Home » State Of California Launches Program Giving Kids Cash For College

State Of California Launches Program Giving Kids Cash For College


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Another liberal bright idea to get more votes, and it’s not free money unless those in charge are giving it away out of their own pocket. California’s taxpayers are paying for it.


Just when you call them crazy they go berzerk.

Hey Newscum, these kids can’t vote yet, so buying their votes now will not help you.

This is so stupid! Community colleges are already dirt cheap. If you want more than that, go to a trade school, university, get your scholarships, grants or take out a loan. All this is, is more handouts … more and more handouts. When does a Californian have to start earning their own way again?

Since it’s college, these gifts we are funding won’t identify as subsidies. But tuition will still rise accordingly, and quality of “education” will continue to Circle The Drain (CTD).

A very pointless exercise indeed.

Why now ? ? ?

LESS than ninety days before an election.

Can you say vote buying ? ? ?

California DEM politicians and their unelected bureaucrats are so predictable.

If it’s free, you’re the product.

Do we get to declare these pro-rated dependents on our tax returns?

Free (taxpayer provided) school meals for kids who dump them in trash cans. Our taxes will pay for student loan forgiveness, thanks to Joe. Now this, too! Yup, keep voting for the greaseball. His aunt Nancy knows you are dumb as a rock.

The media that reports these stories really do believe there’s such a thing as free cash coming from the government.

How absurd is this!!! This will do basically nothing for these kids except maybe buy the lunch in 18+ year. One more step in California’s path to complete socialism and this idiot NewScum thinks he can be President some day. Guess again…

I’m sorry but it’s well-proven that free money teaches nothing

This isn’t new. All my friends and I received free college tuition and stipend through pell grant and cal. I know a few people who didn’t qualify for free money but took out subsidized student loan; yet they took advantage of the student loan forgiveness which has been going on since 2007, and now are debt free. There are free money out there, you just need to find it.

@Paul….. Obviously you didn’t learn a basic life lesson with your “free” college education….Nothing in life is free.

Notice how there’s no mention of any career or even a job gained?
You got paid to go to school.End of story.
And now you don’t even need to pay it back.

This country has been spawning professional students for decades,They wind up flipping burgers,or living with mom,or both.



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