Home » Newsom Announces $4.7B Mental Health Bill For State’s Youth

Newsom Announces $4.7B Mental Health Bill For State’s Youth


Gov. Gavin Newsom this week announced a new plan to overhaul California’s mental health system for children.

The state’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health lays out proposals to increase access to mental health and substance abuse services, including adding 40,000 new workers in mental health fields. The overhaul of the state’s mental health system in recent years comes with a price tag of $4.7 billion, according to the governor’s office.

The plan comes as new school years are beginning and children nationally are reporting symptoms of anxiety and depression at record rates, Newsom’s office said. Those considering or attempting suicide are also at high levels.

Newsom’s office said that in California, about one-third of seventh- and ninth-graders experienced chronic sadness in the 2020-21 school year, while about 42 percent of 11th-graders did, according to the California Healthy Kids Survey. Suicide rates from 2019 to 2020 in California also increased by 20 percent.


“Mental and behavioral health is one of the greatest challenges of our time. As other states take away resources to support kids’ mental health, California is doubling down with the most significant overhaul of our mental health system in state history,” Newsom said.

“We’re investing billions of dollars to ensure every California child has better access to comprehensive mental health and substance use services. The Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health is premised on a very simple belief: every single kid deserves to have their mental health supported. That’s the California Way – putting our kids first,” he said.

The plan, which is aimed at increasing access to mental health resources and services for anyone 25 years old or younger, is expected to boost coverage options and public awareness of mental health issues. Newsom hopes that the plan will allow all youth to be routinely screened and treated for mental health issues.

The additional 40,000 new workers are expected to boost the resources available to young Californians, in addition to the funding and creation of new virtual platforms with resources.


Newsom’s office said that parts of the plan are already in place, including the Children’s Mental Health Resource Hub, which outlines resources for children and parents, including access to hotlines like the Youth Crisis Line and CalHOPE, a hotline for emotional support due to the pandemic, and informational guides on suicide and depression warning signs. The hub can be accessed at https://www.chhs.ca.gov/childrens-mental-health-resources/.

The plan comes alongside Newsom’s signing of Assembly Bill 2508, led by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva, D-Fullerton, that defines the roles of school counselors and the importance of mental health support.

California’s Master Plan for Kids’ Mental Health also calls for the state to provide Medi-Cal coverage for parent-child services, expand treatment opportunities at clinics and train teachers in mental health issues, Newsom said.

The governor’s office said that the mental health overhaul plan will work in conjunction with previous investments to bolster the state’s mental health care system, including $4.1 billion on a community schools strategy, $5 billion on a Medi-Cal initiative, CalAIM, for low-income kids and $1.4 billion to build a more diverse healthcare workforce.


Newsom announced the plan Thursday at McLane High School in Fresno, where he commended the school district’s expansion from 50 mental health workers to 200 over the past decade.

Senior Aliyah Barajas commended the plan’s announcement.

“I truly believe every student would benefit from a connection with a mental health counselor and I am hopeful we will continue to see a positive change from investments in social emotional support for our students and I know Governor Gavin Newsom can provide students with the much needed resources to successfully navigate life,” Barajas said.

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Where are they going to find 40,000 new mental health care workers? Do we have that many kids with mental health problems?

yes we do. Soon everyone will be on meds of some kind. The new generation is very scary.Self absorbed and they all think they are
headed in the right direction with social media/phone addictions/
Even little children can’t function without their phones, no more toys. books or dolls needed anymore, just blue light in their tiny faces.

When my kids were young I got rid of the television for about five years. After they were finished with Bert and Ernie it was gone. My friends talked about Monday night football and I had no idea what they were about. However once they were in High School I got a TV. I came home early one day and the three of them were watching a soap opera. Couldn’t believe it.

Easy, Ricardoh. The $.7 goes to programs and youth. The $4 billion goes to buy employees that will continue to vote for you… bigger Government works… for the Government.
And the 40,000 ‘workers’ 😉 …. they are all in school right now…. with a firm promise of a job, in exchange for their votes…. See?

I truly believe that every California Democrat politician would possibly benefit from a connection with a mental health counselor so they can successfully navigate life in the real world…

So he caused a lot of the mental anguish these kids are facing by his lockdowns. Now he is trying to help them, but unfortunately I think this is a political stunt by Newscum.

The only actions by Newsom ever, are political stunts.

Gavin hasn’t figured out most people think he’s daft, or as they say,“mad as a hatter”.

It’s even crazier his party is contemplating running him in 2024. Remember he’s the guy who forbids travel to 23 states because they don’t agree with his witless politics.
If you want to be President, why pi** on the shoes of half the county? He obviously has a great deal of confidence on voter fraud.

So true!

You nailed it! Was thinking same thing. He made things worse and now he cares? He doesn’t give a you know what. He’s only looking at a DC run

and then there was the millions he spent on requiring crisis hotlines on the back of student ID cards……

Some school are going digital only ID’s…. Nope no hotlines….

Send them to a good church, including the politicians.

If adults and these politicians would quit trying to force adult issues onto young kids a lot of these problems would go away. Let them be kids and have there innocence and enjoy there childhood. By 16 they have been exposed to so much crap it’s amazing any of them make it out of those years with any problems

Just like Joe created the high gas prices, inflation, etc., then takes credit when prices drop.

Didn’t Kaiser mental health nurses go on strike last week because they didn’t have enough therapists?

If the state pays better Kaiser may have no therapists.

In related news the CA Legislation quietly killed the bill which would have allowed suing social media companies for addicting kids to their endless feeds and the social anxiety the platforms cause kids

“the plan will allow all youth to be routinely screened and treated for mental health issues.” Even if they don’t have any issues.

“train teachers in mental health issues”

The same teachers they train to teach kindergartners about critical race theory and changing sexes?

Are we doomed yet?

He was the cause of so much pain and anguish for the children. Keeping schools and churches locked down to get federal funds for CA. Causing division between vax vs non vax – mask vs no masks . All so he could get richer in blood money… had to see my aunt and cousin at separate times die Alone for a fake pandemic …
They say every generation has its war I guess this is ours …

Agree with you 100%. I am sorry for your aunt & cousin. I feel your pain because my dad was alone in hospital at his final moments. My heart goes out to you

This is a political ploy! Everything Newsom does is for political gain. He can taste the presidency! And he thinks the country is just waiting for him. (He has to rude awakening, as the country does not want him to do to them what he’s done to California)

It is real sad that he included in his speech at the Fresno school about how great he is(???)!! (Me thinks that the same mental issues Pelosi is experiencing is inherited!!)
Newsom is trolling for votes through the Hispanic kids in the Fresno area. What a evil tactic and that Barajas is just gushing…!!

Here’s a suggestion for use of this funding:
Each school needs at least one full time, dedicated counselor, in addition to a psychologist and a nurse. Middle schools and high schools should have one full time counselor per grade level at the school, elementary schools should each have one full time counselor. This should be a statewide, mandatory requirement. I’m an elementary school teacher, and the need is now greater than ever.

I’m really curious – what would be the role of this full time counselor? Are they supposed to be the shoulder to cry on? The motivational speaker? Some sort of a social worker/police officer to deal with students’ disruptive behavior?
“The need is now greater than ever” – for what exactly? It’s the same problem as with Newsom’s bill – students are experiencing chronic sadness, so we need to hire 40,000 shrinks. And get the students hooked on so-called “mental health care”, the only purpose of which is not to teach them how to deal with their emotional problems, but to make them into permanent customers padding the deep pockets of the “mental health care” system.

How about we ask first – why are students experiencing chronic sadness (presumably more than ever before)? May be for once we need to go for the cause rather than the symptom?

Step 1: Exacerbate the mental health crisis among young people by privileging public sector employees over kids’ well-being.

Step 2: Claim to help address the huge problem you caused by hiring tons more public sector employees.

Gosh, what’s the pattern here???

A stay at home parent would greatly relieve mental health issues. Also, a curriculum that focuses on classic education. This would focus young children on the glory of this great nation and the power of math and science. This focusing on feelings and sex is disturbing young minds. Physical activities are also a must. Hiking, running, sports. Very important for young minds. Group activities such as dancing, Square, Line, Reel. All that old-fashioned stuff.

I was of the impression that this idiot had aspirations for 2024??!!! Are all the vacuum-headed Californians boosting him for 2024 in place of “Brandon” and Kamal Harris??
The seemingly only alternative to escape the Demos is to move to another country!! The USA is doomed if this idiot become POTUS. No state is safe once the Demos get the majority!!

My understanding is Russia is the freest country in the world at this moment. Free of global warming BS. Free of homeless and drug abuse. Plenty of booze. No drunk driving. No sex grooming, CRT, Antifa, BLM. Arson.

But not exactly a California climate. Moving to Russia would be like moving to Canada climate wise. 😄

And there you go Captain Bebops. It’s the climate that keeps us here.

On the other hand if everything goes electric, we can expect bigger and longer blackouts… restricted bathing and No AC for gods sake!

I barely run my AC. The shingles keep the heat out but unfortunately they also do that in the winter.

didn’t read the article, didn’t have to. Amazing how these politicians, including oily headed sleazeball newsom, throw taxpayer money around in billions now, without hesitation. complete irresponsibility with the product of the blood, sweat and tears of producers in this state.

I don’t know how he can look at himself in the mirror everyday. He ruined the lives of so many children, the isolation was horrific and very damaging to our youth.

Time for voters to decide how their tax dollars are spent because these politicians have no clue.

Lock down our kids and wonder why they have mental health issues.

Stop making kids absolutely miserable with boring school and homework subject matter that they don’t care about

It’s interesting (and telling) that many of the “We have a mental health crisis not a gun crisis” people are also opposed to getting people help with mental health.

Chuq has permission to get help for TDS and other serious mental health issues.

Yet our schools only have counseling once a month, what a joke. Hire counselors on every campus.

Oh boy! ‘nother democrat tax & spend feel-good program crafted to make you feel good. Are you feeling good yet?
Now, as payback for favors, some overpaid unqualified appointee will be directed to scramble and come up with the solution to the problem they created.
How ’bout now…….are you feeling better now?

Yeah … that’s the ticket … more SSRIs for the young people … that’s the ticket … great work Team Newscum !!!



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