Home » The Water Cooler – DUI Checkpoints Or DUI Saturation Patrols? Which One Is Better?

The Water Cooler – DUI Checkpoints Or DUI Saturation Patrols? Which One Is Better?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it!

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon!

Today’s question:


QUESTION: Which one do you think is better and more efficient? DUI Checkpoints (where cops stop everyone at a checkpoint) or DUI Saturation Patrols (where cops drive around looking for drunk drivers)?

Talk about it….

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Kinda like way Clayton PD does it.

Don’t have a front plate, you get pulled over.
Don’t use your turn signal, you may get pulled over.

Drive on the wrong side of the road, FURRR SURE
you get pulled over.

THANK YOU, Clayton PD ! ! ! !

Patrols if they patrol in the right places and the right times (2AM)


Stop everyone at checkpoints and at the same time look for stolen Rolex’s 🙂

Cop: “Is that a Glock in your pants? Or are you happy to see me?”

Neither one seems to yield much in results. Concord just conducted a saturation patrol and only busted one person. Cops are supposed to be trained in how to spot people driving under the influence, but seem to have a difficult time doing it. I’m not a cop, and I’ve never been trained in how to spot them, but I see questionable drivers all the time. If I was a cop, I’d be having a field day pulling them over.
We don’t need checkpoints or saturation patrols, what we need are cops that give a damn, and do the job they were hired to do, patrol the streets and neighborhoods. They aren’t paying attention to their surroundings, and they are not stopping people that look suspicious. I see cops everyday driving around with their nose in their cell phones, and not looking up at the people around them. Police are exempt from the cell phone while driving law, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be paying attention. I see people running stop signs and red lights right under their nose, but that nose is buried in a cell phone.
If the police were serious about catching drunk drivers, they’d be hanging out near the bars at closing time. I’d bet a week’s pay, that just about every person exiting a bar at closing time and gets behind the wheel, is above .08.
Somehow, I have a feeling that a lot of cops don’t like all the time involved with making a DUI arrest. If the vehicle has to be impounded, the cop has to hang around waiting for the tow truck to arrive, and tow the vehicle. Then there’s administering a breath test, or getting a medical person to draw their blood, then there’s all the paper work that needs to be filled out. It could probably take up to an hour just to make an arrest.
Of course, I don’t speak of every cop, there are some cops that do an outstanding job.

Saturation seems to violate less of people’s rights, from what I understand about it.

I hope the objective of either is not to make arrests, but rather to discourage eedjits from driving when they’re incompetent. Police should not operate on a quota system for arrests, but rather should be credited for crimes and horrendous behavior that does NOT happen on their watch. Likewise they should be given demerits for crimes that DO occur. (that should include “suicide by cop”, as well as innocent bystanders shot by cops who can’t shoot straight – but those are other discussion topics)

I know that’s not The American Way these days, but I can hope we might move that direction

I think check pts are better if they didn’t tell everyone where they’re going to be and what time their there.
So let tell everyone we’re going to be on Clayton Rd at 10pm so if you’ve been drinking make sure you take Concord, Bl.


SCOTUS ruled that checkpoints must be announced in advance in order for them to be an acceptably mild violation of the 4th Amendment. You know, for the public good, etc….



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