Home » Federal Government Reports An Increase In Traffic Deaths

Federal Government Reports An Increase In Traffic Deaths


The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) is calling on the public to help reduce DUIs after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported an increase in traffic deaths across the country.

NHTSA estimates that 9,560 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in the first quarter of 2022. This is an increase of about seven percent compared to the 8,935 fatalities projected for the same quarter in 2021. This marks the highest number of first-quarter fatalities since 2002.

According to NHTSA, drivers are making riskier decisions when they’re behind the wheel. In 2020, 11,654 people died in drunk-driving crashes — a 14 percent increase from 2019.

ABC in partnership with NHTSA, the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), and California Highway Patrol (CHP) is participating in the annual high-visibility Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, which focuses on preventing impaired driving and improving safety for all road users. The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign runs from August 17 to September 5.


“ABC will work with its traffic safety partners and encourage the public to help prevent impaired driving by designating a sober driver,” said ABC Director Eric Hirata.

ABC protects communities through education and by administering prevention and enforcement programs designed to increase compliance with California’s alcoholic beverage laws.

To learn more about ABC programs that help protect communities and prevent alcohol-related harm visit ABC enforcement programs or ABC prevention programs.

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If the “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT” says it …it must be TRUE!!

People driving recklessly and killing innocent people is a truth and reality regardless of what the government says. You’d better hope yourself or someone you care for never meets that end and hears such a callous comment as yours.

The Claycord comment section has quite a bit of negativity, what a great community

I’d like to report that you can’t find a CHP or cop anywhere while speeders fly down highways (especially Hwy 4), and run red lights regularly.

You can save CHP phone #s in your phone ( 707-641-8300 or 800-835-5247 or 925-646-4980 ) and next time you see someone driving dangerously, get their license plate #, vehicle description (color, make, model), location+direction, and call the CHP – they will send a CHP officer to look for them. It’s important to do that especially if you see someone who appears to be driving under the influence.

It’s amazing how many single-vehicle accidents there are, especially on Hwy-4. Even if you think you have no problem texting while driving, buckle up – just in case.

Over the last 10 years or so, it seems to me that more motorists drive like total douchebags.
The evolution of technology in cars and trucks suggests that vehicles are “too safe” and allow drivers to be more inattentive. Some of these include lane maintenance, adaptive cruise control, auto braking, collision avoidance sensors, and cameras. The idiot behind the wheel doesnt have to pay as much attention than before all these technologies were made available.

Some years ago, Martin Swig, the famed San Francisco auto enthusiast and collector wrote an article on why disk brakes contributed to the increase in auto accidents. In short, drivers no longer have to plan ahead to stop and most drivers have no idea as to the limits of their machinery or their own abilities, as they’ve likely never been tested. Apparently, he was a visionary.

Perhaps a piece of medical technology that was introduced late 2020 and available in 2021 might have something to do with an increase in traffic accidents.

Make taxis free if you’re drunk then. You give enough money to undocumented people and the homeless. I’m sure you can afford it govt.

I would guess many of these are people texting while driving. And I don’t need a federal gumment telling me how it is. I am not blind while driving on the roads/freeways.

A fellow wrote that because he is a Veterinarian, he can drive like an animal.

I had no idea there were so many Proctologists in the world today.

May also be due to something else other than texting or reckless driving if you know what I mean and I think you do. But don’t expect the corporate press to info you about it.

Well, it is apparent that the ABC, CHP, and NHTSA educational and enforcement efforts arent working.

It s a general lack of respect for human life that has taken over the workd like an epidemic.. Dogs are now valued more than human beings and there is no respect for the law. On a happy note…Karma will find them.



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