The Contra Costa County Office of the Public Defender and the Contra Costa County Health, Housing, and Homeless Services Department have secured a $6 million grant from the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) to dramatically expand the Holistic Intervention Partnership (HIP) over the next three years.
HIP launched as a pilot program in June 2020 and knits together an integrated, multidisciplinary team of public agencies and community-based organizations.
The HIP team is committed to providing support to those involved in the criminal legal system in order to improve outcomes for indigent Contra Costa County residents who struggle with mental illness, substance dependence, and homelessness.
This expanded funding will also include significant dedicated funds to preserve or provide housing for the estimated 35% of Public Defender clients who are homeless or at risk of being homeless.
Yay, my tax dollars at work…
I love this kind of sentence that says nothing. Sounds like Kamila talking.
“HIP launched as a pilot program in June 2020 and knits together an integrated, multidisciplinary team of public agencies and community-based organizations”.
and yes, it’s like Kamala Harris talking and saying nothing.
Here is another one. How about jail that is housing. Three hots and a cot is better then stealing and begging and doing drugs. If convicted it can go as time served.
“This expanded funding will also include significant dedicated funds to preserve or provide housing for the estimated 35% of Public Defender clients who are homeless or at risk of being homeless”.
Glad I wasn’t the only person who was questioning the genius there..
“Oh you poor soul you BROKE THE LAW, here’s some housing outside of jail…you sad and lost soul”.
I wonder where they get this isht.
Holistic Intervention Partnership?
What a load of rotten turnips.
What the hell is going on with society.Spending all this money on people who will never change.I think it’s all about making up jobs and spending tax dollars.Who the hell would want to work and become a productive citizen with all this free crap these people are getting.Put a shovel or tool in these peoples hands and make them earn there way.This country is enabling these people.
We have had Holistic Intervention Partnerships for a long time. Long ago, scofflaws were immediately taken from the courthouse to the hanging tree and strung up.Once dead they were recycled into the ground. Jails were small and never overcrowded. It was very much a Holistic Intervention Partnership.
CA debt –
$545, 541, 100, 999.00
$14,000.00 per citizen
Just put this BS on our tab?
Word salad for socialism, aka a money pit. Commit them, mandate rehab and/or teach them to be accountable and responsible, then you’ll see some real changes…
What are the performance metrics for determining whether this socialist program is “successful”?
That concept would suggest looking at outcomes, which could adversely affect next years funding.
GD this state knows how to waste money
What a joke! This is again, absolute b.s. from the county idiots.
Too bad Nothing is being spent on Defense.
It won’t matter how “WOKE” you all are once China attacks and invades. You imbeciles deserve it. Too bad the rest of us have to suffer.
I don’t think CA or the county is responsible for defense. That’s a Fed issue.
More “feel good”, liberal, double talk. Stop feeding the feral population.
Putting out cat food does not result in less stray cats coming around.
Anyone else notice the new feral community out by Highway 4? He has a washing machine!!! Last week he had an exercise bike!!!
Stop giving them handouts!!!!!
I’m begging
What about the victims of these criminals?
fix the potholes
… another $6M of our taxpayer dollars down the drain….. we need to vote them out
Well I don’t really agree with this program, it is not taxpayer money. It is a grant which comes from donations from private individuals and organizations.
No matter where the money comes from, this is a program to keep criminal vagrants out of jail.
It only makes matters worse.
Holistically send them back to San Francisco.
So I get to do my drugs and get my own home? That’s why half of the illegal campers live in California.
Buzzwords. All “words of the day”. Do they really know what they are doing?