were they do on the street. Sounds like some of them should have already been in jail.
Lock em up and throw away the keys.

Better yet, shoot on sight if they’re running away.

Hang all 5 of them from a nearby tree! Leave them there for a few days to put fear in like-minded scumbags! Then do the same with the next group of captured thieves. It would all stop real soon, I’m sure!
Sorry to be so graphic.

Speaking about local crime, everytime I shop at the Safeway on Willow Pass Rd. I witness people stealing. It’s offense to me that I pay more money for my groceries because of them. It’s beyond upsetting. Where is their community pride. It is always people of color stuffing their back packs and roll away suitcases. It’s always liquor and frozen sea food.

Hang all 5 of them from a nearby tree! Leave them there for a few days to put fear in like-minded scumbags! Then do the same with the next group of captured thieves. It would all stop real soon, I’m sure!
Sorry to be so graphic.

Where did this take place and who is the DA? They are
out already? They need to be behind bars!

Petaluma, and Santa Rosa. Carla Rodriguez is the DA of Sonoma County.

The problem with the current laws on theft is that the repercussions of being convicted and sentenced for commercial burglary or organized retail theft do NOT put fear in the groups of people that are cashing on on this trend. Depending on the county, a person could do one year local at half time or potentially 8 plus years in prison depending on their priors and what counts are charged. Given their age, Id bet they do a low prison sentence such as 16 months SP. But we need to set examples. This cant be allowed in a functional government. If people are allowed to steal, then why should anyone pay for anything. I get it people feel hopeless but this sH%^ has to stop. increase the penalties for theft crimes, revoke the $950 rule and build more prisons and schools

There is no consequence for these people. They’ll be on a short stint of probation and back out there in no time. Plea deals are an absolute joke and do not offer any consequence or accountability whatsoever.



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