Home » MDUSD To Hold Teacher Hiring Event On Thursday July 21

MDUSD To Hold Teacher Hiring Event On Thursday July 21


In an effort to be fully staffed by August 11 (MDUSD’s first day of school), the Mt. Diablo Unified School District will be hosting a certificated hiring event on July 21 from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. at the district offices.

They ask that candidates apply for a position and sign-up for an interview time before attending the event.

All the details are shown above.


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Take your kids out of this broken district until the board is replaced with normal people not easily influenced by the woke grifter class of sub human filth. Only when the district goes belly up will you have the opportunity to get quality teachers who want to help your kids succeed in the world. Anyone they hire will dangerously undermine you as a parent. Time to change things around here.

You should run for school board if you want a new direction.

We’re not there yet. I don’t have a doctorate in race and gender victimhood or an obsession with children’s sexual orientations. Adam clark and cherise khaund will destroy themselves soon enough.

Sam you are 100% right. The problem is most parents don’t want to be bothered with their kids’ education. The ones that do care send their kids to private schools.

Got a bone to pick? MDUSD is one of the better districts around.

A bone to pick? Let me get my 1930s tuff guy slang book out and figure out what you’re asking..
Yes, I have lots of “bones to pick” with this school district. That’s why I said what I said. Duh

Sam. You’re right. It’s far too difficult to stop complaining about and actually try to change something. It is far more effective to come on Claycord and cry about stuff you disagree with.

@MDUSD Parent
How do you know that Sam HASN’T tried to change something? How do you know that he wasn’t arrested at a school board meeting, trying to do JUST THAT? I also have a lot of “bones” but I’m not running for the school board, as you suggested. I’m a taxpaying United States citizen……. which gives me the right to complain all I want. Neener neener neener.

I pay taxes and live in society with these knuckleheads the district is paid to educate. I will say whatever I want whenever I want. I’m not crying. You think I’m crying? I’m instructing people concerned to take action for their kids and give them a better life..that’s all

To do list.

Here is the standard the teacher could be addressing with the video.

Students analyze issues of international trade and explain how the U.S. economy affects, and is affected by, economic forces beyond the United States’s borders.
1. Identify the gains in consumption and production efficiency from trade, with empha­ sis on the main products and changing geographic patterns of twentieth-century trade among countries in the Western Hemisphere.
2. Compare the reasons for and the effects of trade restrictions during the Great Depres­ sion compared with present-day arguments among labor, business, and political leaders over the effects of free trade on the economic and social interests of various groups of Americans.

Calling all liberals, minorities, and the LGBTQ to apply.

An autonomous North Gate district wouldn’t have this problem.

Your post makes me wonder if you are going to apply?

If not, then stop complaining about teachers.

@mdusd parent

MDUSD supports the domestic terrorism organization BLM. I would think educators would steer clear of politics. Especially when there is not one statistic that supports BLM. So much for teachers being smart and doing there research.
I went down to the main office to talk to someone about BLM being plastered on the school message boards in front of all the MDUSD schools and they were not interested in what I had to say. All I was told was there is an internal struggle. It looks like the WOKE won.
I would run for the school board but you can’t reason with WOKE and it’s nice watching a sinking ship.
When I went to school in the MDUSD they taught you how to think not what to think.

Shove off. People want to make things better, but here you are just being terrible to everyone. We are for sure allowed to complain about all the bad teachers and how horribly MDUSD is run. We can advocate without running. That is also how politics work, right? And, we are all paying to fund these institutions, so WE get to advocate and decide how things will work.

Until the district is broken up, administration is replaced, teachers go back to tracing basics and the BS curriculum (CRT and common core), I will never support MDUSD.


Frankly the District putting their abysmal track record back to the parents is tiresome. We know who volunteers and funds MDUSD. It is so frustrating trying to hold MDUSD accountable for their sub-par performance, when compared to other local districts around here with similar demographics. MDUSD comes back with the weak response “just run for School Board.” Isn’t that the job we paying you folks to do? Obviously, people who seriously care about education with the resources to do so, put their kids in private school a long time ago, but we can still dream of a District that offers public schools that are not scored a 1 out 10.

Uh…I think they meant ‘indoctrinator hiring’.

The teaching of Critical Race Theory by the district is why the board needs to be purged. If your children are white they are being called racists and discriminated against every day at school. Why would you put up with that? Cultural Marxism seeks to reverse the racial balance in the country despite whites still being in the majority in most places. Under CM we are supposed to ignore all the very real flaws and shortcomings of blacks in educational achievement and professional development. We are just supposed to “ give them equity” , free stuff and jobs according to quotas not merit. This is what they are looking for here. Just another unqualified group of liberal zealots.

Exactly. This is what I saw during the fake Zoom school. No more. We go to private school now.

A rewrite of “We The People”is needed to make that all fit.

Obama virus

Nowhere in the district is CRT being taught. You can look at the course of study on the district website.

But I get it, it’s easier to repeat what news outlets are saying rather than look into things yourself.

@mdusd parent

They said the same thing in VA. LoL. The parents then found out otherwise by watching the zoom classes. They then protested and the board resigned.
Are you proposing that CA the most liberal state in the country is not on board with CRT?

On the CRT thing, a few years ago there was a regular repeating pattern where someone here would say CRT was not taught, then various parents would give all sorts of examples saying it was taught here, just not called that, then the CRT denier would go silent for a couple of months, and the cycle would be repeated. The parents put lots of outrage and time into the examples, and the denier used only a few sentences to waste their time.


My child took Ethnic Studies at a district high school. My child is white. I was there during zoom class 85% of the days. If any class could or would have a CRT focus it would have been that class and it most certainly did not. CRT is just a fear thing that groups are using to vilify teachers agin.

@MDUSD Parent
No, CRT is NOT just a fear thing, as you stated. Just like antifa is not just a myth, as that lying idiot Nadler stated. Don’t piss in our ears and tell us it’s raining…….we’re not Biden.


Ok. I’ll engage. How do you define CRT. Not what you find on a google search.

What is CRT?

MDUSD: Some of the primary characteristics of CRT is that it is cowardly and evil, lying about its mere existence in schools and constantly asking others to prove things to it. No matter what is offered up, it says that is not it. Quite a gig it has set up for itself and it infiltrates everywhere. Take the US gov/econ class. No race issues, right? Wrong. Instead of learning about Keynesian economics or some such thing, they watch a video where a black woman explains that racism financially harms white people because it lowers economic growth and does psychological harm to whites, along with the none to subtle statement that racism is only one direction from whites to POC and there is no racism without white people. Now’s your predictable response, “Oh, that’s not CRT” in three, two, one. . .

Keynesian economics Is the corner stone of the state standards for economics, I looked them up. I also found a few district Econ teacher’s course outlines and it looks like that is what they are teaching. Granted, I looked up and located a teacher from each high school.

As for a video you speak of and I see why it maybe concerning to some people, but if it is an issue for your child, I direct you to speak to your child’s teacher and ask what standards they are teaching by using the video.

It’s not “Critical race theory” or CRT. It’s critical theory applied to race. It’s post modernism gobbledygook that plays to low IQ neck beaded women and drug addicts.

MDUSD: If I recall correctly, the book used was Glencoe, and looking at it right now, it has pathetically little on economics, but such as it is in its “Economic Theories” section starting on page 26,has 8 paragraphs on capitalism, and 16 paragraphs on socialism/communism. First, why is there twice as much on socialism/communism than capitalism, which gets to SAM’s points about BLM and the influence marxism has on our school system. Keynes is not even in the index. As for complaining, you know that it would be held against the student for us to identify ourselves. Thats how that works.

MDUSD: now another kid, not the one who took the HS economics, but another is saying the Glencoe book I grabbed off the shelf was the middle school book where they read about economics. Either way, why is there twice as much space devoted to socialism/communism than capitalism??????? And again, what on earth does economics have to do with a black woman race shaming white kids in a video on racism being shown to economics students?????

The teachers can have union but I would like to weed out the ineffective teachers. I say those teachers with at least 5 years experience should be ranked on yearly evaluation; those in 10% bottom should be yanked.

That depends on who’s doing the rankings, and what the goals are.

Parents beware! Looks like MDUSD is looking for warm bodies at this point, most good teachers have an assignment by now. If your student has a new to MDUSD teacher, check them out, watch your kids progress, ask questions!

They have only been hiring warm bodies for years now. The new teachers have been underqualified for years.

X high school teacher here. You couldn’t pay me enough to go back. They need teachers really bad – so apply if it interests you.

We need teachers to weigh in here. One has said he said he will never go back, Has the curriculum changed?
Northgate wants to get out – how will that improve the district?
The largest part of our state budget goes to school districts, what is the financial problem?

Make sure they have DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR for 1st graders!

Talking with my Niece. She was an AP Math Teacher 15+ years ago. She was the type teacher who would get awards for her kids scoring high on various tests and such.

This was before Common Core!

Now that her kids are grown, she’s going back in the classroom (not MDUSD).

She got the “New” Texts for the classes… She said “no wonder there are so many complaints about Common Core $h1t!”

She seldom cusses…..

a little off topic for this article, but thought I’d toss it out there…

Common Core, what was that about?
C’mon, the ABCs! That is what school is for and of course showing us how to get along. People would much rather get along than not.
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic so can survive.as knowledgeable people.
And don’t leave out sports and the other extracurriculars plus we need to restore nurses. Again, schools take the most of our state budget and we have a big surplus,

Maybe it’s time to follow the county sheriff model – vote for the teachers.
There would be a whole slate of them in different subjects. Each one could explain why he/she would be the better teacher for your children.

I would be for that, except for one issue….

All candidate statements are prepared by the candidate. As we’ve seen, every politician promises everything/anything and appeals to the emotions. Once elected, they essentially say “f*** you” and go about implementing their plans. Also, just imagine the number of campaign signs you’d see!

Until the voters wake up and develop their critical thinking skills, I don’t think it’ll work.

This is the big night…

I just heard that three of the mdusd board seats are up for election…
They sure seem quiet about it….



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