Home » PG&E Offers Tips For Saving Energy During Today’s Flex Alert

PG&E Offers Tips For Saving Energy During Today’s Flex Alert


PG&E has tips for customers to save energy and contribute to reduced energy demand between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. Wednesday as hot weather indirectly increases the potential for blackouts.

Especially hot weather means residents will be turning on air conditioning in the late afternoon and when they return from work. This adds stress to the state power grid and, along with other energy use, could cause power outages.

For that reason, the California Independent System Operator, which manages electricity over the state’s high-voltage transmission lines, has called for a Flex Alert for Wednesday, asking residents to conserve energy especially between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.

PG&E urges residential customers to avoid using large appliances such as dishwashers and washers and dryers between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. For businesses, shutting off computers at the end of the workday can have a big impact, PG&E spokesperson Tamar Sarkissian said.


“This is something that all Californians can help with,” Sarkissian said, noting that small contributions can make a big difference.

Businesses that want to help can turn off any office equipment not currently in use, use sleep or power saving modes when possible, and enable power management settings.

PG&E officials also encourage businesses to fully turn off printers and copiers at the end of the day and, if possible, turn them off at the power strip.

At home, Sarkissian also urges customers to turn off unnecessary lights, keep out the heat by closing shades on the sunny side of the home and set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher if health permits.


PG&E has programs that allow large businesses to save or earn money by changing their energy use. These programs are called demand response programs and more information can be found at https://www.pge.com/ under the large business tab.

Programs for residential customers can be found also at pge.com under the residential tab and “Save Energy and Money” tab.

“We also urge our customers to stay safe during this extreme heat,” Sarkissian said.

Cooling centers set up by PG&E are available in some areas and cities and counties are also opening centers for residents.

Sarkissian said the California Independent System Operator is not planning any rolling blackouts Wednesday, and PG&E is not planning a public safety power shutoff.

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CHP advises that driving with your headlights off does not save electricity… I’m not sure how not using electricity does not save electricity, but they just said “KEEP ‘EM ON!”

You do realize you just broke, thousands of liberal minds.

I am always focused on that goal OG.
It’s time for me to do what I have been doing and that time is every day!

Move out of CA also works.

Just don’t move to Texas thinking you’re going to a place with reliable power.. Last year’s winter storm extended power outage showed how screwed up their power grid is. Yes, it’s even worse than California’s.

If half the people would stop using electric dryers and air-dried their laundry … there would be no energy issues!

But the neighborhood would look all ghetto and there would be spiders and bird poo on the dry laundry.
No thanx!

Better yet, provide the electricity and service that people need. PG&E steals enough money from its customers similar to California stealing from its taxpayers and not providing services.

I wonder if Gavin will be reelected if the entire power grid craps out?

Green Bankrupt

‘Governor Newsom Issues Proposal to Keep Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Running Into 2030s’
caglobe https://tinyurl.com/yr7swpns

Gotta have something producing power on hot days when sun sets and wind is calm.

Why is there a flex alert today?

How much electricity would be saved if men used straight razors instead of electric razors, if women stopped blow-drying their hair, and if everybody ditched their cell phones for an old rotary phone? Stores can even go back to the good old-fashioned cash register.

Incidentally, this was meant to be whimsical.


The weather “experts” were predicting 100° or more in the inland valleys. It barely cracked 90°.

It goes to show these “experts'” forecast models can be wrong… just like the gloom and doom climate change/ global warming forecasts.

The recent study out of UCLA is a prime example how researchers who conduct these studies cherry-pick data to draw their biased conclusion!!!!… their baseline climate data was only from 1996 to 2005!!!

I am partly to blame…. I had the AC on full blast and absentmindedly left a window open.

@Dr.Jellyfinger….”absentmindedly”….is there any other way now?… pretty much on autopilot for most everything.

Boy of boy … I remember the summer of 1978 …now that was newsworthy heat … it was above 110f for a few days … first time I ever fired an egg on the pavement … what’s all the hubbub about for these 100f days??? I just don’t get it … sighhhh

@Jojothecircusclown…It might have been that year I fried my nuts on the frame of a HD riding around town.

I’ll never give up my Lava Lamps and my blacklight poster room! My McIntosh MC3500 tube amps don’t even come alive until at least 8 on the volume dial, that’s a no-deal situation.

Yet, the government wants more houses built (tax traps), to put us in electric cars, and is outlawing gas appliances in new homes. Right! It has to be by design. No one is that stupid!



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